

<ul id="menu">    <li class="menu">Sub 1        <ul>            <li>test 1</li>            <li>test 2</li>            <li>test 3</li>            <li>test 4</li>        </ul>    </li>    <li class="menu">Sub 2        <ul>            <li>test 1</li>            <li>test 2</li>            <li>test 3</li>            <li>test 4</li>        </ul>    </li></ul>

$(document).ready(function() {var toggle = function(direction, display) {return function() {var self = this;var ul = $("ul", this);if( ul.css("display") == display && !self["block" + direction] ) {self["block" + direction] = true;ul["slide" + direction]("slow", function() {self["block" + direction] = false;});}};}$("li.menu").hover(toggle("Down", "none"), toggle("Up", "block"));$("li.menu ul").hide();});$(document).ready(function() {

$("#menu li ul").hide();

$("#menu li").hover(function () {$(this).children("ul").show("slow");},function(){$(this).children("ul").hide("slow");});//hover

});// document ready
In the previous example, please use js to hide the menu (the first line) if your menu requires js. If some one doesn't have js turned on they can still get to your content. Also note you can change the show/hide to any old jQuery effect and use "slow" and "fast" to 
上一篇:【算法系列学习三】[kuangbin带你飞]专题二 搜索进阶 之 A-Eight 反向bfs打表和康拓展开
