开发知乎 设置系统语言

参考 https://github.com/caouecs/Laravel-lang 安装语言包;

  1 For Laravel 5.8-6.0 : run composer require caouecs/laravel-lang:~4.0 in your project folder
  2 For Laravel 5.1-5.7 : run composer require caouecs/laravel-lang:~3.0 in your project folder
  3 For Laravel 5 : run composer require caouecs/laravel-lang:~2.0 in your project folder
  4 For Laravel 4 : run composer require caouecs/laravel-lang:~1.0 in your project folder
  5 Files of languages are in "vendor/caouecs/laravel-lang" directory
  6 Copy the folders of languages that you want, in the resources/lang folder of your Laravel application (app/lang in Laravel 4).

打开 config/app.php文件 修改:

  1 //略
  2 'locale' => 'zh-CN', //系统预设语言
  3 //略
  4 'fallback_locale' => 'zh-CN', //如果使用者设置的值找不到,则采用此处设定的值
  5 //略
  6 'faker_locale' => 'zh_CN', //生成假资料的预设语言
如果刷新页面后还是英文的,尝试执行命令清除config cache:
  1 php artisan config:cache


  1 'attributes' => [
  2     ...
  3     'birthday'              => '生日',
  4     'fix'                   => '修理记录',
  5 ]
上一篇:Windows Server体验之应用兼容性按需功能
