mpvue 生成字节跳动小程序的问题!!


$ vue init mpvue/mpvue-quickstart fuck
$ cd fuck
$ npm install


$ npm run dev:tt

生成字节跳动的小程序项目,就是 'dist/tt/' 目录。


mpvue 生成字节跳动小程序的问题!!

Error: Unable to determine project type, microApp needs app.json,microGame needs game.json.
at BuildDist (/Applications/
at /Applications/
at i (/Applications/


报错意思是无法判断项目是小程序还是小游戏,因为找不到 app.json 或 game.json 文件。
然后 app.json 明明就安静的躺在那里啊,什么情况!
根据报错信息找到报错文件 /Applications/
美化一下 js 代码,找到报错的地方:

async function BuildDist(e) {
    let {
        compile: t,
        splitJS: r,
        isWatch: n,
        buildType: a,
        compile_mode: o
    } = e || {};
    const i =,
        s = commonjsGlobal.argvProject.tea;
    console.time("-> microapp/index");
    const l = microapp;
    console.timeEnd("-> microapp/index"), console.time("require microgame/index");
    const c = microgame;
    console.timeEnd("require microgame/index"), debug_1.log(`[start build ${}]`);
    try {
        switch (a) {
            case "app":
                console.time("/// ALL BUILD DONE ///"), await l(r, n, o), console.timeEnd("/// ALL BUILD DONE ///");
            case "game":
                await c(r);
                throw new Error("Unable to determine project type, microApp needs app.json,microGame needs game.json.")
    } catch (e) {
        if (commonjsGlobal.argvProject.isIDE) {
            if (!commonjsGlobal.argvProject.isIDEForThird) return commonjsGlobal.argvProject.finishBuildCb(e)
        } else debug_1.error(e), process.exit(1)
    const p = - i;
    console.log("BuildDist:", `${p}ms`), s.collectEvent(teaConfig_1.totalCompileTime, {
        compile_time: p,
        compile_mode: o
    }), await afterBuild(a, t)

就是在这个函数 throw Error 的,这个 a 有问题,也就是 buildType 有毛病,继续回溯,找到:

var r2d2 = async function(e, t) {
    let {
        isProduction: r,
        sourcePath: n,
        isIde: a,
        tarPath: o = "",
        compileChannel: i = "",
        assetsOrder: s,
        minify: l
    } = e;
    __cwd$1 = n, targetFilePath = o;
    const c = getProjectType(),
        p = "-d" === a || "-l" === a;
    let u = tea({
            __cwd: __cwd$1,
            buildType: c,
            isIDE: p
        h = {
            isProduction: r,
            isIDE: p,
            isIDEForThird: "-l" === a,
            isRemoteDebugForTT: "-r" === a,
            targetPath: targetFilePath,
            __cwd: __cwd$1,
            finishBuildCb: t,
            compileChannel: i,
            assetsOrder: s,
            minify: l,
            tea: u
        g = {
            compile: !1,
            splitJS: !1,
            isWatch: !1,
            buildType: c,
            compile_mode: "all"
    commonjsGlobal.argvProject = h, "-c" === r ? (g.compile = !0, g.splitJS = !0, commonjsGlobal.argvProject.isIDE && !commonjsGlobal.argvProject.isIDEForThird ? (g.isWatch = !0, WatchCompile(g)) : await BuildDist(g)) : ("-b" === r && (g.splitJS = !0), Clear([path$2.resolve(__dirname, "../public/__dist__*"), path$2.resolve(__dirname, "../public/app.ttpkg.js")]).then(() => {
        ServePbulic(), g.isWatch = !0, WatchCompile(g)

也就是 getProjectType 会返回 buildType,它的返回值有猫腻,再看这个函数:

function getProjectType() {
    const e = readjson.sync(`${__cwd$1}/project.config.json`).miniprogramRoot || "";
    return fs.existsSync(path$2.join(__cwd$1, e, "app.json")) ? "app" : fs.existsSync(path$2.join(__cwd$1, e, "game.json")) ? "game" : "unknow"

咦!!它读了 project.config.json,然后根据文件里 json 中的 miniprogramRoot 来寻找 app.json 和 game.json
马上看一下 project.config.json 文件,果然里面配置了 miniprogramRoot,而且还是 "miniprogramRoot": "dist/wx/"
这就显然不对了,最起码也该把 wx 换乘 tt 吧。
然而就算换了 tt 也不行,miniprogramRoot 是个相对路径,相对于当前项目路径,也就是 fuck/dist/tt/ 目录,其实也就是当前目录,所以这个值应该是

"miniprogramRoot": "./"

然鹅,然鹅,直接修改这个文件并不合适,应该找到 fuck 目录下单的 project.config.json,修改它里面的 miniprogramRoot,这样就每次自动生成正确的文件了。
改好之后,mpvue 自动重新编译生成新的项目文件,在字节跳动开发者工具中点击编译,pia~,页面出来了,beautiful~



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