联邦学习 Federated learning Google I/O‘19 笔记

Federated Learning: Machine Learning on Decentralized data


1. Decentralized data

Edge devices

can data live at the edge?

On-device inference offers

  • improved latency
  • works offline
  • better battery life
  • privacy advantages

But what about analytics? How could the model learn on the data on the edge devices?

⇒ federated learning

Gboard: mobile keyboard

Gboard machine learning

Models are essential for:

  • tap typing
  • gesture typing
  • auto-corrections
  • predictions
  • voice to text
  • and more…

all on-deice for latency and reliability

Gboard data: more, better, decentralized

on-device cache of local interactions: touch points, typed text, context, and more.

Used exclusively for federated learning and computation ⇒

Federated Learning: Collaborative Machine Learning without Centralized Training Data

Privacy Principles - like ephemeral reports

  1. Only-in-aggregation: engineer may only access combined device reports

  2. Ephemeral reports: never persist per-device reports

  3. Focused collection: devices report only what is needed for this computation

  4. Don’t memorize individuals’ data ⇒ Differential Privacy: statistical science of learning common patterns in a dataset without memorizing individual examples

    Differential privacy complements federated learning: use noise to obscure an individual’s impact on the learned model.


Privacy Technology

  1. On-device datasets ⇒ keep raw data local. Expire old data. Encrypt at rest.

  2. Federated aggregation ⇒ combine reports from multiple devices.

  3. Secure aggregation: compute a (vector) sum of encrypted device reports; e.g. Gboard word count

    it’s a practical protocol with

    • security guarantees
    • communication efficiency
    • dropout tolerance
  4. Federated model averaging: many steps of gradient descent on each device

  5. Differentially Private model averaging

    1. devices “clip” their updates if they are too large
    2. server adds noise when combining updates

    Learning Differentially Private Recurrent Language Models

2. Federated computation: Map-reduce for the next generation

Federated computation: only-in-aggregation

on device dataset

Federated computation: Federated aggregation

  1. The engineer set an threshold on the server

  2. The threshold will be broadcast to the available devices

  3. The threshold is then compared to the local temperature data, the value will be 1 or 0 depends on whether it’s larger than the threshold

  4. Then the 0s and 1s will be aggerated again (in this case, federated mean)

  5. Repeat: each round involves different devices

Federated computation challenges

What’s different from datacenter MapReduce

  • limited communication
  • intermittent compute node availability
  • intermittent data availability
  • massively distributed ⇒ e.g. sample magnitudes: 1B devices, 10M available, 1000 selected, 50 dropout
  • privacy preserving aggregation

Round completion rate by hours (US)

  • rounds complete faster when more devices available
  • device availability changes over the course of a day ⇒ dynamic data availability

Federated computation: secure aggregation, focused collection

Gboard: word counts

relative typing frequency of common word

How to compute the frequency of the word ⇒ Focused collection

  1. count the word in device_data:

    for word in device_data:
    	if word in ["hello", "world"]:
    		device_update[word] += 1
  2. broad cast the counts into local device and run locally

  3. combine the counts on the local device and sum them on the server

  4. on the server, the engineer is able to see the combined results of all the available devices

  5. repeat

3. Federated learning

FL: machine learning on decentralized data

Privacy Technologies - like federated model averaging

Model engineer workflow

  1. Train & evaluate on cloud data / proxy data (similar to the device data)

  2. Main training loop is on the decentralized data

  3. Final model validation steps

  4. deploy model to devices for on-device inference

Federated model averaging

FL vs. in-datacenter learning

federated computation plus:

  • unbalance data
  • self-correlated (non-IID) data
  • variable data availability

When does it apply?

most appropriate when:

  • on-device data is more relevant than server-side proxy data
  • on-device data is privacy sensitive or large
  • labels can be inferred naturally from user interaction

Gboard: language modeling

  • predict the next word based on typed text so far
  • powers the predictions strip

Decentralized data represents better what user really type.

Federated Learning for Mobile Keyboard Prediction

Applied Federated Learning: Improving Google Keyboard Query Suggestions

Federated Learning Of Out-Of-Vocabulary Words

Towards Federated Learning at Scale: System Design

4. TensorFlow Federated

experiment with federated technologies in simulation

What’s in the box

Federated learning (FL) API

  • Implementations of federated training/evaluation
  • Can be applied to existing TF models/data

Federated Core (FC) API

  • Allows for expressing new federated algorithms

Local runtime for simulations

Federated computation in TFF

  1. federated “op”

  2. FederatedType

    READINGS_TYPE = tff.FederatedType(tf.float32, tff.CLIENTS)
    # An abstract specification of a simple distributed system
    def get_avarage_temperature(sensor_readings):
    	return tff.federated_mean(sensor_readings)


    1. tff.federated_broadcast: broadcast the threshold to the devices
    2. tff.federated_map: get 1 / 0 depends on whether it has surpass the threshold or not
    3. tff.federated_mean: to get the results aggregated back to the server
    THRESHOLD_TYPE = tff.FederatedType(tf.float32, tff.SERVER, all_equal=True
    @tff.federated_computation(READINGS_TYPE, THRESHOLD_TYPE)
    def get_fraction_over_threshold(readings, threshold):
    	@tff.tf_computation(tf.float32, tf.float32)
    	def _is_over_as_float(val, threshold):
    		return tf.to_float(val > threshold)
    	return tff.federated_average(tff.federated_map(_is_over_as_float, 
    		[readings, tff.federated_broadcast(threshold)]))

    Federated learning and corgis

    Federated Learning

上一篇:java – Chain Observables

下一篇:java – Rx运算符.忽略直到下一个被发射