Coroutine 协程

Coroutines are computer program components that generalize subroutines for non-preemptive multitasking, by allowing execution to be suspended and resumed. Coroutines are well-suited for implementing familiar program components such as cooperative tasks, exceptions, event loops, iterators, infinite lists and pipes.

According to Donald Knuth, Melvin Conway coined the term coroutine in 1958 when he applied it to construction of an assembly program.[1] The first published explanation of the coroutine appeared later, in 1963.[2]


根据高德纳的说法, 马尔文·康威于1958年发明了术语coroutine并用于构建汇编程序[1][2] 协程最初在1963年被提出。[2]


Implementations for C#

  • MindTouch Dream - The MindTouch Dream REST framework provides an implementation of coroutines based on the C# 2.0 iterator pattern
  • Caliburn - The Caliburn screen patterns framework for WPF uses C# 2.0 iterators to ease UI programming, particularly in asynchronous scenarios.
  • Power Threading Library - The Power Threading Library by Jeffrey Richter implements an AsyncEnumerator that provides simplified Asynchronous Programming Model using iterator-based coroutines.
  • The Unity game engine implements coroutines.
  • Servelat Pieces - The Servelat Pieces project by Yevhen Bobrov provides transparent asynchrony for Silverlight WCF services and ability to asynchronously call any synchronous method. The implementation is based on Caliburn's Coroutines iterator and C# iterator blocks.
  • [9] - The .NET 2.0+ Framework now provides semi-coroutine (generator) functionality through the iterator pattern and yield keyword.

C# 5.0 includes await syntax support. 


