


DeFi的爆发将极大推动区块链应用落地的进度,但随着DeFi用户群体的不断扩大,金融资产交易信息隐私保护的问题日益突出,隐私保护作为DeFi完整生态最后一块拼图的意义更加凸显。#MAS 基于原创的paillier同态加密协议,无需可信预设更安全,支持智能合约可扩展,将在DeFi生态中扮演重要角色。近日MAS即将上线测试版本,主要模块MAS-PRE



DEX将大大地扎根于主流社会,其以加密为中心的复杂性届时将被简单化,这就是对未来10年年最明显的预测之一。 这些解决方案将从崛起的小众生态系统中的亮眼明星变成全球金融的新典范。






我们必须相信隐私是DeFi这个拼图所缺失的一块,而且不管是DeFi也好还是CeFi也好,隐私都是刚需。MAS 是基于底层以太坊公链打造的多维私钥加密算法协议网络。MAS 全称是 Multi-dimensional algorithm secret protocol,在公链界以保护资产数据隐私性而闻名。它是世界上第一个基于paillier同态加密算法,代理重加密(PRE)、多层加密协议,支持智能合约操作并实现隐私保护的平台。协议基于Substrate框架,易于使用且安全,提供完整的端到端匿名性、高吞吐量、较高的个人-平台隐私互操作性。

MAS 利用paillier同态加密,一种非交互式的加密协议,提供可扩展的、保护隐私的交易和交换。由于paillier是一个基于代码的解决方案,我们具有灵活性和速度的优势,可以在去中心化的交易所中获得最佳的用户体验:安全和快速。

MAS 作为第一个采用去中心化隐私保护方案实现的DEFI系统,其市场价值不言而喻。首先,项目在技术方面的进展不错.近日,MAS 宣布已启动公开测试网,包括 staking 网络压力测试。同时,该项目的激励测试网预计在2021年启动,主网预计在 2022 年的第一季度上线。

MAS 主要基于秘密协议构建,即关于去中心化资产的隐私支付与链上管理。
MAS的秘密协议保障交易全程完全匿名。去中心化隐私代币合约铸造的价格形成方式和主流 AMM 一致。未来也会以 MAS 为核心进行开发合成资产稳定币等产品。
官方计划将 MAS 秘密协议进一步拓展到全类资产隐私借贷协议。这是一个去中心化非托管的隐私借贷平台,用户可以在平台上匿名存款和进行隐私币借款。以及未来发展到去中心化隐私合成资产协议以及其他 DeFi 服务。




在MAS AMM上线之后,还会开启AMM治理代币的挖矿,交易用户、流动性提供者、MAS质押和代理节点、跨链桥用户和特定的以太坊Defi项目用户都可以获得奖励。AMM上线或用户可以实现匿名的资产交易。

值得注意的是,MAS AMM除了保障了匿名性之外,还完全避免了Front Run的风险。Front Run(抢跑交易)是以太坊上一种十分常见的套利手段,在AMM上交易,我们通常会设置一定滑点,众多套利机器人正虎视眈眈的监视着市场上的每一笔交易,但交易允许的滑点过大时,例如当用户想买入一笔资产,套利机器人就会发起两笔交易,第一笔同过高Gas实现抢先打包,先用户买入,另一笔在用户之后卖出,借此打劫用户。而在MAS AMM中,因每一笔交易的输入输出并不可见,因此套利机器人完全没有抢跑空间。



Privacy-the most important unicorn in the DEFI world!

In 2020, the market in the encrypted world is completely driven by DEFI. The reason why DeFi can produce such a huge boost is mainly because it can meet the real needs of the market with actual products.

DEX such as Sushiswap provides a realistic pricing mechanism for long-tail assets by simplifying the market-making model; through decentralized lending, Compound has created a basic production model for basic financial assets; the curve, which focuses on stable currency exchange, has found another way. The “lending + LP” compound financial product model has enabled the establishment of DeFi’s financial attributes; and yearn.finance has also integrated active investment and lending through liquidity mining, and a very clear decentralized map has been presented. In front of the market.

The outbreak of DeFi will greatly promote the progress of blockchain applications. However, with the continuous expansion of DeFi user groups, the problem of privacy protection of financial asset transaction information has become increasingly prominent, and the significance of privacy protection as the last piece of the DeFi complete ecology has become more prominent. #MAS is based on the original paillier homomorphic encryption protocol, which is more secure without credible presets, supports smart contracts and can be expanded, and will play an important role in the DeFi ecosystem. Recently, MAS is about to launch a test version, the main module MAS-PRE
It will realize the cross-chain transfer of Ethereum, provide a technical bridge for the aggregation of the DeFi ecological traffic of the Ethereum ecology and other financial attributes, and also open a new application space for MAS.

Decentralized trading projects like sushiswap have achieved rapid success throughout 2020. The reason is actually very simple: users like to acquire new assets around the clock, and all of this does not require an account to be registered.

I believe that precisely because of their open and free nature, the popularity of these trading agreements will only continue to increase from here.

DEX will be greatly rooted in the mainstream society, and its encryption-centric complexity will be simplified by then. This is one of the most obvious predictions for the next 10 years. These solutions will turn the bright stars in the emerging niche ecosystem into a new model of global finance.

On the other hand, Bitcoin tokens based on ERC20 have achieved explosive growth this year, thanks in large part to the application of these tokens in DeFi scenarios.

At present, there are 69,000 BTC tokens on Ethereum, and the rate of increase has not slowed down, which is 0.326% of the total supply of 21 million BTC. Then we boldly make a hypothesis that at a certain time in the future, the crypto world will have a major turning point no less than the “industrial revolution, Internet revolution”. More than 51% of bitcoins will run on Ethereum, that is, more than half of BTC. Quantity.

In this sense, in the end, only Ethereum may become the de facto expansion solution for BTC. This possibility may make some Bitcoin players feel uneasy at this time, but as time goes on, I guess more and more users will not care, and this relationship will continue.

Then, DEFI, as the lifeblood factor that determines the future ecology of ETH, its development can be said to be crucial. And privacy is the lifeblood of the growing crypto world.

The popularity of DeFi has only increased, but after the enthusiasm, the only products that can be left in the end are just-needed products. The positioning of MAS in privacy protection DeFi allows the MAS market to cover all aspects of DeFi, Dapp, and public chains. Strong demand forms a strong consensus. In the field of privacy protection, the theory of MAS privacy technology is the world’s top with unlimited potential.
Therefore, we need a stable privacy identity. However, if we wait for regulatory agencies and other identity brokers to provide this service, we may wait forever. More likely, as Balaji Srinivasan advocates, we will build a bridge between the individual’s blockchain and Web2 identity, so that we don’t have to wait for the involvement of institutions.

We must believe that privacy is the missing piece of the DeFi puzzle, and whether it is DeFi or CeFi, privacy is just needed. MAS is a multi-dimensional private key encryption algorithm protocol network based on the underlying Ethereum public chain. The full name of MAS is Multi-dimensional algorithm secret protocol, which is well-known in the public chain industry for protecting the privacy of asset data. It is the world’s first platform based on paillier homomorphic encryption algorithm, proxy re-encryption (PRE), multi-layer encryption protocol, supports smart contract operation and realizes privacy protection. The protocol is based on the Substrate framework, which is easy to use and secure, providing complete end-to-end anonymity, high throughput, and high personal-platform privacy interoperability.

MAS uses paillier homomorphic encryption, a non-interactive encryption protocol, to provide scalable and privacy-protected transactions and exchanges. Since paillier is a code-based solution, we have the advantages of flexibility and speed, and can get the best user experience in a decentralized exchange: safe and fast.

As the first DEFI system implemented with a decentralized privacy protection scheme, MAS has a self-evident market value. First of all, the project is progressing well in terms of technology. Recently, MAS announced that it has launched a public test network, including a staking network stress test. At the same time, the project’s incentive test network is expected to be launched in 2021, and the main network is expected to go live in the first quarter of 2022.

What is the current use of MAS?
MAS is mainly constructed based on secret protocols, namely, private payment and on-chain management of decentralized assets.
MAS’ secret agreement guarantees complete anonymity throughout the transaction. The price formation method of decentralized privacy token contract casting is consistent with mainstream AMM. In the future, products such as synthetic asset stablecoins will also be developed with MAS as the core.
The official plan is to further expand the MAS secret agreement to cover all types of asset privacy lending agreements. This is a decentralized non-custodial privacy lending platform where users can make anonymous deposits and make private currency loans on the platform. And the future development to the decentralized privacy synthetic asset protocol and other DeFi services.

How does MAS realize privacy and confidentiality?
In financial applications using the MAS system, transactions can achieve a high degree of privacy. If you choose privacy, users cannot inquire about anyone’s capital volume, capital flow and other information. Without disclosing confidential information, the system can guarantee the traceability of transactions. The dual requirements of privacy and security are fulfilled here. At the same time, in order to enhance privacy, the MAS system has its own “confusion transaction” service, which guarantees both privacy and security. The purpose is to greatly reduce the traceability of transactions and transfers.
MAS is one of the very few public chain projects that took the lead in the field of blockchain to have landing cooperation in enterprise-level service scenarios. Many industries are trying to combine with blockchain technology, and digital transformation is rapidly advancing globally. MAS’ privacy protocol attributes can assist in the construction of large-scale financial networks. MAS’ global operations will help accelerate the creation of a new industry standard for secure financial transactions. With the continuous advancement of strategic cooperation, MAS will further expand its influence in the financial field, and community traffic will also be much higher than most blockchain projects. This will be an important support for the future development of the MAS community.
The trustlessness of MAS is ensured by trusted hardware (currently Intel). Traditional independent hardware has two disadvantages. One is that the service is stopped when the power is unplugged, which cannot meet instant availability; the other is that multiple trusted computing nodes Different code execution sequence during interaction will lead to conditional competition, and the correctness cannot be guaranteed.

Trusted hardware can achieve composability by introducing layering and event traceability. In other words, MAS separates the read and write operations of the contract. The layering can realize the independence between the layers. The downtime of miners will not affect the network, and security can be guaranteed. Event traceability stores the events that trigger the state change in the unavailable In the changed log, any changes will be recorded, and the blockchain will also be responsible for verifying each operation of the miner, so the state consistency can be guaranteed

The development potential of the MAS project cannot be underestimated. It breaks the restriction that all data of the smart contract must be disclosed. Users can safely store the key in the contract. The contract can flexibly verify the user’s identity and then release the key. From then on, the user does not need to worry about the secret. The key is lost.
While ensuring encrypted storage, MAS also realizes cross-chain and cross-confidential contract interaction in the blockchain, which can better provide a more reasonable solution for public chains, alliance chains, or other data exchange services.

MAS’ rights and interests structure (partial)
After MAS AMM goes online, the mining of AMM governance tokens will also be started, and transaction users, liquidity providers, MAS pledge and proxy nodes, cross-chain bridge users and specific Ethereum Defi project users can all receive rewards. AMM is online or users can realize anonymous asset transactions.

It is worth noting that in addition to guaranteeing anonymity, MAS AMM also completely avoids the risk of Front Run. Front Run is a very common arbitrage method on Ethereum. When trading on AMM, we usually set a certain slippage. Many arbitrage robots are watching every transaction in the market, but the transaction When the allowable slippage is too large, for example, when the user wants to buy an asset, the arbitrage robot will initiate two transactions. The first one is the same as the high gas to achieve preemptive packaging, the user buys first, and the other sells after the user To rob users. In MAS AMM, because the input and output of each transaction are not visible, there is no room for arbitrage robots to run away.

Privacy calculations like MAS are precisely aimed at data privacy issues in scenarios such as data exchange and data sharing. It can complete the required data analysis while ensuring data security. This track is just getting started and deserves our attention. .

A message to investors: Investment is not an easy task, and I believe that for most of them, it is by no means an easy task. Before you decide to buy this coin, you have to figure out how long you can take it, how long you are going to take it, how much increase and decrease can you accept, and when can you sell it? These are best decided before you invest. Don’t wait for you to buy it. You can’t bear to stop the profit if it rises, and you can’t bear to stop the loss if it loses. The investment is rational, and it is unavoidable that there are emotional factors in deciding after buying it. Finally, I wish everyone can grow in this field and obtain continuous benefits.


下一篇:Fortify Audit Workbench 笔记 Privacy Violation: Heap Inspection 隐私泄露(堆检查)