30天代码day2 Operators

These allow you to perform certain operations on your data. There are 3 basic types:

  1. Unary: operates on 1 operand
  2. Binary: operates on 2 operands
  3. Ternary: operates on 3 operands

Arithmetic Operators
The binary operators used for arithmetic are as follows:

  • +: Additive
  • -: Subtraction
  • *: Multiplication
  • /: Division
  • %: Remainder (modulo)

Additional Operators

    • +: A binary operator used for String concatenation
    • ++: This unary operator is used to preincrement 前自增(increment by 1 before use) when prepended to a variable name or postincrement 后自增(increment by 1 after use) when appended to a variable.
    • --: This unary operator is used to predecrement 前自减(decrement by 1 before use) when prepended to a variable name or postdecrement 后自减(decrement by 1 after use) when appended to a variable.
    • !: This unary operator means not (negation). It's used before a variable or logical expression that evaluates to true or false.
    • ==: This binary operator is used to check the equality of 2 primitives.
    • !=: This binary operator is used to check the inequality of 2 primitives.
    • <, >, <=, >=: These are the respective binary operators for less than, greater than, less than or equal to, and greater than or equal to, and are used to compare two operands.
    • &&, ||: These are the respective binary operators used to perform logical AND and logical OR operations on two boolean (i.e.: true or false) statements.
    • ? : This ternary operator is used for simple conditional statements (i.e.: if ? then : else).

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