How to Design Programming(文件写入)

#lang racket

(require 2htdp/batch-io)

(define (letter fst lst signature-name)
    (opening fst)
    (body fst lst)
    (closing signature-name)))
(define (opening fst)
  (string-append "Dear " fst ","))
(define (body fst lst)
   "We have discovered that all people with the" "\n"
   "last name " lst " have won our lottery. So, " "\n"
   fst ", " "hurry and pick up your prize."))
(define (closing signature-name)

How to Design Programming(文件写入)How to Design Programming(文件写入) jonesdlj 发布了105 篇原创文章 · 获赞 154 · 访问量 4万+ 私信 关注
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