Infopath 计算两个时间日期之间差的天数,免代码


Infopath 计算两个时间日期之间差的天数,免代码

I was able to find a product that I used to resolve the "delta" = the difference between dates.

 The link is listed:

 Calculate the difference between two date picker controls in InfoPath using rules and formulas - no code!

by S.Y.M. Wong-A-Ton | Applies to: InfoPath 2007

Use rules, conditions, and the number(), floor(), and substring() functions in formulas to calculate the difference between two date picker controls in InfoPath.

Use rules, conditions, and the number(), floor(), and substring() functions in formulas to calculate the difference between two date picker controls in InfoPath.



You have a form template with two InfoPath date picker controls and you would like to calculate the difference between the two date picker controls without writing code.


Use rules, conditions, and the number(), floor(), and substring() functions in formulas to calculate the difference between two date picker controls in InfoPath.


You can accomplish this functionality as follows:

  1. Design an InfoPath form template as shown in figure 1 with two Date Picker controls named startDate and endDate, and one Text Box control named difference.
    Infopath 计算两个时间日期之间差的天数,免代码
    Figure 1. InfoPath form template in Design mode.

    The Main data source of the InfoPath form template should resemble the following figure:

    Infopath 计算两个时间日期之间差的天数,免代码
    Figure 2. The Main data source of the InfoPath form template.
  2. Add the following Rule to the startDate field:
    Action: Set a field's value
    Field: difference
    Value: (number(substring(../my:endDate, 9, 2)) + floor((153 * (number(substring(../my:endDate, 6, 2)) + 12 * (floor((14 - number(substring(../my:endDate, 6, 2))) div 12)) - 3) + 2) div 5) + (number(substring(../my:endDate, 1, 4)) + 4800 - (floor((14 - number(substring(../my:endDate, 6, 2))) div 12))) * 365 + floor((number(substring(../my:endDate, 1, 4)) + 4800 - (floor((14 - number(substring(../my:endDate, 6, 2))) div 12))) div 4) - floor((number(substring(../my:endDate, 1, 4)) + 4800 - (floor((14 - number(substring(../my:endDate, 6, 2))) div 12))) div 100) + floor((number(substring(../my:endDate, 1, 4)) + 4800 - (floor((14 - number(substring(../my:endDate, 6, 2))) div 12))) div 400) - 32045) - (number(substring(., 9, 2)) + floor((153 * (number(substring(., 6, 2)) + 12 * (floor((14 - number(substring(., 6, 2))) div 12)) - 3) + 2) div 5) + (number(substring(., 1, 4)) + 4800 - (floor((14 - number(substring(., 6, 2))) div 12))) * 365 + floor((number(substring(., 1, 4)) + 4800 - (floor((14 - number(substring(., 6, 2))) div 12))) div 4) - floor((number(substring(., 1, 4)) + 4800 - (floor((14 - number(substring(., 6, 2))) div 12))) div 100) + floor((number(substring(., 1, 4)) + 4800 - (floor((14 - number(substring(., 6, 2))) div 12))) div 400) - 32045) with the following Conditions on the Rule:
    startDate is not blank and
    endDate is not blank
  3. Add a second Rule to the startDate field with the following settings:
    Action: Set a field's value
    Field: difference
    Value: 0

    with the following Conditions on the Rule:
    startDate is blank or
    endDate is blank
  4. Add the following Rule to the endDate field:
    Action: Set a field's value
    Field: difference
    Value: (number(substring(., 9, 2)) + floor((153 * (number(substring(., 6, 2)) + 12 * (floor((14 - number(substring(., 6, 2))) div 12)) - 3) + 2) div 5) + (number(substring(., 1, 4)) + 4800 - (floor((14 - number(substring(., 6, 2))) div 12))) * 365 + floor((number(substring(., 1, 4)) + 4800 - (floor((14 - number(substring(., 6, 2))) div 12))) div 4) - floor((number(substring(., 1, 4)) + 4800 - (floor((14 - number(substring(., 6, 2))) div 12))) div 100) + floor((number(substring(., 1, 4)) + 4800 - (floor((14 - number(substring(., 6, 2))) div 12))) div 400) - 32045) - (number(substring(../my:startDate, 9, 2)) + floor((153 * (number(substring(../my:startDate, 6, 2)) + 12 * (floor((14 - number(substring(../my:startDate, 6, 2))) div 12)) - 3) + 2) div 5) + (number(substring(../my:startDate, 1, 4)) + 4800 - (floor((14 - number(substring(../my:startDate, 6, 2))) div 12))) * 365 + floor((number(substring(../my:startDate, 1, 4)) + 4800 - (floor((14 - number(substring(../my:startDate, 6, 2))) div 12))) div 4) - floor((number(substring(../my:startDate, 1, 4)) + 4800 - (floor((14 - number(substring(../my:startDate, 6, 2))) div 12))) div 100) + floor((number(substring(../my:startDate, 1, 4)) + 4800 - (floor((14 - number(substring(../my:startDate, 6, 2))) div 12))) div 400) - 32045) with the following Conditions on the Rule:
    startDate is not blank and
    endDate is not blank
  5. Add a second Rule to the endDate field with the following settings:
    Action: Set a field's value
    Field: difference
    Value: 0

    with the following Conditions on the Rule:
    startDate is blank or
    endDate is blank
  6. Add the following Rule to the difference field:
    Action: Set a field's value
    Field: .
    Value: 0

    with the following Condition on the Rule:
    difference does not match pattern Custom Pattern: -{0,1}\d+

You should now have a fully functional InfoPath form that will calculate the difference between the dates soon after you have entered valid dates. This solution also works for InfoPath 2003 form templates and InfoPath 2007 browser-enabled form templates. 

上一篇:postgresql 在linux下导出数据
