
  • The component of DBMS core

(数据库原理及应用笔记)数据库管理系统-> UFI (即席访问)
-> APIs (类库、嵌入式…)
-> Access management (访问原语)

  • The process structure of DBMS

-> Single process structure

-> Multi processes structure
-> Multi threads structure

-> Communication protocols between processes/threads

  1. Access types
    ( Query all or most records of a file(>15%)
    ( Query some special record
    ( Query some records(<15%)
    ( Scope query
    ( Update
  2. File organization
    ( Heap file
    ( Direct file
    ( Indexed file:index + heap file/cluster ->B+Tree
    ( Dynamic hashing
    ( Grid structure file
    ( Raw disk
  3. Index technique
    ( B+ Tree
    ( Clustering index(簇集索引)
    ( Inverted file
    ( Dynamic hashing
    ( Grid structure file and partitioned hash function
    ( Bitmap index(used in data warehouse)
    ( Others
  4. Access primitives
    -> Algebra Optimization(Rewrite
    -> Operation Optimization(存储结构、索引
S.CITY=‘Nanjing’ AND


  • The operation optimization of the tree
    -> Nest Loop,R as O,S as I
    -> Nest Loop,R as I,S as O
    -> Nest Loop,use possible index on R or S
    -> Merge Scan
    -> Hash join
  • Algebra optimization
    -> Exchange rule of ⋈/×: E1 × E2 ≡ E2 ×E1
    -> Combination rule of ⋈/×: E1×(E2×E3)≡(E1×E2)×E3
    -> Cluster rule of ∏: ∏A1…An(∏B1…Bm(E))≡∏A1…An(E),
    legal when A1…An is the sub set of {B1…Bm}
    -> Cluster rule of δ: δF1(δF2(E))≡δF1∧F2(E)
    -> Exchange rule of ∏ and δ: δF(∏A1…An(E))≡∏A1…An (δF(E)) if F includes attributes B1…Bm which don’t belong to A1…An, then ∏A1…An (δF(E)) ≡ ∏A1…An δF(∏A1…An, B1…Bm(E))
    -> If the attributes in F are all the attributes in E1, thenδF(E1×E2) ≡ δF(E1)×E2;
    if F in the form of F1∧F2, and there are only E1’s attributes in F1, and there are only E2‟s attributes in F2, then δF(E1×E2) ≡δF1(E1)×δF2(E2);
    if F in the form of F1∧F2, and there are only E1‟s
    attributes in F1, while F2 includes the attributes both in E1 and E2, then δF(E1×E2) ≡δF2(δF1(E1)×E2);
    -> δF(E1 ⋃ E2) ≡ δF(E1) ⋃ δF(E2)
    -> δF(E1 - E2) ≡ δF(E1) - δF(E2)
    -> Suppose A1…An is a set of attributes, in which B1…Bm are E1‟s attributes, and C1…Ck are E2‟s attributes, then∏A1…An(E1×E2)≡∏B1…Bm(E1)×∏C1…Ck(E2)
    -> ∏A1…An(E1 ⋃ E2)≡∏A1…An(E1) ⋃ ∏A1…An(E2)
  • Basic principles
    -> Push down the unary operations as low as possible
    -> Look for and combine the commo n sub-expression
  • The operation optimization
    -> Optimization of select operation
    -> Optimization of project operation
    -> Optimization of set operation
    -> Optimization of join operation
    -> Optimization of combined operations
  • Recovery
    -> Reducing the likelihood of failures
    -> Recover from failures
    -> Restore DB to aconsistent state after some failures
    (Redundancy is necessary
    (Should inspect all possible failures
    -> Periodical dumping
    -> Backup + Log
  • Transaction
    -> Atomic action
    -> Consistency preservation(保持一致性)
    -> Isolation
    -> Durability
  • Some structures to support recovery
    -> Commit list
    -> Active list
    -> Log
  • Commit rule and Log ahead rule
    -> Commit rule: A.I must be written to nonvolatile strorage(非挥发存储器) before commit of the transaction
    -> Log ahead rule: If A.I is written to DB before commit then B.I must first written to log
    -> Recovery strategies
  • Three kinds of update strategy
    -> A.I-DB before commit
    (数据库原理及应用笔记)数据库管理系统(数据库原理及应用笔记)数据库管理系统-> A.I-D.B after commit
    (数据库原理及应用笔记)数据库管理系统(数据库原理及应用笔记)数据库管理系统-> A.I-D.B concurrently with commit
    (数据库原理及应用笔记)数据库管理系统(数据库原理及应用笔记)数据库管理系统-> 异地更新
  • Concurrency control
    (数据库原理及应用笔记)数据库管理系统-> Serializable
  • Locking Protocol
  • X locks

-> Conclusions
-> Well-formed + 2PL: serializable
-> Well-formed + 2PL + unlock update at EOT: serializable and recoverable.(without domino phenomena)
-> Well-formed + 2PL + holding all locks to EOT: strict two phase locking transaction

  • (S,X) locks
    -> S lock — if read access is intended.
    -> X lock — if update access is intended.
    (数据库原理及应用笔记)数据库管理系统- (S,U,X) locks
    -> U lock — update lock.For an update access the transaction first acquires a U-lock and then promote it to X-lock.
    -> Purpose — shorten the time of exclusion,so as to boost concurrency degree, and reduce deadlock.
  • Deadlock & Livelock
    -> Deadlock — wait in cycle,no transaction can obtain all of resources needed to complete
    -> Prevention(do not let it occur)
    -> Solving(permit it occurs,but can solve it)

-> Livelock — although other transaction release their resource in limited time,some transaction can not get the resources needed for a very long time.
-> Adjust schedule strategy,such as FIFO

  • Deadlock Detection
    -> Timeout
    -> Detect deadlock by wait-for graph G=<V,E>
    -> When to detect? —
    whenever one transaction waits.
    -> What to do when detected? —
    ①Pick a victim;
    ②Abort the victim and release its locks and resources;
    ③Grant a waiter;
    ④Restart the victim(automatically or manually)
    -> Deadlock avoidance —
    ①Requestin all locks at initial time of transaction
    ②Requesting locks in a specified order of resource
    ③Abort once conflicted
    ④Transaction Retry
    -> Every transaction is uniquely time stamped.If Ta requires a lock on a data object that is already locked by Tb,one of the following methods is uesd
    In above,both have only one direction wait,either older->younger or younger->older.It is impossible to occur wait in cycle,so the dead lock is avoided.

下一篇:使用Java JUnit框架里的@Rule注解的用法举例