SQL 多列合并成一列

原文链接:http://www.cnblogs.com/AlanGan/archive/2009/05/24/1905779.html SQL 多列合并成一列 方法一:

create table #Tmp (nu int, val varchar(100))
insert into #Tmp values(1, 'a')
insert into #Tmp values(2, 'b')
insert into #Tmp values(2, 'c')
insert into #Tmp values(3, 'd')
insert into #Tmp values(3, 'e')
insert into #Tmp values(3, 'f')
select * from #Tmp

;with Orign as
select ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by nu order by nu) as rn, nu, val from #Tmp
recur as
select * from Orign where rn = 1
union all
select a.rn, a.nu, cast(b.val + ',' + a.val as varchar(100))as val
from Orign a
inner join recur b
on a.nu = b.nu and a.rn = b.rn+1

select nu, val
from recur a
where a.rn = (select max(rn)from recur b where a.nu = b.nu)
order by nu

drop table #Tmp

create table #Tmp (nu int, val varchar(100))

insert into #Tmp values(1, 'a')
insert into #Tmp values(2, 'b')
insert into #Tmp values(2, 'c')
insert into #Tmp values(3, 'd')
insert into #Tmp values(3, 'e')
insert into #Tmp values(3, 'f')
insert into #Tmp values(4, 'g')
insert into #Tmp values(4, 'h')
insert into #Tmp values(4, 'i')
select * from #Tmp

select ','+val as [text()] from #Tmp t2 for xml path ('')

select nu, stuff( (select ','+val as [text()] from #Tmp t2 where t1.nu= t2.nu for xml path ('')),1,1,'')
from #Tmp t1
group by nu

drop table #Tmp 阅读全文
类别:Sql Server 查看评论 posted on 2009-05-24 13:44 Alan Gan 阅读(...) 评论(...) 编辑 收藏



下一篇:405. Convert a Number to Hexadecimal(十进制转化为十六进制:补码)