Parallel.For with await and wait()

Parallel.For with await and wait()

        static void Parallel2()
ParallelLoopResult result = Parallel.For(, , i =>
Log($"S:{i} ");
Log($"E:{i} ");
} static void Parallel1WithAsync() {
ParallelLoopResult result = Parallel.For(, , async i =>
Log($"S:{i} ");
await Task.Delay();
Log($"E:{i} ");
} static void Log(string prefix) {
WriteLine($"{prefix}, taks:{Task.CurrentId}, thread:{Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId}");

Task.Delay(10).Wait(); Result

S:1 , taks:3, thread:1
S:3 , taks:4, thread:4
S:5 , taks:6, thread:5
S:7 , taks:9, thread:6
E:7 , taks:9, thread:6
S:8 , taks:13, thread:6
E:3 , taks:4, thread:4
S:4 , taks:15, thread:4
E:1 , taks:3, thread:1
S:2 , taks:3, thread:1
E:5 , taks:6, thread:5
S:6 , taks:11, thread:8
E:2 , taks:3, thread:1
E:8 , taks:13, thread:6
E:4 , taks:15, thread:4
E:6 , taks:11, thread:8

await Task.Delay(10)result:

S:1 , taks:3, thread:1
S:5 , taks:5, thread:5
S:6 , taks:5, thread:5
S:8 , taks:5, thread:5
S:4 , taks:5, thread:5
S:3 , taks:4, thread:3
S:7 , taks:7, thread:6
S:2 , taks:3, thread:1
E:3 , taks:, thread:6
E:6 , taks:, thread:6
E:5 , taks:, thread:6
E:1 , taks:, thread:6
E:4 , taks:, thread:5
E:2 , taks:, thread:6
E:7 , taks:, thread:5
E:8 , taks:, thread:3

上一篇:【一起学OpenFoam】02 软件准备

下一篇:java.lang.Throwable 异常/深入