• 增加数据的INSERT语句:关键字INSERT,主要功能是 给数据库表增加记录。
• 修改数据的UPDATE语句:关键字是UPDATE,主要功能是 修改数据库表中已有的记录。可 以根据条件去做修改。
• 删除数据的DELETE语句 :关键字DELETE,主要功能室删除 数据库表中已有的记录。可以依 照条件去做修改。
• 查询数据的SELECT语句:用途是查询数据库数据,如SELECT语句。是SQL语句 中最核心、最重要的语句,也是使用频率最高的语句。其中,可以根据表的结构和关系分为单表查询和多 表联查。
• Python对数据库的查询
• Python对数据库的添加
• Python对数据库的修改
• Python对数据库的删除
1、 创建一个学生表
CREATE TABLE `student` (
`stu_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`stu_name` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
`stu_sex` varchar(2) DEFAULT NULL,
`stu_birthday` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
`stu_phone` char(11) DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`stu_id`),
UNIQUE KEY `stu_phone` (`stu_phone`)
2、 插入数据
INSERT INTO `student` VALUES ('1', '哈哈', '男', '2021-06-02 15:23:58', '18888888888');
INSERT INTO `student` VALUES ('2', '小王', '男', '2021-06-01 15:24:26', '19999999999');
INSERT INTO `student` VALUES ('3', '小张', '女', '2021-06-02 15:24:45', '17777777777');
INSERT INTO `student` VALUES ('4', '大白', '男', '2021-06-09 15:25:06', '18888888889');
INSERT INTO `student` VALUES ('5', '小明', '女', '1989-07-07 15:25:25', '16666666666');
update new_stu2 set stu_phone = '33333333333' where stu_name = '李四';
update new_stu2 set stu_phone = '44444444444'
where stu_id >=102 and stu_id <=104;
update new_stu2 set stu_phone = '66666666666'
where stu_id between 102 and 104;
update new_stu2 set stu_phone = '66777766666'
where stu_id != 100;
delete from student
delete from student where stu_name = '王五'
delete from student where stu_id >= 109
insert into student(stu_name) values('哈哈');
-- 男女同学 最高分,最低分,总分,平均分,人数
select stu_sex,max(stu_score),min(stu_score),sum(stu_score),avg(stu_score),
count(1) from student group by stu_sex
-- 查询
-- * 号的含义 student 这张表所有的字段
select * from student;
-- 选择特定字段进行查询
select stu_birthday,stu_name,stu_sex from student
-- 给查询字段起别名
select stu_birthday as '学生生日',
stu_name '学生姓名',stu_sex sex from student
select distinct stu_sex,stu_birthday from student
-- 查询条件
select * from student where stu_sex = '男'
select * from student where stu_id > 3
-- 找到出生日期大于1990-1-1学生
select * from student where stu_birthday < '1990-1-1'
-- 模糊查询
select * from student where stu_name like '%白%'
select * from student where stu_name like '小%'
-- % 任意多的任意字符
-- _ 一个任意字符
select * from student where stu_name like '小__'
-- 编号 2,4,6,8,10 学生查询 in 关键词
select * from student where stu_id in (2,4,6,8,10,100,100000,100000000)
import pymysql
# 链接数据库
db = pymysql.connect(host='',user='root',password='123456',db='yanandaxue',port=3306)
# 获取游标
cur = db.cursor()
# 编写sql语句
sql = 'select * from student'
# 执行sql语句
# 获取到执行结果 -- 虚拟表
rs = cur.fetchall()
# 遍历 结果-- 虚拟表
for row in rs:
sid = row[0]
sname = row[1]
sex = row[2]
birthday = row[3]
phone = row[4]
score = row[5]
# 释放资源