This code seems to be using non-short-circuit logic (e.g., & or |) rather than short-circuit logic (&& or ||). In addition, it seem possible that, depending on the value of the left hand side, you might not want to evaluate the right hand side (because it would have side effects, could cause an exception or could be expensive.
Non-short-circuit logic causes both sides of the expression to be evaluated even when the result can be inferred from knowing the left-hand side. This can be less efficient and can result in errors if the left-hand side guards cases when evaluating the right-hand side can generate an error.
这段代用的是非简洁逻辑(例如,&或|),而不是简洁逻辑(&&或| |)。它似乎可能的是,只想根据左边的值,而不用不希望评估右边值(因为这会产生副作用,可能会导致异常或可能是昂贵的代价),非短路逻辑必须通过两侧的值来评估最终结果,这可能是低效率的,并且可能导致错误(左边表达式是正确的,右边表达式可能会是一个错误)。