I've found some libraries which decode input from transaction, but all of them require ABI of contract.
Can I decode input data if I know only txHash, contract address and input data?
How etherscan does it?
Here is an example:https://etherscan.io/tx/0x42afb58ccd19e5f30c4e41a352cdc99e6e3f5ba05191215123e935dc15f55c93
Input data is decoded, but there is no source code (ABI) for that contract.
P.S. I'm interested more in JS libraries, but programming language is not so important.
transactions javascript- This is question is somehow related ethereum.stackexchange.com/questions/7927/… , there's a listing of know signatures at 4byte.directory . – Ismael Oct 3 '17 at 16:09
- @Ismael Thank you! This site 4byte.directory is very useful and it finds signatures for many contacts. I'll try to decode with web3 library: web3.eth.abi.decodeParameters(typesArray, hexString); – Serge Nikitin Oct 3 '17 at 17:21 https://ethereum.stackexchange.com/questions/7927/how-to-parse-abi-out-of-contract-code