

  • 计算分类准确率,观测模型训练效果。


  • 检查模型训练过程,识别潜在问题。


  • 加入校验或测试,更好评价模型效果。

    理想的模型训练结果是在训练集和验证集上均有较高的准确率,如果训练集上的准确率高于验证集,说明网络训练程度不够;如果验证集的准确率高于训练集,可能是发生了 过拟合现象。通过在优化目标中加入正则化项的办法,可以解决过拟合的问题。

  • 加入正则化项,避免模型过拟合。

  • 可视化分析。



1. 计算模型的分类准确率

飞桨提供了便利的计算分类准确率的API,使用fluid.layers.accuracy(input, label)可以直接计算准确率,该API的输入为预测的分类结果input和对应的标签label。


  1 # 加载相关库
  2 import os
  3 import random
  4 import paddle
  5 import paddle.fluid as fluid
  6 from paddle.fluid.dygraph.nn import Conv2D, Pool2D, FC
  7 import numpy as np
  8 from PIL import Image
 10 import gzip
 11 import json
 13 # 定义数据集读取器
 14 def load_data(mode='train'):
 16     # 读取数据文件
 17     datafile = './work/mnist.json.gz'
 18     print('loading mnist dataset from {} ......'.format(datafile))
 19     data = json.load(gzip.open(datafile))
 20     # 读取数据集中的训练集,验证集和测试集
 21     train_set, val_set, eval_set = data
 23     # 数据集相关参数,图片高度IMG_ROWS, 图片宽度IMG_COLS
 24     IMG_ROWS = 28
 25     IMG_COLS = 28
 26     # 根据输入mode参数决定使用训练集,验证集还是测试
 27     if mode == 'train':
 28         imgs = train_set[0]
 29         labels = train_set[1]
 30     elif mode == 'valid':
 31         imgs = val_set[0]
 32         labels = val_set[1]
 33     elif mode == 'eval':
 34         imgs = eval_set[0]
 35         labels = eval_set[1]
 36     # 获得所有图像的数量
 37     imgs_length = len(imgs)
 38     # 验证图像数量和标签数量是否一致
 39     assert len(imgs) == len(labels), \
 40           "length of train_imgs({}) should be the same as train_labels({})".format(
 41                   len(imgs), len(labels))
 43     index_list = list(range(imgs_length))
 45     # 读入数据时用到的batchsize
 46     BATCHSIZE = 100
 48     # 定义数据生成器
 49     def data_generator():
 50         # 训练模式下,打乱训练数据
 51         if mode == 'train':
 52             random.shuffle(index_list)
 53         imgs_list = []
 54         labels_list = []
 55         # 按照索引读取数据
 56         for i in index_list:
 57             # 读取图像和标签,转换其尺寸和类型
 58             img = np.reshape(imgs[i], [1, IMG_ROWS, IMG_COLS]).astype('float32')
 59             label = np.reshape(labels[i], [1]).astype('int64')
 60             imgs_list.append(img) 
 61             labels_list.append(label)
 62             # 如果当前数据缓存达到了batch size,就返回一个批次数据
 63             if len(imgs_list) == BATCHSIZE:
 64                 yield np.array(imgs_list), np.array(labels_list)
 65                 # 清空数据缓存列表
 66                 imgs_list = []
 67                 labels_list = []
 69         # 如果剩余数据的数目小于BATCHSIZE,
 70         # 则剩余数据一起构成一个大小为len(imgs_list)的mini-batch
 71         if len(imgs_list) > 0:
 72             yield np.array(imgs_list), np.array(labels_list)
 74     return data_generator
 77 # 定义模型结构
 78 class MNIST(fluid.dygraph.Layer):
 79      def __init__(self, name_scope):
 80          super(MNIST, self).__init__(name_scope)
 81          name_scope = self.full_name()
 82          # 定义卷积层,输出通道20,卷积核大小为5,步长为1,padding为2,使用relu激活函数
 83          self.conv1 = Conv2D(name_scope, num_filters=20, filter_size=5, stride=1, padding=2, act='relu')
 84          # 定义池化层,池化核为2,采用最大池化方式
 85          self.pool1 = Pool2D(name_scope, pool_size=2, pool_stride=2, pool_type='max')
 86          # 定义卷积层,输出通道20,卷积核大小为5,步长为1,padding为2,使用relu激活函数
 87          self.conv2 = Conv2D(name_scope, num_filters=20, filter_size=5, stride=1, padding=2, act='relu')
 88          # 定义池化层,池化核为2,采用最大池化方式
 89          self.pool2 = Pool2D(name_scope, pool_size=2, pool_stride=2, pool_type='max')
 90          # 定义全连接层,输出节点数为10,激活函数使用softmax
 91          self.fc = FC(name_scope, size=10, act='softmax')
 93     # 定义网络的前向计算过程
 94      def forward(self, inputs, label=None):
 95          x = self.conv1(inputs)
 96          x = self.pool1(x)
 97          x = self.conv2(x)
 98          x = self.pool2(x)
 99          x = self.fc(x)
100          if label is not None:
101              acc = fluid.layers.accuracy(input=x, label=label)
102              return x, acc
103          else:
104              return x
106 #调用加载数据的函数
107 train_loader = load_data('train')
109 #在使用GPU机器时,可以将use_gpu变量设置成True
110 use_gpu = True
111 place = fluid.CUDAPlace(0) if use_gpu else fluid.CPUPlace()
113 with fluid.dygraph.guard(place):
114     model = MNIST("mnist")
115     model.train() 
117     #四种优化算法的设置方案,可以逐一尝试效果
118     #optimizer = fluid.optimizer.SGDOptimizer(learning_rate=0.01)
119     optimizer=fluid.optimizer.MomentumOptimizer(learning_rate=0.01, momentum=0.9)
120     #optimizer = fluid.optimizer.AdagradOptimizer(learning_rate=0.01)
121     #optimizer = fluid.optimizer.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=0.01)
123     EPOCH_NUM = 5
124     for epoch_id in range(EPOCH_NUM):
125         for batch_id, data in enumerate(train_loader()):
126             #准备数据
127             image_data, label_data = data
128             image = fluid.dygraph.to_variable(image_data)
129             label = fluid.dygraph.to_variable(label_data)
131             #前向计算的过程,同时拿到模型输出值和分类准确率
132             predict, avg_acc = model(image, label)
134             #计算损失,取一个批次样本损失的平均值
135             loss = fluid.layers.cross_entropy(predict, label)
136             avg_loss = fluid.layers.mean(loss)
138             #每训练了200批次的数据,打印下当前Loss的情况
139             if batch_id % 200 == 0:
140                 print("epoch: {}, batch: {}, loss is: {}, acc is {}".format(epoch_id, batch_id, avg_loss.numpy(),avg_acc.numpy()))
142             #后向传播,更新参数的过程
143             avg_loss.backward()
144             optimizer.minimize(avg_loss)
145             model.clear_gradients()
147     #保存模型参数
148     fluid.save_dygraph(model.state_dict(), 'mnist')
loading mnist dataset from ./work/mnist.json.gz ......
epoch: 0, batch: 0, loss is: [2.453652], acc is [0.14]
epoch: 0, batch: 200, loss is: [0.13674787], acc is [0.97]
epoch: 0, batch: 400, loss is: [0.06896302], acc is [0.99]
epoch: 1, batch: 0, loss is: [0.04395049], acc is [0.99]
epoch: 1, batch: 200, loss is: [0.16760933], acc is [0.97]
epoch: 1, batch: 400, loss is: [0.07087836], acc is [0.99]
epoch: 2, batch: 0, loss is: [0.04871644], acc is [0.99]
epoch: 2, batch: 200, loss is: [0.04871706], acc is [0.98]
epoch: 2, batch: 400, loss is: [0.16377419], acc is [0.95]
epoch: 3, batch: 0, loss is: [0.03665862], acc is [0.99]
epoch: 3, batch: 200, loss is: [0.05040814], acc is [0.97]
epoch: 3, batch: 400, loss is: [0.04509254], acc is [0.99]
epoch: 4, batch: 0, loss is: [0.01414255], acc is [1.]
epoch: 4, batch: 200, loss is: [0.05578731], acc is [0.96]
epoch: 4, batch: 400, loss is: [0.03861135], acc is [0.99]

2. 检查模型训练过程,识别潜在训练问题


  1 # 定义模型结构
  2 class MNIST(fluid.dygraph.Layer):
  3      def __init__(self, name_scope):
  4          super(MNIST, self).__init__(name_scope)
  5          name_scope = self.full_name()
  6          self.conv1 = Conv2D(name_scope, num_filters=20, filter_size=5, stride=1, padding=2)
  7          self.pool1 = Pool2D(name_scope, pool_size=2, pool_stride=2, pool_type='max')
  8          self.conv2 = Conv2D(name_scope, num_filters=20, filter_size=5, stride=1, padding=2)
  9          self.pool2 = Pool2D(name_scope, pool_size=2, pool_stride=2, pool_type='max')
 10          self.fc = FC(name_scope, size=10, act='softmax')
 12      #加入对每一层输入和输出的尺寸和数据内容的打印,根据check参数决策是否打印每层的参数和输出尺寸
 13      def forward(self, inputs, label=None, check_shape=False, check_content=False):
 14          # 给不同层的输出不同命名,方便调试
 15          outputs1 = self.conv1(inputs)
 16          outputs2 = self.pool1(outputs1)
 17          outputs3 = self.conv2(outputs2)
 18          outputs4 = self.pool2(outputs3)
 19          outputs5 = self.fc(outputs4)
 21          # 选择是否打印神经网络每层的参数尺寸和输出尺寸,验证网络结构是否设置正确
 22          if check_shape:
 23              # 打印每层网络设置的超参数-卷积核尺寸,卷积步长,卷积padding,池化核尺寸
 24              print("\n########## print network layer's superparams ##############")
 25              print("conv1-- kernel_size:{}, padding:{}, stride:{}".format(self.conv1.weight.shape, self.conv1._padding, self.conv1._stride))
 26              print("conv2-- kernel_size:{}, padding:{}, stride:{}".format(self.conv2.weight.shape, self.conv2._padding, self.conv2._stride))
 27              print("pool1-- pool_type:{}, pool_size:{}, pool_stride:{}".format(self.pool1._pool_type, self.pool1._pool_size, self.pool1._pool_stride))
 28              print("pool2-- pool_type:{}, poo2_size:{}, pool_stride:{}".format(self.pool2._pool_type, self.pool2._pool_size, self.pool2._pool_stride))
 29              print("fc-- weight_size:{}, bias_size_{}, activation:{}".format(self.fc.weight.shape, self.fc.bias.shape, self.fc._act))
 31              # 打印每层的输出尺寸
 32              print("\n########## print shape of features of every layer ###############")
 33              print("inputs_shape: {}".format(inputs.shape))
 34              print("outputs1_shape: {}".format(outputs1.shape))
 35              print("outputs2_shape: {}".format(outputs2.shape))
 36              print("outputs3_shape: {}".format(outputs3.shape))
 37              print("outputs4_shape: {}".format(outputs4.shape))
 38              print("outputs5_shape: {}".format(outputs5.shape))
 40          # 选择是否打印训练过程中的参数和输出内容,可用于训练过程中的调试
 41          if check_content:
 42             # 打印卷积层的参数-卷积核权重,权重参数较多,此处只打印部分参数
 43              print("\n########## print convolution layer's kernel ###############")
 44              print("conv1 params -- kernel weights:", self.conv1.weight[0][0])
 45              print("conv2 params -- kernel weights:", self.conv2.weight[0][0])
 47              # 创建随机数,随机打印某一个通道的输出值
 48              idx1 = np.random.randint(0, outputs1.shape[1])
 49              idx2 = np.random.randint(0, outputs3.shape[1])
 50              # 打印卷积-池化后的结果,仅打印batch中第一个图像对应的特征
 51              print("\nThe {}th channel of conv1 layer: ".format(idx1), outputs1[0][idx1])
 52              print("The {}th channel of conv2 layer: ".format(idx2), outputs3[0][idx2])
 53              print("The output of last layer:", outputs5[0], '\n')
 55         # 如果label不是None,则计算分类精度并返回
 56          if label is not None:
 57              acc = fluid.layers.accuracy(input=outputs5, label=label)
 58              return outputs5, acc
 59          else:
 60              return outputs5
 63 #在使用GPU机器时,可以将use_gpu变量设置成True
 64 use_gpu = True
 65 place = fluid.CUDAPlace(0) if use_gpu else fluid.CPUPlace()
 67 with fluid.dygraph.guard(place):
 68     model = MNIST("mnist")
 69     model.train() 
 71     #四种优化算法的设置方案,可以逐一尝试效果
 72     optimizer = fluid.optimizer.SGDOptimizer(learning_rate=0.01)
 73     #optimizer = fluid.optimizer.MomentumOptimizer(learning_rate=0.01)
 74     #optimizer = fluid.optimizer.AdagradOptimizer(learning_rate=0.01)
 75     #optimizer = fluid.optimizer.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=0.01)
 77     EPOCH_NUM = 1
 78     for epoch_id in range(EPOCH_NUM):
 79         for batch_id, data in enumerate(train_loader()):
 80             #准备数据,变得更加简洁
 81             image_data, label_data = data
 82             image = fluid.dygraph.to_variable(image_data)
 83             label = fluid.dygraph.to_variable(label_data)
 85             #前向计算的过程,同时拿到模型输出值和分类准确率
 86             if batch_id == 0 and epoch_id==0:
 87                 # 打印模型参数和每层输出的尺寸
 88                 predict, acc = model(image, label, check_shape=True, check_content=False)
 89             elif batch_id==401:
 90                 # 打印模型参数和每层输出的值
 91                 predict, avg_acc = model(image, label, check_shape=False, check_content=True)
 92             else:
 93                 predict, avg_acc = model(image, label)
 95             #计算损失,取一个批次样本损失的平均值
 96             loss = fluid.layers.cross_entropy(predict, label)
 97             avg_loss = fluid.layers.mean(loss)
 99             #每训练了100批次的数据,打印下当前Loss的情况
100             if batch_id % 200 == 0:
101                 print("epoch: {}, batch: {}, loss is: {}, acc is {}".format(epoch_id, batch_id, avg_loss.numpy(),avg_acc.numpy()))
103             #后向传播,更新参数的过程
104             avg_loss.backward()
105             optimizer.minimize(avg_loss)
106             model.clear_gradients()
108     #保存模型参数
109     fluid.save_dygraph(model.state_dict(), 'mnist')



百度PaddlePaddle入门-15(训练中的调试与优化)Debug Output
 1 ########## print network layer's superparams ##############
 2 conv1-- kernel_size:[20, 1, 5, 5], padding:[2, 2], stride:[1, 1]
 3 conv2-- kernel_size:[20, 20, 5, 5], padding:[2, 2], stride:[1, 1]
 4 pool1-- pool_type:max, pool_size:[2, 2], pool_stride:[2, 2]
 5 pool2-- pool_type:max, poo2_size:[2, 2], pool_stride:[2, 2]
 6 fc-- weight_size:[980, 10], bias_size_[10], activation:softmax
 8 ########## print shape of features of every layer ###############
 9 inputs_shape: [100, 1, 28, 28]
10 outputs1_shape: [100, 20, 28, 28]
11 outputs2_shape: [100, 20, 14, 14]
12 outputs3_shape: [100, 20, 14, 14]
13 outputs4_shape: [100, 20, 7, 7]
14 outputs5_shape: [100, 10]
15 epoch: 0, batch: 0, loss is: [2.833605], acc is [0.97]
16 epoch: 0, batch: 200, loss is: [0.3450297], acc is [0.91]
17 epoch: 0, batch: 400, loss is: [0.284598], acc is [0.92]
19 ########## print convolution layer's kernel ###############
20 conv1 params -- kernel weights: name tmp_7228, dtype: VarType.FP32 shape: [5, 5]     lod: {}
21     dim: 5, 5
22     layout: NCHW
23     dtype: float
24     data: [0.0417931 0.148238 0.234299 -0.170058 0.022536 0.388339 0.35604 0.26834 -0.0265003 0.306087 -0.413583 -0.109627 0.496471 0.652652 -0.164484 0.016321 -0.014093 -0.0783259 -0.048394 -0.0432972 -0.23372 0.235798 0.0142133 0.245447 0.283901]
26 conv2 params -- kernel weights: name tmp_7230, dtype: VarType.FP32 shape: [5, 5]     lod: {}
27     dim: 5, 5
28     layout: NCHW
29     dtype: float
30     data: [0.0301458 -0.0083977 0.122417 0.07717 0.123363 0.0390582 0.0386526 0.0208216 0.0494713 0.0714368 -0.00223818 -0.0330977 -0.114399 -0.0830213 -0.00123063 0.123892 -0.0415339 0.0259391 -0.051009 -0.071314 0.103089 0.0380028 0.152786 -0.0623465 -0.137493]
33 The 10th channel of conv1 layer:  name tmp_7232, dtype: VarType.FP32 shape: [28, 28]     lod: {}
34     dim: 28, 28
35     layout: NCHW
36     dtype: float
37     data: [-0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.227416 -0.341168 -0.00898913 0.245888 0.203894 0.0158452 0.00830419 0.0561035 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.0271134 -0.310818 -0.344543 -0.201866 -0.41639 -0.0805225 0.616205 0.447202 0.122654 0.115708 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.094523 -0.353209 -0.276969 -0.188898 -0.370524 -0.0135588 0.226655 0.000799649 0.0601707 0.225055 0.0223338 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.0271134 -0.31421 -0.426021 -0.244359 -0.508873 -0.33502 0.0642141 0.585103 0.70857 0.425303 0.0200628 0.0281492 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.175312 -0.444617 -0.286869 -0.535482 -0.542795 -0.197564 0.136141 0.923833 1.7959 1.40511 0.632616 0.145223 0.0320405 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.469567 -0.417733 -0.474001 -0.233533 0.090552 -0.238024 0.672436 1.27637 1.30291 1.52437 0.95958 0.172325 0.109885 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.494165 -0.715875 -0.505472 0.35959 0.652144 0.77834 0.670472 0.762846 0.929859 0.719077 0.668767 0.246665 0.0155299 0.0719344 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.525673 -0.904378 -0.265834 0.343386 1.16095 1.23854 1.00445 0.647635 0.685046 0.941925 0.641869 0.295427 0.225691 0.0959096 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.733092 -0.834154 -0.0549029 0.774414 1.71971 0.998786 0.640441 0.625185 0.933412 1.20161 1.29194 0.599725 0.14729 0.085043 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.586884 -0.892087 -0.085339 1.06036 1.73759 0.747157 -0.135803 0.131083 0.589838 1.50793 1.48482 1.05853 0.431647 0.0437523 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.276015 -0.743183 -0.400213 0.792531 1.24229 0.88946 0.0784385 -0.596246 0.350287 1.36152 1.57825 1.27972 0.52862 0.109994 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.264183 -0.311866 -0.359332 0.44633 0.988894 0.811296 -0.114045 -0.102798 0.377372 0.864523 1.44074 1.32035 0.664752 0.117657 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.229782 -0.241305 -0.329568 0.423641 1.1405 0.698666 0.0643131 0.136629 0.622223 1.27759 1.41772 0.931909 0.462135 0.0685794 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.0347595 -0.460302 -0.492766 0.123706 0.626997 0.754893 0.743404 0.767749 1.30776 1.61465 1.17583 0.74578 0.132815 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.325539 -0.43819 -0.441965 -0.524221 0.511401 0.850486 0.895314 1.46339 1.8233 1.5277 1.09828 0.524725 0.0639521 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.106079 -0.465974 -0.369364 -0.538873 -0.087559 0.179577 0.35095 1.02317 1.43502 1.75764 1.31522 0.908732 0.251842 -0.000574195 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.485362 -0.301338 -0.37676 -0.369458 -0.070034 0.0149574 0.943519 0.722266 1.4009 1.73945 1.205 0.660178 0.131438 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.221638 -0.434888 -0.537166 -0.65911 0.067112 0.279011 0.844792 0.692166 1.06196 1.7318 1.60627 1.17025 0.575702 0.0744205 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.292149 -0.482934 -0.777972 -0.337539 -0.102133 0.947546 1.06326 0.926256 1.11653 1.13417 1.50645 1.22528 0.429329 0.0685228 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 0.00519593 -0.598682 -0.999808 -0.270425 0.596526 0.989157 0.83917 0.786463 0.636592 1.09794 1.48123 0.916883 0.451473 0.0611396 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.0991777 -0.298492 -0.140628 -0.0516299 0.535211 0.933824 0.89026 0.681906 0.893806 1.38018 1.11581 0.875768 0.302748 0.0261167 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.195025 -0.257898 0.0945173 0.611554 1.17706 0.979482 0.924687 0.888834 1.27574 1.23745 1.01893 0.564557 0.0977506 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.0144523 -0.0673982 -0.235353 0.211315 0.841964 1.28418 1.42209 1.43951 1.24168 0.94783 0.576813 0.144289 0.00367208 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.0104721 -0.0104104 0.048745 0.242489 0.67455 0.806947 0.772788 0.560504 0.336613 0.0851565 -0.000574195 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352 -0.00785352]
39 The 7th channel of conv2 layer:  name tmp_7234, dtype: VarType.FP32 shape: [14, 14]     lod: {}
40     dim: 14, 14
41     layout: NCHW
42     dtype: float
43     data: [0.028245 0.020599 0.0210198 0.0874535 0.494471 0.630649 0.149109 -0.0728132 0.230379 1.58221 1.28339 0.248955 0.00272413 0.00537403 0.0322912 0.020086 -0.0301809 0.496768 0.653191 0.169372 0.144909 -0.231259 0.389402 2.76422 2.63198 0.607453 0.102271 -0.0036014 0.0465655 0.0364478 0.300417 0.840682 0.240587 -1.01291 -1.99307 -0.833542 1.05192 3.61047 3.42107 1.30671 0.244999 -0.00237758 0.0465655 0.0364477 0.382605 0.286884 -0.402162 -2.5869 -3.01405 -0.427758 1.46716 2.88402 4.11867 2.11142 0.490123 -0.00237744 0.0465654 0.0364476 0.371547 -0.829134 -1.39772 -3.34309 -4.2324 1.17491 1.95059 2.51751 3.82009 3.1198 0.598566 -0.00237748 0.0465654 0.0364476 0.200699 -0.994076 -1.31838 -3.55505 -3.5458 0.684372 1.0964 0.849535 4.03469 3.21928 0.576193 -0.00237729 0.0465654 0.0408133 -0.194576 -0.142703 -1.24451 -3.09615 -3.25116 -0.0809503 0.134056 1.42078 4.7647 2.91172 0.379939 -0.00237742 0.0465654 0.0447424 0.212362 0.171268 -1.81562 -2.98974 -3.83104 -1.09958 0.149632 2.92131 4.80793 1.88384 0.108982 -0.00237737 0.0465654 0.181403 0.271504 -0.0868469 -1.61158 -3.34 -3.13256 -0.844484 0.928895 4.5633 4.70677 1.05049 -0.082796 -0.00237751 0.0465654 0.445047 0.268099 -0.61444 -1.94418 -4.81323 -2.56377 0.0803734 1.60131 4.7976 3.51906 0.307156 0.00976629 -0.00237739 0.0465654 0.351043 -0.285457 -1.04642 -2.18551 -4.23739 -1.07251 1.03124 1.68661 3.72981 2.1613 0.212911 0.00733458 -0.00237745 0.0465654 -0.153882 -0.728159 -1.98605 -3.36631 -3.30576 -0.994109 0.368019 1.57114 2.32655 0.936484 -0.0348572 0.00366797 -0.00237727 0.0460116 -0.196705 -0.422216 -0.903646 -2.28753 -1.8149 -0.497868 0.377633 0.95845 1.15005 0.0417288 -0.0580622 0.00685634 -0.00675346 0.0376359 -0.0106585 -0.0300542 -0.420301 -0.51015 -0.341925 -0.179612 0.433956 0.431884 0.0852679 -0.209331 0.034039 0.0114855 -0.00292668]
45 The output of last layer: name tmp_7235, dtype: VarType.FP32 shape: [10]     lod: {}
46     dim: 10
47     layout: NCHW
48     dtype: float
49     data: [0.000341895 0.0105792 0.0836315 0.00980286 0.00223727 0.00221005 0.0176872 0.00238195 0.806833 0.06429463. 加入校验或测试,更好评价模型效果


  • 训练集。用于训练模型的参数,即训练过程中主要完成的工作。
  • 校验集。用于对模型超参数的选择,比如网络结构的调整、正则化项权重的选择等。
  • 测试集。用于模拟模型在应用后的真实效果。因为测试集没有参与任何模型优化或参数训练的工作,所以它对模型来说是完全未知的样本。在不以校验数据优化网络结构或模型超参数时,校验数据和测试数据的效果是类似的,均更真实的反映模型效果。


 1 with fluid.dygraph.guard():
 2     print('start evaluation .......')
 3     #加载模型参数
 4     model = MNIST("mnist")
 5     model_state_dict, _ = fluid.load_dygraph('mnist')
 6     model.load_dict(model_state_dict)
 8     model.eval()
 9     eval_loader = load_data('eval')
11     acc_set = []
12     avg_loss_set = []
13     for batch_id, data in enumerate(eval_loader()):
14         x_data, y_data = data
15         img = fluid.dygraph.to_variable(x_data)
16         label = fluid.dygraph.to_variable(y_data)
17         prediction, acc = model(img, label)
18         loss = fluid.layers.cross_entropy(input=prediction, label=label)
19         avg_loss = fluid.layers.mean(loss)
20         acc_set.append(float(acc.numpy()))
21         avg_loss_set.append(float(avg_loss.numpy()))
23     #计算多个batch的平均损失和准确率
24     acc_val_mean = np.array(acc_set).mean()
25     avg_loss_val_mean = np.array(avg_loss_set).mean()
27     print('loss={}, acc={}'.format(avg_loss_val_mean, acc_val_mean))
start evaluation .......
loading mnist dataset from ./work/mnist.json.gz ......
loss=0.24452914014458657, acc=0.9324000030755997

4. 加入正则化项,避免模型过拟合




 1 with fluid.dygraph.guard():
 2     model = MNIST("mnist")
 3     model.train() 
 5     #四种优化算法的设置方案,可以逐一尝试效果
 6     #optimizer = fluid.optimizer.SGDOptimizer(learning_rate=0.01)
 7     #optimizer = fluid.optimizer.MomentumOptimizer(learning_rate=0.01)
 8     #optimizer = fluid.optimizer.AdagradOptimizer(learning_rate=0.01)
 9     #optimizer = fluid.optimizer.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=0.01)
11     #各种优化算法均可以加入正则化项,避免过拟合,参数regularization_coeff调节正则化项的权重
12     #optimizer = fluid.optimizer.SGDOptimizer(learning_rate=0.01, regularization=fluid.regularizer.L2Decay(regularization_coeff=0.1))
13     optimizer = fluid.optimizer.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=0.01, regularization=fluid.regularizer.L2Decay(regularization_coeff=0.1))
15     EPOCH_NUM = 10
16     for epoch_id in range(EPOCH_NUM):
17         for batch_id, data in enumerate(train_loader()):
18             #准备数据,变得更加简洁
19             image_data, label_data = data
20             image = fluid.dygraph.to_variable(image_data)
21             label = fluid.dygraph.to_variable(label_data)
23             #前向计算的过程,同时拿到模型输出值和分类准确率
24             predict, avg_acc = model(image, label)
26             #计算损失,取一个批次样本损失的平均值
27             loss = fluid.layers.cross_entropy(predict, label)
28             avg_loss = fluid.layers.mean(loss)
30             #每训练了100批次的数据,打印下当前Loss的情况
31             if batch_id % 100 == 0:
32                 print("epoch: {}, batch: {}, loss is: {}, acc is {}".format(epoch_id, batch_id, avg_loss.numpy(),avg_acc.numpy()))
34             #后向传播,更新参数的过程
35             avg_loss.backward()
36             optimizer.minimize(avg_loss)
37             model.clear_gradients()
39     #保存模型参数
40     fluid.save_dygraph(model.state_dict(), 'mnist')


 1 epoch: 0, batch: 0, loss is: [2.9618127], acc is [0.09]
 2 epoch: 0, batch: 100, loss is: [0.4821284], acc is [0.82]
 3 epoch: 0, batch: 200, loss is: [0.4689779], acc is [0.86]
 4 epoch: 0, batch: 300, loss is: [0.3175511], acc is [0.91]
 5 epoch: 0, batch: 400, loss is: [0.3862023], acc is [0.87]
 6 epoch: 1, batch: 0, loss is: [0.34007072], acc is [0.92]
 7 epoch: 1, batch: 100, loss is: [0.4564435], acc is [0.86]
 8 epoch: 1, batch: 200, loss is: [0.22314773], acc is [0.95]
 9 epoch: 1, batch: 300, loss is: [0.5216203], acc is [0.85]
10 epoch: 1, batch: 400, loss is: [0.1880288], acc is [0.97]
11 epoch: 2, batch: 0, loss is: [0.31458455], acc is [0.9]
12 epoch: 2, batch: 100, loss is: [0.29387832], acc is [0.91]
13 epoch: 2, batch: 200, loss is: [0.19327974], acc is [0.94]
14 epoch: 2, batch: 300, loss is: [0.34688073], acc is [0.92]
15 epoch: 2, batch: 400, loss is: [0.33402398], acc is [0.88]
16 epoch: 3, batch: 0, loss is: [0.37079352], acc is [0.92]
17 epoch: 3, batch: 100, loss is: [0.27622813], acc is [0.95]
18 epoch: 3, batch: 200, loss is: [0.32804275], acc is [0.91]
19 epoch: 3, batch: 300, loss is: [0.30482328], acc is [0.92]
20 epoch: 3, batch: 400, loss is: [0.35331258], acc is [0.88]
21 epoch: 4, batch: 0, loss is: [0.37278587], acc is [0.91]
22 epoch: 4, batch: 100, loss is: [0.33204514], acc is [0.91]
23 epoch: 4, batch: 200, loss is: [0.33681116], acc is [0.9]
24 epoch: 4, batch: 300, loss is: [0.21702813], acc is [0.94]
25 epoch: 4, batch: 400, loss is: [0.27484477], acc is [0.93]
26 epoch: 5, batch: 0, loss is: [0.27992722], acc is [0.93]
27 epoch: 5, batch: 100, loss is: [0.2436056], acc is [0.94]
28 epoch: 5, batch: 200, loss is: [0.43120566], acc is [0.85]
29 epoch: 5, batch: 300, loss is: [0.26344958], acc is [0.93]
30 epoch: 5, batch: 400, loss is: [0.26599526], acc is [0.93]
31 epoch: 6, batch: 0, loss is: [0.44372514], acc is [0.89]
32 epoch: 6, batch: 100, loss is: [0.3124095], acc is [0.92]
33 epoch: 6, batch: 200, loss is: [0.31063277], acc is [0.95]
34 epoch: 6, batch: 300, loss is: [0.36090645], acc is [0.9]
35 epoch: 6, batch: 400, loss is: [0.32959267], acc is [0.91]
36 epoch: 7, batch: 0, loss is: [0.38626334], acc is [0.9]
37 epoch: 7, batch: 100, loss is: [0.30303052], acc is [0.89]
38 epoch: 7, batch: 200, loss is: [0.3010301], acc is [0.94]
39 epoch: 7, batch: 300, loss is: [0.4417858], acc is [0.87]
40 epoch: 7, batch: 400, loss is: [0.33106077], acc is [0.91]
41 epoch: 8, batch: 0, loss is: [0.2563219], acc is [0.92]
42 epoch: 8, batch: 100, loss is: [0.37621248], acc is [0.92]
43 epoch: 8, batch: 200, loss is: [0.28183213], acc is [0.94]
44 epoch: 8, batch: 300, loss is: [0.399815], acc is [0.89]
45 epoch: 8, batch: 400, loss is: [0.446779], acc is [0.84]
46 epoch: 9, batch: 0, loss is: [0.45045567], acc is [0.87]
47 epoch: 9, batch: 100, loss is: [0.359276], acc is [0.94]
48 epoch: 9, batch: 200, loss is: [0.2855474], acc is [0.9]
49 epoch: 9, batch: 300, loss is: [0.54529166], acc is [0.89]
50 epoch: 9, batch: 400, loss is: [0.4740173], acc is [0.87]
Debug  Output

5. 可视化分析



首先将训练的批次编号作为X轴坐标,该批次的训练损失作为Y轴坐标。使用两个列表变量存储对应的批次编号(iters=[])和训练损失(losses=[]),并将两份数据以参数形式导入PLT的横纵坐标( plt.xlabel("iter", fontsize=14),plt.ylabel("loss", fontsize=14))。最后,调用plt.plot()函数即可完成作图。

 1 #引入matplotlib库
 2 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
 4 with fluid.dygraph.guard(place):
 5     model = MNIST("mnist")
 6     model.train() 
 8     #四种优化算法的设置方案,可以逐一尝试效果
 9     optimizer = fluid.optimizer.SGDOptimizer(learning_rate=0.01)
11     EPOCH_NUM = 10
12     iter=0
13     iters=[]
14     losses=[]
15     for epoch_id in range(EPOCH_NUM):
16         for batch_id, data in enumerate(train_loader()):
17             #准备数据,变得更加简洁
18             image_data, label_data = data
19             image = fluid.dygraph.to_variable(image_data)
20             label = fluid.dygraph.to_variable(label_data)
22             #前向计算的过程,同时拿到模型输出值和分类准确率
23             predict, avg_acc = model(image, label)
25             #计算损失,取一个批次样本损失的平均值
26             loss = fluid.layers.cross_entropy(predict, label)
27             avg_loss = fluid.layers.mean(loss)
29             #每训练了100批次的数据,打印下当前Loss的情况
30             if batch_id % 100 == 0:
31                 #print("epoch: {}, batch: {}, loss is: {}, acc is {}".format(epoch_id, batch_id, avg_loss.numpy(),avg_acc.numpy()))
32                 iters.append(iter)
33                 losses.append(avg_loss.numpy())
34                 iter = iter + 100
36             #后向传播,更新参数的过程
37             avg_loss.backward()
38             optimizer.minimize(avg_loss)
39             model.clear_gradients()
41     #保存模型参数
42     fluid.save_dygraph(model.state_dict(), 'mnist')
44     #画出训练过程中Loss的变化曲线
45     plt.figure()
46     plt.title("train loss", fontsize=24)
47     plt.xlabel("iter", fontsize=14)
48     plt.ylabel("loss", fontsize=14)
49     plt.plot(iters, losses,color='red',label='train loss') 
50     plt.grid()
51     plt.show()





