mv,Directory not empty不能目录覆盖

一。mv  /test1/* /test2/test1rm -rf /test1


You can however use rsync with the --remove-source-files option (and possibly others) to merge one directory into another.

rsync won't delete any directories, so you will have to do something like find -type d -empty -delete afterwards to get rid of the empty source directory tree.

rsync -av /source/ /destination/
(after checking)
rm -rf /source/

--remove-source-files has the advantage of only removing files that were transferred successfully, so you can use find to remove empty directories and will be left with everything that wasn't transferred without having to check rsyncs output

cd source; find -type f | xargs -n 1 -I {} mv {} dest/{}


I'd recommend these four steps:

cd ${SOURCE};
find . -type d -exec mkdir -p ${DEST}/\{} \;
find . -type f -exec mv \{} ${DEST}/\{} \;
find . -type d -empty -delete

or better yet, here's a script that implements semantics similar to mv:


DEST=${@:${#@}}; for SRC in ${@:1:$(({#@} -1))}; do   (
    cd $SRC;
    find . -type d -exec mkdir -p ${DEST}/\{} \;
    find . -type f -exec mv \{} ${DEST}/\{} \;
    find . -type d -empty -delete
) done

Here is a script that worked for me. I prefer mv over rsync, so I use Jewel and Jonathan Mayer's solutions.


# usage source1 .. sourceN dest

DEST=$(readlink -f ${!#})
for SRC in $sources; do
    pushd $SRC;
    find . -type d -exec mkdir -p ${DEST}/{} \;
    find . -type f -exec mv {} ${DEST}/{} \;
    find . -type d -empty -delete

if you use use mv --backup=numbered
  (or one of the other options for the --backup switch),
then mv will complete the merge and preserve the files intended to be overwritten

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