Cannes hair red, black list to see the celebrity hair PK

Cannes hair red, black list to see the celebrity hair PK
Lead: the stars have exclusive ghd hair stylist, stunning high style budget, and countless modeling sponsorship, all onto the red carpet that moment must have the United States and the United States of straightener hair, is both elegant and stylish, but also just right of the match day gown.
We all just take for granted the fact that, every festival, every ceremony, every trip to the red carpet hair straightener show, will see less than perfect hair, makes you sigh star is not perfect, and inevitably become ghd straighteners bystanders, and even sometimes To mine you a hand.
1, Keli - Scott - Thomas
Moderator Keli - Scott - Thomas's hair, it can not withstand the low angle looking up.
2, Laura - Qi Yadi
Laura - Qi Yadi black and yellow hair and white, like the animal pattern
3, Lei Ya - saidu
French actress Leiya - saidu: strange hair style, temperament lost





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