# Computational Optimal Transport笔记——Introduction


经证明,有计划地运输一堆个体到指定的位置比移动一个单独的个体更加复杂。最优运输这个问题首先被Monget提出 [1] 。


虽然最优化运输问题看起来很复杂,但是这个问题在日常生活中经常遇到。人、商品、信息的运输很少仅仅运输一个东西。在物流、生产计划或者网络游走中大部分的经济问题包括移动分布。Tolsto[2], Hitchcock[3]和Kantorovich[4]的工作是以实际问题为指导的。


  1. Topics in Optimal Transportation. Graduate Studies in Mathematics Series.
    American Mathematical Society, 2003.
  2. Optimal Transport: Old and New, volume 338. Springer Verlag, 2009
  3. Mass Transportation Problems: Volume I: Theory. Springer Science & Business Media, 1998a.
  4. Mass Transportation Problems: Volume II: Applications. Springer Science & Business Media, 1998b.
  5. Optimal transport for applied mathematicians. Birkhauser, 2015
  6. Optimal Transport Methods in Economics. Princeton University Press, 2016
  7. Optimal mass transport: signal processing and machine-learning applications. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 34(4):43–59, 2017.


Chapter 2,3,4,9,10 的主体是专门研究由概率向量或者离散直方图的空间中的最优运输引起的几何问题。在灰色的box中,给出了更通用的为离散测量定制的最优运输的数学阐述。离散测量被其概率权重和权重所在的位置所定义。这些位置通常是在一个连续的度量空间中,这给了建模随机现象的第二个重要*度。在黑色的box中,是用于处理任意的测量的。
Chapter 5到8 处理连续和离散测量间的相关关系,是针对数学能力比较强的读者。



[1] :Gaspard Monge. Mémoire sur la théorie des déblais et des remblais. Histoire de l’Académie
Royale des Sciences, pages 666–704, 1781.
[2] :AN Tolstoı. Metody nakhozhdeniya naimen’shego summovogo kilome-trazha pri planirovanii perevozok v prostranstve (russian; methods of finding the minimal total kilometrage in cargo transportation planning in space). TransPress of the National Commissariat of Transportation, pages 23–55, 1930.
[3]:Frank L Hitchcock. The distribution of a product from several sources to numerous localities. Studies in Applied Mathematics, 20(1-4):224–230, 1941.
[4]:Leonid Kantorovich. On the transfer of masses (in russian). Doklady Akademii Nauk, 37(2): 227–229, 1942.
[5]:Yann Brenier. Polar factorization and monotone rearrangement of vector-valued functions.
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, 44(4):375–417, 1991.

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