How to test function module CRM_TERRMAN_BUILD_TERRATTRIB_B

Created by Wang, Jerry, last modified on Dec 13, 2014

  1. set breakpoint in FM CRM_TERRMAN_BUILD_TERRATTRIB_B.
  2. log on system with business role TPM_PRO, search out one Territory:
    How to test function module CRM_TERRMAN_BUILD_TERRATTRIB_B

Click Edit List:
How to test function module CRM_TERRMAN_BUILD_TERRATTRIB_B

There will be a new Inactive rule generated. Use
How to test function module CRM_TERRMAN_BUILD_TERRATTRIB_B

Choose Country as rule condition:
How to test function module CRM_TERRMAN_BUILD_TERRATTRIB_B

select one country for example China:
How to test function module CRM_TERRMAN_BUILD_TERRATTRIB_B

maintain a rule description and click Release button:
How to test function module CRM_TERRMAN_BUILD_TERRATTRIB_B

The status is changed now to Active:
How to test function module CRM_TERRMAN_BUILD_TERRATTRIB_B

  1. Click save button, then breakpoint will be triggered. Change lv_bw_update to X in debugger, then F8:
    How to test function module CRM_TERRMAN_BUILD_TERRATTRIB_B

Ensure the importing parameter it_terr_guid and it_link are not empty and after function module is executed, there should be no error message in changing parameter ct_errors.
How to test function module CRM_TERRMAN_BUILD_TERRATTRIB_B

How to test function module CRM_TERRMAN_BUILD_TERRATTRIB_B

