Sharepoint学习笔记—习题系列--70-576习题解析 -(Q45-Q48)

Question 45
You are designing a branding strategy for a customer with a new SharePoint 2010 server farm. The branding strategy you recommend must enable each department in the company to customize sites with their specific branding preferences. The design requirements specify that users should be able to:
.Create top-level sites for self-service site and sub site creation.
.Modify their sites without affecting other existing sites.
.Create multiple lists of the same types with different content.
.Implement SharePoint themes.
You need to meet all these design requirements without custom development. Which strategy should you design for each department to meet these requirements?
A. A master page
B. A Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2010 theme
C. A site definition
D. A site template

  你为一个新的Sharepoint 2010场设计一个网站风格设计方案。此方案可以允许每个部门自己定制他们自己的部门网站风格,其它要求如下:
  要求1. 为自助式网站创建以及子网站创建建立网站集*层次的网站
  要求2. 可以修改他们自己的网站而不会影响其它已经存在的网站
  要求3. 可以创建若干同一类型但不同内容的列表
  要求4. 应用Sharepoint的主题
 根据要求1 可以直接排除选项A.B, 因为它们都不可能直接用来创建网站, 它们只是用来影响已经存在的网站风格。再根据题干要求的 “ must enable each department in the company to customize sites with their specific branding preferences” 以及要求4, 我们可以排除选项C.因为Site Definition的定制不是各部门的用户所能完成的,而且Site Definition并不支持应用网站的主题。
 因此本题答案应该选 D


Question 46
You are planning an upgrade from an existing Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS) 2007 farm to a SharePoint 2010 farm. The existing farm contains customized master pages. These master pages include modifications of the:
.Publishing Console
.Site Actions Menu
.Log-in Control
Your design must specify an upgrade to the existing master pages to function correctly in SharePoint 2010. Which approach should you recommend?
A. Create a new SharePoint 2010 master page and add the required controls into the Ribbon on the page.
B. Update the cascading style sheet (CSS) styles in the core.css file of the existing SharePoint sites with the SharePoint 2010 CSS styles. Add SharePoint 2010 content placeholders to the existing master pages.
C. Create SharePoint 2010 delegate controls for all of the custom controls in the existing MOSS 2007 master pages. Add these controls to the new SharePoint 2010 master pages.
D. Use the Farm Configuration wizard to upgrade the existing MOSS 2007 master pages so that the pages are compatible with SharePoint 2010.

  首先,MOSS2007与Sharepoint2010的母板页定义有许多的不同,Sharepoint2010的用户界面 (UI) 发生了重大变化,其中包括添加了服务器功能区。默认情况下,v4.master 页包含服务器功能区。许多以前位于菜单和工具栏中的命令现在都位于服务器功能区内。因此,如果您的现有母版页不包含服务器功能区,许多命令都将不可用。所以从MOSS2007升级到Sharepoint2010的母板页不仅意味着你需要添加一些Place Holder,还需要移除一些Controls。所以,选项B仅想依靠修改CSS与添加Place Holder解决不了本题问题。选项C的Delegate Control是用来创建自定义控件以替代Master page上的一些默认控件的(eg: SearchBox控件,具体应用参照我的博客,它无法替代你在MOSS2007中自行加载的其它功能控件。选项D则使用了Farm Configuration wizard,它主要是用来为场配置进行提升而非升级母板页。所以,我们只有重新创建针对Sharepoint2010的母板页并加入相关的控件。
  因此本题答案应该选 A


Question 47
Your company has a SharePoint 2010 Web application that contains multiple site collections. You have a custom master page that will be used by every site collection in the application. You need to make sure that changes made to this custom master page are displayed across all site collections in the Web application. Which approach should you recommend?
A. Use SharePoint Designer 2010 to add the new master page to each site collection.
B. Use the Site Master Page Settings page in the Web browser to apply the new master page to the top-level site of each site collection.
C. Manually upload the master page to the Master Page gallery of each site collection using the Web browser.
D. Deploy a solution package using Visual Studio that includes the master page in a feature, and activate the feature in each site collection.

  你公司有一个SP2010 Web  Application 上包含了许多网站集,你想开发了一个母板页应用到所有的网站集上,你要保证对此母板页的任何修改都应该在此Web Application上的所有网站集上生效。
  首先,选项A.C 均是把母板页开发并部署到Master Page gallery中[其实是保存在各个网站集的内容数据库中],这种做法实质是针对每个网站集的分别定制,也就是说,每个网站集其实都各自拥有自己的母板页,这样一样就无法达到题干所要求的,如果对母板做修改,则可在所有网站集上生效,你必须针对每个网站集的母板页重新进行修改。而至于选项B,只是把母板页应用到各个网站集的Top-Level的网站,它并没有说明这引母板页是从哪儿来的,讲的只是应用,没有讲到具体实现思路,所以也应该排除。只有选项D,通过集中开发,集中部署一个Feature到Web application,然后再在各个网站集上激活并应用,这样就保证了只对一个版本的母板页Feature进行开发维护,从而达到了本题的要求。
因此本题答案应该选 D


Question 48
You are designing a SharePoint 2010 intranet site for your company. You need to make sure that each  department’s SharePoint site has a unique appearance by using different fonts and font colors for each site. Your design should include no custom development. Which approach should you recommend?
A. Configure a separate theme using the Site Theme page for each department’s site.
B. Create a new cascading style sheet for each department. Define unique fonts and font colors for that department in the new cascading style sheet.
C. Create a feature for each department that deploys a customized cascading style sheet to the style library for  the department site.
D. Create a new master page for each department’s site and assign unique fonts and font colors inside the master page.

因此本题答案应该选 A


