- 问题:Pycharm中,配置好解释器之后,不指定包名的话,会报错.
- 即指定了包名,就不会有红色波浪
- 未配置解释器时,不指定包名是不会报错
- 解决:
- 模块名前面加个点
- 选中包,右键make as,将包设置为source content path;或者在preference中的project设置也行
- 原因:
- 在Pycharm中,有个概念叫上下文的根(content root),它包含了当前工作目录到所有文件的集合,来组织子目录的架构
- 而这个上下文的根(content root)是由几个部分共同协作的,包括Regular content roots,Source roots,Resource roots,Excluded roots,Template roots
- 其中,Source roots包含实际的源文件和资源。PyCharm使用Source roots作为解析导入(import)的起点。PyCharm可以解析、检查、索引和编译这些根的内容。
- 而默认情况下,只有项目的根目录是设置为Regular content roots,而没有配置包为Source roots.要导入的模块不在能找到实际文件的上下文中,所以会报错
- 也就是说,指定了包名或者点号,就指定了import的起点,否则需要配置Source roots
- 相关概念
- Content Root
- In PyCharm, content is a collection of files with which you are currently working, possibly organized in a hierarchy of subfolders. The folder which is the highest in this hierarchy is called the content root folder or content root (shown as ) for short. A project has at least one content root folder which by default is the project folder itself.
- Having several content roots enables you to work with files from several directories that do not have a common immediate parent. This is helpful when you use static contents, for example, icons. You can just save them all in a folder and then specify this folder as an extra content root in several projects.
- https://www.jetbrains.com/help/pycharm/2018.3/content-root.html?utm_campaign=PY&utm_content=2018.3&utm_medium=link&utm_source=product
- Content Root分配到以下类别:
- By default, all the files in a content root folder are involved in indexing, searching, parsing, code completion, etc. To change this status, folders within a content root can be assigned to the following categories:
- Regular content roots, created as described in the section Configuring Content Roots. These roots are marked .
- A content root is a folder that contains the files that make up your project.
- Source roots (or source folders; shown as ).
- These roots contain the actual source files and resources. PyCharm uses the source roots as the starting point for resolving imports.
- The files under the source roots are interpreted according to their type. PyCharm can parse, inspect, index, and compile the contents of these roots.
- Resource roots (or resource folders; shown as ).
- These roots are intended for resource files in your application (images, Style Sheets, etc.) By assigning a folder to this category, you tell PyCharm that files in it and in its subfolders can be referenced relative to this folder instead of specifying full paths to them.
- Excluded roots (shown as ) are ones that PyCharm "almost ignores".
- These roots contain files and folders ignored by PyCharm when indexing, searching, parsing, watching etc.
- Excluded roots are not visible to PyCharm. Usually, one would like to exclude temporary build folders, generated output, logs, and other project output. Excluding the unnecessary paths is a good way to significantly improve performance.
- Template roots marked as contain templates for the various web projects.