relation-graph 使用 & 配置:
1, 引入relation-graph
npm install --save relation-graph |
2, 示例代码:
<template> <div style=""> <div style="margin-top:10px;width:700px;padding:20px;"> 这个示例中,调用setJsonData时传递的是一个典型的有层级结构的数据,图谱会自动识别(通过children属性识别子节点),再将其做扁平化处理。这样做仅仅是为了方便展示一些树状图谱。 <br /> 直接使用tree数据结构有明显的确缺陷:只能设置全局的线条默认样式,无法对具体的link设置属性,不能精细化的定义线条的样式。 </div> <div v-loading="g_loading" style="width: calc(100% - 10px);height:calc(100vh - 140px);border-top: #efefef solid 1px;" > <SeeksRelationGraph ref="seeksRelationGraph" :options="graphOptions"> </SeeksRelationGraph> </div> <el-button type="success" class="c-show-code-button"> <el-link href="relation-graph/Demo4TreeData.vue at master · seeksdream/relation-graph · GitHub" target="_blank" style="color: #ffffff;" >查看代码 </el-link> </el-button> </div> </template> <script> import SeeksRelationGraph from 'relation-graph'; export default { name: 'SeeksRelationGraphDemo', components: { SeeksRelationGraph }, data() { return { g_loading: true, demoname: '---', graphOptions: { debug: true, backgrounImage: '', backgrounImageNoRepeat: true, layouts: [ { label: '中心', layoutName: 'tree', layoutClassName: 'seeks-layout-center', defaultJunctionPoint: 'border', defaultNodeShape: 0, defaultLineShape: 1, from: 'left', // 通过这4个属性来调整 tree-层级距离&节点距离 min_per_width: '200', max_per_width: '500', min_per_height: '40', max_per_height: '60', levelDistance: '', // 如果此选项有值,则优先级高于上面那4个选项 }, ], defaultExpandHolderPosition: 'right', defaultNodeShape: 1, defaultNodeWidth: '100', defaultLineShape: 4, defaultJunctionPoint: 'lr', defaultNodeBorderWidth: 0, defaultLineColor: 'rgba(0, 186, 189, 1)', defaultNodeColor: 'rgba(0, 206, 209, 1)', }, }; }, created() {}, mounted() { this.demoname = this.$route.params.demoname; this.setGraphData(); }, methods: { setGraphData() { // 使用要点:通过节点属性expandHolderPosition: 'right' 和 expanded: false 可以让节点在没有子节点的情况下展示一个"展开"按钮 // 通过onNodeExpand事件监听节点,在被展开的时候有选择的去从后台获取数据,如果已经从后台加载过数据,则让当前图谱根据当前的节点重新布局 let __graph_json_data = { rootId: 'a', nodes: [ { id: 'a', text: 'a', children: [ { id: 'b', text: 'b', children: [ { id: 'b1', text: 'b1', children: [ { id: 'b1-1', text: 'b1-1' }, { id: 'b1-2', text: 'b1-2' }, { id: 'b1-3', text: 'b1-3' }, { id: 'b1-4', text: 'b1-4' }, { id: 'b1-5', text: 'b1-5' }, { id: 'b1-6', text: 'b1-6' }, ], }, { id: 'b2', text: 'b2', children: [ { id: 'b2-1', text: 'b2-1' }, { id: 'b2-2', text: 'b2-2' }, ], }, ], }, { id: 'c', text: 'c', children: [ { id: 'c1', text: 'c1' }, { id: 'c2', text: 'c2' }, { id: 'c3', text: 'c3' }, ], }, ], }, ], links: [ // 你仍然可以通过常规方式添加关系 ], }; console.log(JSON.stringify(__graph_json_data)); this.g_loading = false; this.$refs.seeksRelationGraph.setJsonData( __graph_json_data, seeksRGGraph => { // 这些写上当图谱初始化完成后需要执行的代码 } ); }, }, }; </script> <!-- Add "scoped" attribute to limit CSS to this component only --> <style scoped></style> |