
do you want any meat,miss ber?


do you want any beef or lamp?


this lamp is very nice.

i like lamp,but my husband dosen't.

do you want any state,miss ber?

give me a pice,please.

and a pound of meat.

do you like any chicken?


there are very nice.

my husband dosen't like chicken.

to tell you the truth,i also dosen't like chicken.


do you want any meat,miss ber?


do you want beef or lamp?


lamp is very good.

i like lamp,but my husband dosen't.

what about state?this is very nice.

give me that pice,please.

and a pound of meats too.

do you like chicken,miss bef?

no,thank you.

there are very nice.

my husband like meats,but he dosen't like chicken.

to tell you the truth,i don't like chicken either.


do you want any meat,miss ber?


do you want beef or lamp?


this lamp is very good.

i like lamp,but my husband dosen't.

what about some state,miss ber?this piece is very nice.

give me that piece,please.

and a pount of meats too.

do you want a chicken,miss ber?there are very nice.

no,thank you.my husband like state,but he dosen't like chicken.

to tell you the truth,i don't like chicken either.


do you want any meat today,miss ber?


do you want beef or lamp?


this lamp is very good.

i like lamp,but my husband dosen't.

what about some state?this piece is very nice.

give me that piece,please.and a pound of meats too.

do you want a chicken,miss ber?there are very nice.

no,thank you.my husband like state,but he dosen't like chicken.

to tell you the truth,miss ber,i don't like chicken either.


do you want any meat today,miss ber?


do you want beef or lamp?


this lamp is very good.

i like lamp,but my husband dosen't.

what about some state?this piece is very nice.

give me that piece,please.and a pound of meats too.

do you want a chicken,miss ber?there are very nice.

no,thank you.my husband like state,but he dosen't like chicken.

to tell you the truth,miss ber,i don't like chicken either.


do you want any meat today,miss ber?


do you want beef or lamp?


this lamp is very good.

i like lamp,but my husband dosen't.

what about some state?this is a nice piece.

give me that piece,please.and a pound of meats too.

do you want a chicken,miss ber?there are very nice.

no,thank you.my husband like state,but he dosen't like chicken.

to tell you the truth,miss ber.i don't like chicken either.


上一篇:springboot的Module创建报错:Initialization failed for ‘https://start.spring.io‘ Please check URL, network

下一篇:SpringBoot项目报错If you want an embedded database (H2, HSQL or Derby), please put it on the classpath..