Python on VS Code

install python extension

  • Press F1, and input "ext install python".
  • Then the icon at the leftmost side of the status bar is saying that something is being installed.
  • Need to wait a while.
  • Use command "ext" + a space to see installed extensions.

use markdown as document

VS Code supports markdown files.

Ctrl+K, V : markdown: Open Preview to the side

Ctrl+Shift+V : markdown: Toggle Preview

create a python project

  • Select File -> Open Folder...
  • Create a tasks.json file under the .vscode folder in the project folder
  • Input below in the task.json file
// A task runner that runs a python program
"version": "0.1.0",
"command": "python",
"showOutput": "always",
"windows": {
"command": "python.exe"
"args": ["${file}"]

integrate with git

  • Make sure you have a repository on the server.
  • Install a git tool
  • Go to the project directory, open a command window, and run:
# initialize a git repository
git init # set a remote with name origin
git remote add origin [<username>/<repository>] # fetch the master branch files from the remote
git pull origin master
  • Start VS Code
    • Use the Git panel to work with the remote.

run a python file

  • Open the python file.
  • Press Ctrl+Shift+B.


  • F9 : add/remove a breakpoint.
  • F5 or Ctrl + F5 : start debug
  • F5 : continue
  • F10 : step over
  • F11 : step into
  • Shift + F11 : step out
  • Ctrl + Shift + F10 : restart
  • Shift + F5 : stop

print Chinese words, but see question marks in the output console

The issue can be resolved by the following code:

import io
import os
sys.stdout = io.TextIOWrapper(sys.stdout.buffer, encoding='utf8')


Please see

Example: Execute at most 10 threads in a thread pool

from concurrent.futures import *
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=10) as executor:
for url in urls :
i += 1
future = executor.submit(self.get_url, url)
except Exception as e:
print("Failed {0}. {1}".format(url, e)) # wait all threads finish.
executor.shutdown(wait=True) class threadCallbackHandler:
def __init__(self, url):
self.url = url def handle_callback(self, future) :
if (future.exception() != None):
print("Failed {0}. Exception : {1}".format(self.url, future.exception()))
except CancelledError as e:
print("Cancelled {0}".format(self.url))
print("Done {0}".format(self.url))
上一篇:python标准库介绍——30 code 模块详解

下一篇:Windows 2019 下安装Oracle18c