Query Languages for Graph Databases论文学习


We provide a brief survey of many of the graph query languages that have been proposed, focussing on the core functionality provided in these languages. We also consider issues such as expressive power and the computational complexity of query evaluation.(我们简要介绍了许多已提出的图查询语言,重点介绍这些语言提供的核心功能。 我们还考虑了诸如表达能力和查询评估的计算复杂性等问题。)

  • consider functionality in terms of the following broad categories: subgraph matching, finding nodes connected by paths, comparing and returning paths, aggregation, node creation, and approximate matching and ranking.(根据以下大类考虑功能:子图匹配、查找由路径连接的节点、比较和返回路径、聚合、节点创建以及近似匹配和排名。)
