
Term         Explanation
AKA        Authentication and Key Agreement
B-TID       Bootstrapping Transaction Identifier 
BSF         Bootstrapping Service Function
CA           Certificate Authority
CK           Cipher Key
GAA           Generic Authentication Architecture
GBA           Generic Bootstrapping Architecture
GBA_ME         ME-base GBA
GBA_U          GBA with UICC-based enhancements
HTTP         Hypertext Transfer Protocol
HTTPS        HTTP over TLS
HSS          Home Subscriber System
IK           Integrity Key
IMPI          IP Multimedia Private Identity
KDF          Key Derivation Function
Ks_int_NAF    Derived key in GBA_U which remains on UICC
Ks_ext_NAF    Derived key in GBA_U
NAF        Network Application Function
TLS        Transport Layer Security
PKI        Public Key Infrastructure
SSC        Support for Subscriber Certificates


