我正在使用DBI并希望将MySQL WARNINGS的日志记录添加到此脚本中.我能够毫无问题地记录真正的MySQL错误,但此时我需要追踪正在生成的MySQL警告.如果mysql语句失败,我可以将错误的sql语句打印到bad_sql.txt并自动生成一封电子邮件.我需要进行两次更改,而且我真的卡住了
MiscLibs :: MySQL :: MySQLDoCmd,MySQL.pm第564行:
– > UPDATE tbl_xxx_files SET ReloadStart = 123“WHERE(FileName =”image.txt“)< -
# Execute MySQL commands and handle errors
sub MySQLDoCmd ($;$) {
my ($MySQLCmd, $Quite) = @_;
if ( eval { $DBHandle->do($MySQLCmd) } ) {
open (MYFILE2, '>/bb/bin/fa/logs/last_sql_warning.txt');
# trying to write warning to log. As a first pass I was attempting to write
# each statement to the log and include any warnings. What I would like code to
# do is check if there is a warning and only then write that statement to the log.
print MYFILE2 MySQLMakeID() . ": $DBHandle->errstr\n-->$MySQLCmd<--\n";
return 0;
} elsif ( ! $Quite ) {
open (MYFILE, '>>/bb/bin/fa/logs/badsql.txt');
print MYFILE MySQLMakeID() . ": $@\n-->$MySQLCmd<--\n";
#=========SENDS EMAIL ON STATEMENT FAILURE===================
while (my ($addressee, $address) = each (%emailList))
print STDERR "INFO: Sending email to $addressee at address $address\n";
$message =~ s/ADDRESSEE/$addressee/g;
$message =~ s/ERRORREASON/$errMessage/g;
&sendMail($addressee, $address, $message);
$message =~ s/$addressee/ADDRESSEE/g;
$message =~ s/$errMessage/ERRORREASON/g;
return 1;
} else {
return 1;
use strict; # Everything must be defined before it is used
use warnings; # Print warnings
use POSIX; # Provides POSIX functions
use English '-no_match_vars'; # Provides access to English version of builtin variables
use Net::SMTP;
package MiscLibs::MySQL;
use Exporter ();
$VERSION = '1.00';
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT_OK = ( );
@EXPORT = qw(
my %emailList = (
my $errMessage = "error_message";
my $message = "MySQl Query Timed out - check logs/";
sub sendMail()
#not relevant - smtp code
print "EXECUTE: Mail sent successfully\n";
use File::Basename; # Provides basename, dirname and fileparse functions
use Data::Dumper;
use DBI; # Interface to MySQL
my $DBHandle;
my %CacheFieldNameStrings;
my %CacheFieldNameArrays;
my %CacheSizes;
my %CacheFieldValues;
my %CacheDupKeyCmds;
my %ValidateFieldNames;
my $MaxCacheSize = 50;
# Create an ID string for error reporting
sub MySQLMakeID {
my ($package, $filepath, $line, $subroutine, $hasargs,
$wantarray, $evaltext, $is_require, $hints, $bitmask) = caller(1);
$subroutine =~ s/main:://;
my $filename = basename($filepath);
my $id = "$subroutine, $filename line $line";
# print "ID: '$id'\n";
return $id;
# Open MySQL connection and get reference information
sub MySQLOpenConnection (;$) {
my ( $NewMaxCacheSize ) = @_;
my $Database;
my $Host;
my $Port;
my $DSN;
my $User;
my $Password;
my %Options;
if ( defined($NewMaxCacheSize) && ($NewMaxCacheSize > 1) ) { $MaxCacheSize = $NewMaxCacheSize }
$Database = $ENV{MySQLDatabase}; if ( ! defined($Database) ) { $Database = "database" }
$Host = $ENV{MySQLHost}; if ( ! defined($Host) ) { $Host = "host" }
$Port = $ENV{MySQLPort}; if ( ! defined($Port) ) { $Port = 123 }
$DSN = "DBI:mysql";
$DSN = $DSN . ":$Database";
$DSN = $DSN . ";host=$Host";
$DSN = $DSN . ";port=$Port";
$DSN = $DSN . ";mysql_compression=1";
$User = 'user';
$Password = 'pw';
%Options = ( RaiseError => 1 );
$DBHandle = DBI->connect($DSN, $User, $Password, \%Options);
return $DBHandle;
# Close MySQL connection opened above or a handle that is passed
sub MySQLCloseConnection {
if ( $DBHandle ) { $DBHandle->disconnect }
return 0;
sub MySQLCloseHandle ($) {
my ($sh) = @_;
if ( $sh ) { $sh->finish() }
return 0;
# Return a various database handle values and conditions
sub MySQLErrNo () { return $DBHandle->{'mysql_errno'} }
sub MySQLError () { return $DBHandle->{'mysql_error'} }
sub MySQLHostInfo () { return $DBHandle->{'mysql_hostinfo'} }
sub MySQLInfo () { return $DBHandle->{'mysql_info'} }
sub MySQLInsertID () { return $DBHandle->{'mysql_insertid'} }
sub MySQLProtoInfo () { return $DBHandle->{'mysql_protoinfo'} }
sub MySQLServerInfo () { return $DBHandle->{'mysql_serverinfo'} }
sub MySQLStat () { return $DBHandle->{'mysql_stat'} }
sub MySQLThreadID () { return $DBHandle->{'mysql_thread_id'} }
sub MySQLDBDStats () { return $DBHandle->{'mysql_dbd_stats'} }
# Optionally set but always return various database handle values and conditions
sub MySQLAutoReconnect (;$) {
my $val = $_[0];
if ( defined($val) ) { $DBHandle->{'mysql_auto_reconnect'} = $val }
return $DBHandle->{'mysql_auto_reconnect'};
sub MySQLUseResult (;$) {
my $val = $_[0];
if ( defined($val) ) { $DBHandle->{'mysql_use_result'} = $val }
return $DBHandle->{'mysql_use_result'};
# Execute MySQL commands and handle errors
sub MySQLDoCmd ($;$) {
my ($MySQLCmd, $Quite) = @_;
if ( eval { $DBHandle->do($MySQLCmd) } ) {
open (MYFILE2, '>>/bb/bin/fa/logs/last_sql.txt');
#!!!!! trying to write warning to log
print MYFILE2 MySQLMakeID() . ": $DBHandle->errstr\n-->$MySQLCmd<--\n";
return 0;
} elsif ( ! $Quite ) {
open (MYFILE, '>>/bb/bin/fa/logs/badsql.txt');
print MYFILE MySQLMakeID() . ": $@\n-->$MySQLCmd<--\n";
#=========SENDS EMAIL ON STATEMENT FAILURE===================
while (my ($addressee, $address) = each (%emailList))
print STDERR "INFO: Sending email to $addressee at address $address\n";
$message =~ s/ADDRESSEE/$addressee/g;
$message =~ s/ERRORREASON/$errMessage/g;
&sendMail($addressee, $address, $message);
$message =~ s/$addressee/ADDRESSEE/g;
$message =~ s/$errMessage/ERRORREASON/g;
return 1;
} else {
return 1;
# Delete rows from a MySQL table
sub MySQLDeleteRows ($;$) {
my ($Table, $WhereRef) = @_;
my $WhereList;
my $MySQLCmd = 'DELETE FROM ' . $Table;
if ( $WhereRef ) {
$WhereList = BuildLists ('where', $WhereRef);
$MySQLCmd = $MySQLCmd . $WhereList;
return MySQLDoCmd($MySQLCmd);
# Select rows from a MySQL table and return a statement handle
sub MySQLSelectRows ($$;$$) {
my ($What, $Table, $WhereRef, $OrderRef) = @_;
my $MySQLCmd = "SELECT $What FROM $Table";
if ( $WhereRef ) { $MySQLCmd = $MySQLCmd . BuildLists ('Where' , $WhereRef) }
if ( $OrderRef ) { $MySQLCmd = $MySQLCmd . BuildLists ('OrderBy', $OrderRef) }
# print "MySQLSelectRows: MySQLCmd '$MySQLCmd'\n";
my $StmtHandle;
if ( ! eval { $StmtHandle = $DBHandle->prepare($MySQLCmd) } ) {
print STDERR MySQLMakeID() . ": $@\n-->$MySQLCmd<--\n";
return undef;
} elsif ( ! eval { $StmtHandle->execute() } ) {
print STDERR MySQLMakeID() . ": $StmtHandle->errstr\n-->$MySQLCmd<--\n";
return undef;
} else {
return $StmtHandle;
# Return a various statement handle values and conditions
sub MySQLNumOfFields ($) { my ($sh) = @_; return $sh->{'NUM_OF_FIELDS'} }
sub MySQLErrStr ($) { my ($sh) = @_; return $sh->errstr }
sub MySQLGetHashRef ($) { my ($sh) = @_;
if ( my $Ref = $sh->fetchrow_hashref() ) { return $Ref }
else { MySQLCloseHandle($sh); return undef }
sub MySQLGetArray ($) { my ($sh) = @_;
if ( my $Ref = $sh->fetchrow_array() ) { return $Ref }
else { MySQLCloseHandle($sh); return undef }
# Optionally set but always return various statement handle values and conditions
sub MySQLUseResults ($;$) {
my ($sh, $val) = @_;
if ( defined($val) ) { $sh->{'mysql_use_result'} = $val }
return $sh->{'mysql_use_result'};
# Update a row in a MySQL table
sub MySQLUpdateRows ($$;$) {
my ($Table, $SetRef, $WhereRef) = @_;
my $MySQLCmd;
my $SetList;
my $WhereList;
$MySQLCmd = 'UPDATE ' . $Table;
$SetList = BuildLists ('set', $SetRef);
$MySQLCmd = $MySQLCmd . $SetList;
if ( $WhereRef ) {
$WhereList = BuildLists ('where', $WhereRef);
$MySQLCmd = $MySQLCmd . $WhereList ;
# print "MySQLUpdateRows: MySQLCmd '$MySQLCmd'\n";
return MySQLDoCmd($MySQLCmd);
# Truncate a MySQL table
sub MySQLTruncateTable ($) {
my ($Table) = @_;
my $MySQLCmd = 'TRUNCATE TABLE ' . $Table;
return MySQLDoCmd($MySQLCmd);
# The routines below maintain a cache of MySQL values to allow inserting multiple
# rows at a time to improve efficiency
# Add a table to the MySQL Cache
sub MySQLCacheAddTable ($$;$) {
my ( $TableName, $FieldNameArray, $DupKeyCmds ) = @_;
my $DupKeyCmd;
my $FieldName;
my $FieldNameString = '';
for $FieldName ( @$FieldNameArray ) {
if ( $FieldNameString ) { $FieldNameString = $FieldNameString . ',' }
$FieldNameString = $FieldNameString . $FieldName;
$CacheFieldNameStrings{$TableName} = $FieldNameString;
@{$CacheFieldNameArrays{$TableName}} = @$FieldNameArray;
$CacheDupKeyCmds{$TableName} = $DupKeyCmds;
$CacheSizes{$TableName} = 0;
$CacheFieldValues{$TableName} = '';
return 0;
# Add a buffer to the MySQL cache
sub MySQLCacheAddBuffer ($$) {
my ( $TableName, $AddValues ) = @_;
my $FieldName;
my $FieldValue;
my $FieldValues;
my $CacheValues;
if ( ! defined($CacheFieldNameStrings{$TableName}) ) {
print STDERR MySQLMakeID() . ": Table '$TableName' has not been initialized with the 'AddTable' command\n";
return 1;
if ( $CacheSizes{$TableName} >= $MaxCacheSize ) {
# if ( $TableName eq 'tbl_xyz' ) {
# print "Flushing $TableName cache before adding buffer: CacheSize = '$CacheSizes{$TableName}'\n" }
MySQLCacheFlush ($TableName);
$FieldValues = '';
for $FieldName ( @{$CacheFieldNameArrays{$TableName}} ) {
$FieldValue = $AddValues->{$FieldName};
if ( ! defined($FieldValue) ) { $FieldValue = '' } # Make sure value is defined
else { $FieldValue =~ s/(["',\\])/\\$1/g } # Make sure that MySQL special chars are escaped
if ( $FieldValues ) { $FieldValues = $FieldValues . "," }
$FieldValues = $FieldValues . "'" . $FieldValue . "'";
$CacheValues = $CacheFieldValues{$TableName};
if ( $CacheValues ) { $CacheValues = $CacheValues . ',' }
$CacheValues = $CacheValues . '(' . $FieldValues . ')';
$CacheFieldValues{$TableName} = $CacheValues;
# if ( $TableName eq 'tbl_xyz' ) {
# print "Added buffer to $TableName cache: CacheSizes '$CacheSizes{$TableName}', CacheValues '$CacheValues'\n" }
return 0;
# Flush entries from MySQL cache
sub MySQLCacheFlush ($) {
my ( $TableName ) = @_;
my $FlushTable;
my @FlushTables,
my $FieldNames;
my $FieldValues;
my $DupKeyCmd;
my $MySQLCmd;
if ( lc($TableName) eq 'all' ) {
for $FlushTable ( keys(%CacheFieldNameStrings) ) { push @FlushTables, $FlushTable }
} elsif ( ! defined($CacheFieldNameStrings{$TableName}) ) {
print STDERR MySQLMakeID() . ": Table '$TableName' has not been initialized with the 'AddTable' command\n";
return 1;
} else {
push @FlushTables, $TableName;
FlushTable: for $FlushTable ( @FlushTables ) {
$FieldValues = $CacheFieldValues{$FlushTable};
$CacheFieldValues{$FlushTable} = '';
$CacheSizes{$FlushTable} = 0;
if ( ! $FieldValues ) { next FlushTable }
$FieldNames = $CacheFieldNameStrings{$FlushTable};
$DupKeyCmd = $CacheDupKeyCmds{$FlushTable};
#Removed DELAYED after moving to innodb
#$MySQLCmd = "INSERT DELAYED INTO $FlushTable ($FieldNames) VALUES $FieldValues";
$MySQLCmd = "INSERT INTO $FlushTable ($FieldNames) VALUES $FieldValues";
if ( $DupKeyCmd ) { $MySQLCmd = $MySQLCmd . ' ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ' . $DupKeyCmd }
return MySQLDoCmd($MySQLCmd);
sub BuildLists ($$;$) {
my ($Type, $Ref1, $Ref2) = @_;
my $Ref1Type = ref($Ref1);
my $Ref2Type = ref($Ref2);
my $Name;
my $NameList;
my $Value;
my $ValueList;
my %Fields;
my $RtnVal;
$Type = lc($Type);
my $TypeIndex = index('values set where orderby', $Type);
# print "Type '$Type', TypeIndex '$TypeIndex', Ref1Type '$Ref1Type', Ref1 '$Ref1'\n";
if ( $TypeIndex < 0 ) {
print STDERR MySQLMakeID() . ": $Type is not a a valid type. Use 'values', 'set' or 'where'\n";
return $RtnVal;
} elsif ( $Ref1Type eq '' ) {
if ( $Type eq 'values' ) {
$RtnVal = '(' . $Ref1 . ') VALUES (' . $Ref2 . ')';
} elsif ( $Type eq 'set' ) {
$RtnVal = ' SET ' . $Ref1;
} elsif ( $Type eq 'where' ) {
$RtnVal = ' WHERE ' . $Ref1;
} elsif ( $Type eq 'orderby' ) {
$RtnVal = ' ORDER BY ' . $Ref1;
} elsif ( $Ref1Type eq 'SCALAR' ) {
if ( $Type eq 'values' ) {
$RtnVal = '(' . $$Ref1 . ') VALUES (' . $$Ref2 . ')';
} elsif ( $Type eq 'set' ) {
$RtnVal = ' SET ' . $$Ref1;
} elsif ( $Type eq 'where' ) {
$RtnVal = ' WHERE ' . $$Ref1;
} elsif ( $Type eq 'orderby' ) {
$RtnVal = ' ORDER BY ' . $$Ref1;
} elsif ( $Ref1Type eq 'HASH' ) {
for $Name ( keys(%$Ref1) ) {
$Value = $Ref1->{$Name};
if ( ! defined($Value) ) { $Value = '' } # Make sure value is defined
else { $Value =~ s/(["',\\])/\\$1/g } # Make sure that MySQL special chars are escaped
$Fields{$Name} = $Value;
if ( $Type eq 'values' ) {
while (($Name, $Value) = each %Fields ) {
if ( $NameList ) {
$NameList = $NameList . ',' . $Name;
$ValueList = $ValueList . ',"' . $Value . '"';
} else {
$NameList = $Name;
$ValueList = '"' . $Value . '"';
$RtnVal = " ($NameList) VALUES ($ValueList)";
} elsif ( $Type eq 'set' ) {
$RtnVal = '';
while (($Name, $Value) = each %Fields ) {
if ( $RtnVal ) { $RtnVal = $RtnVal . ',' }
$RtnVal = $RtnVal . $Name . '="' . $Value . '"';
$RtnVal = ' SET ' . $RtnVal;
} elsif ( $Type eq 'where' ) {
$RtnVal = '';
while (($Name, $Value) = each %Fields ) {
if ( $RtnVal ) { $RtnVal = $RtnVal . ' AND ' }
$RtnVal = $RtnVal . '(' . $Name . '="' . $Value . '")';
$RtnVal = ' WHERE ' . $RtnVal;
} else {
print STDERR MySQLMakeID() . ": Parameter two is unsupported reference type '$Ref1Type'\n";
return $RtnVal;
return $RtnVal;
sub BuildListsInt ($$;$) {
my ($Type, $Ref1, $Ref2) = @_;
my $Ref1Type = ref($Ref1);
my $Ref2Type = ref($Ref2);
my $Name;
my $NameList;
my $Value;
my $ValueList;
my %Fields;
my $RtnVal;
$Type = lc($Type);
my $TypeIndex = index('values set where orderby', $Type);
# print "Type '$Type', TypeIndex '$TypeIndex', Ref1Type '$Ref1Type', Ref1 '$Ref1'\n";
if ( $TypeIndex < 0 ) {
print STDERR MySQLMakeID() . ": $Type is not a a valid type. Use 'values', 'set' or 'where'\n";
return $RtnVal;
} elsif ( $Ref1Type eq '' ) {
if ( $Type eq 'values' ) {
$RtnVal = '(' . $Ref1 . ') VALUES (' . $Ref2 . ')';
} elsif ( $Type eq 'set' ) {
$RtnVal = ' SET ' . $Ref1;
} elsif ( $Type eq 'where' ) {
$RtnVal = ' WHERE ' . $Ref1;
} elsif ( $Type eq 'orderby' ) {
$RtnVal = ' ORDER BY ' . $Ref1;
} elsif ( $Ref1Type eq 'SCALAR' ) {
if ( $Type eq 'values' ) {
$RtnVal = '(' . $$Ref1 . ') VALUES (' . $$Ref2 . ')';
} elsif ( $Type eq 'set' ) {
$RtnVal = ' SET ' . $$Ref1;
} elsif ( $Type eq 'where' ) {
$RtnVal = ' WHERE ' . $$Ref1;
} elsif ( $Type eq 'orderby' ) {
$RtnVal = ' ORDER BY ' . $$Ref1;
} elsif ( $Ref1Type eq 'HASH' ) {
for $Name ( keys(%$Ref1) ) {
$Value = $Ref1->{$Name};
if ( ! defined($Value) ) { $Value = '' } # Make sure value is defined
else { $Value =~ s/(["',\\])/\\$1/g } # Make sure that MySQL special chars are escaped
$Fields{$Name} = $Value;
if ( $Type eq 'values' ) {
while (($Name, $Value) = each %Fields ) {
if ( $NameList ) {
$NameList = $NameList . ',' . $Name;
$ValueList = $ValueList . ',"' . $Value . '"';
} else {
$NameList = $Name;
$ValueList = '"' . $Value . '"';
$RtnVal = " ($NameList) VALUES ($ValueList)";
} elsif ( $Type eq 'set' ) {
$RtnVal = '';
while (($Name, $Value) = each %Fields ) {
if ( $RtnVal ) { $RtnVal = $RtnVal . ',' }
$RtnVal = $RtnVal . $Name . '="' . $Value . '"';
$RtnVal = ' SET ' . $RtnVal;
} elsif ( $Type eq 'where' ) {
$RtnVal = '';
while (($Name, $Value) = each %Fields ) {
if ( $RtnVal ) { $RtnVal = $RtnVal . ' AND ' }
$RtnVal = $RtnVal . '(' . $Name . '=' . $Value . ')';
$RtnVal = ' WHERE ' . $RtnVal;
} else {
print STDERR MySQLMakeID() . ": Parameter two is unsupported reference type '$Ref1Type'\n";
return $RtnVal;
return $RtnVal;
1)If the statement executes but there is a mysql warning I want to capture that to last_sql_warning.txt
最简单的方法是简单地将MySQL警告提升为错误,您已经知道可以记录这些错误.这样就可以了:$DBHandle-> do(q | SET sql_mode =’traditional’|);
更难的方法是通过SHOW WARNINGS枚举警告,您可以检查mysql_warning_count属性是否报告遇到警告.但是,在撰写本文时,DBD :: mysql不方便地仅为语句(而不是数据库)句柄公开该属性.
更新:DBD :: mysql自4.025(2013-11-05)在数据库句柄上支持此属性,因此下面的代码可以简化为$dbh-> {mysql_warning_count}检查.
my $warnings;
my $ok = eval {
my $sth = $DBHandle->prepare($MySQLCmd);
$warnings = $sth->{mysql_warning_count};
unless ($ok) { # Some error encountered
... # log it
} elsif ($warnings) { # Some warning(s) encountered
... # open log file
my $warnings = $DBHandle->selectall_arrayref('SHOW WARNINGS');
for my $row (@$warnings) {
# @$row is something like ('Warning', 1265, "Data truncated for column 'col' at row 1")
... # log it
2)If the statement failes do to a lock timeout i would like to re-submit the query up to two times
在错误处理分支中,检查$DBHandle-> err以查找您关心的MySQL错误代码(可能没有.1205,ER_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT),并根据需要重试.