linux – 如何查看ubuntu中程序使用的内存?



How can I see the raw memory data used by an application…

获得进程’PID(例如,使用ps(1)pidof(8))后,您可以使用/ proc / PID / maps和/ proc / PID / mem访问其虚拟地址空间中的数据. Gilles wrote a very detailled answer about that here.

… and all the files its accessing in my filesystem, network data or connections

lsof可以做到这一点. netstat可能更适合与网络相关的描述符.例如 :

$netstat -tln    # TCP connections, listening, don't resolve names.
$netstat -uln    # UDP endpoints, listening, don't resolve names.
$netstat -tuan   # TCP and UDP, all sorts, don't resolve names.
$lsof -p PID     # "Files" opened by process PID.


$netstat -tlnp | grep skype    # TCP, listening, don't resolve (Skype).


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