# /******************************************************************************* # * Copyright 2020 Redis Labs Inc. # * Copyright 2020 Intel Corporation. # * # * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except # * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # * # * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # * # * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License # * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express # * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under # * the License. # * # * @author: Jim White, Dell # * @author: Andre Srinivasan, Redis Labs # * @author: Leonard Goodell, Intel # * EdgeX Foundry, Geneva, version 1.2.0 # * added: May 14, 2020 # *******************************************************************************/ # NOTE: this Docker Compose file does not contain the security services - namely the API Gateway # and Secret Store version: '3.4' # all common shared environment variables defined here: x-common-env-variables: &common-variables EDGEX_SECURITY_SECRET_STORE: "false" Registry_Host: edgex-core-consul Clients_CoreData_Host: edgex-core-data Clients_Data_Host: edgex-core-data # For device Services Clients_Notifications_Host: edgex-support-notifications Clients_Metadata_Host: edgex-core-metadata Clients_Command_Host: edgex-core-command Clients_Scheduler_Host: edgex-support-scheduler Clients_RulesEngine_Host: edgex-kuiper Clients_VirtualDevice_Host: edgex-device-virtual Databases_Primary_Host: edgex-redis # Required in case old configuration from previous release used. # Change to "true" if re-enabling logging service for remote logging Logging_EnableRemote: "false" # Clients_Logging_Host: edgex-support-logging # un-comment if re-enabling logging service for remote logging volumes: db-data: log-data: consul-config: consul-data: services: consul: image: edgexfoundry/docker-edgex-consul:1.2.0 ports: - "" - "" container_name: edgex-core-consul hostname: edgex-core-consul networks: - edgex-network volumes: - consul-config:/consul/config:z - consul-data:/consul/data:z environment: - EDGEX_DB=redis - EDGEX_SECURE=false redis: image: redis:5.0.8-alpine ports: - "" container_name: edgex-redis hostname: edgex-redis networks: - edgex-network environment: <<: *common-variables volumes: - db-data:/data:z # The logging service has been deprecated in Geneva release and will be removed in the Hanoi release. # All services are configure to send logging to STDOUT, i.e. not remote which requires this logging service # If you still must use remote logging, un-comment the block below, all the related depends that have been commented out # and the related global override that are commented out at the top. # # logging: # image: edgexfoundry/docker-support-logging-go:1.2.1 # ports: # - "" # container_name: edgex-support-logging # hostname: edgex-support-logging # networks: # - edgex-network # environment: # <<: *common-variables # Service_Host: edgex-support-logging # Writable_Persistence: file # Databases_Primary_Type: file # Logging_EnableRemote: "false" # depends_on: # - consul system: image: edgexfoundry/docker-sys-mgmt-agent-go:1.2.1 ports: - "" container_name: edgex-sys-mgmt-agent hostname: edgex-sys-mgmt-agent networks: - edgex-network environment: <<: *common-variables Service_Host: edgex-sys-mgmt-agent ExecutorPath: /sys-mgmt-executor MetricsMechanism: executor volumes: - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:z depends_on: - consul # - logging # uncomment if re-enabled remote logging - scheduler - notifications - metadata - data - command notifications: image: edgexfoundry/docker-support-notifications-go:1.2.1 ports: - "" container_name: edgex-support-notifications hostname: edgex-support-notifications networks: - edgex-network environment: <<: *common-variables Service_Host: edgex-support-notifications depends_on: - consul # - logging # uncomment if re-enabled remote logging - redis metadata: image: edgexfoundry/docker-core-metadata-go:1.2.1 ports: - "" container_name: edgex-core-metadata hostname: edgex-core-metadata networks: - edgex-network environment: <<: *common-variables Service_Host: edgex-core-metadata Service_Timeout: "20000" Notifications_Sender: edgex-core-metadata depends_on: - consul # - logging # uncomment if re-enabled remote logging - redis - notifications data: image: edgexfoundry/docker-core-data-go:1.2.1 ports: - "" - "" container_name: edgex-core-data hostname: edgex-core-data networks: - edgex-network environment: <<: *common-variables Service_Host: edgex-core-data depends_on: - consul # - logging # uncomment if re-enabled remote logging - redis - metadata command: image: edgexfoundry/docker-core-command-go:1.2.1 ports: - "" container_name: edgex-core-command hostname: edgex-core-command networks: - edgex-network environment: <<: *common-variables Service_Host: edgex-core-command depends_on: - consul # - logging # uncomment if re-enabled remote logging - redis - metadata scheduler: image: edgexfoundry/docker-support-scheduler-go:1.2.1 ports: - "" container_name: edgex-support-scheduler hostname: edgex-support-scheduler networks: - edgex-network environment: <<: *common-variables Service_Host: edgex-support-scheduler IntervalActions_ScrubPushed_Host: edgex-core-data IntervalActions_ScrubAged_Host: edgex-core-data depends_on: - consul # - logging # uncomment if re-enabled remote logging - redis app-service-rules: image: edgexfoundry/docker-app-service-configurable:1.2.0 ports: - "" container_name: edgex-app-service-configurable-rules hostname: edgex-app-service-configurable-rules networks: - edgex-network environment: <<: *common-variables edgex_profile: rules-engine Service_Host: edgex-app-service-configurable-rules Service_Port: 48100 MessageBus_SubscribeHost_Host: edgex-core-data Binding_PublishTopic: events depends_on: - consul # - logging # uncomment if re-enabled remote logging - data rulesengine: image: emqx/kuiper:0.4.2-alpine ports: - "" - "" container_name: edgex-kuiper hostname: edgex-kuiper networks: - edgex-network environment: # KUIPER_DEBUG: "true" KUIPER_CONSOLE_LOG: "true" KUIPER_REST_PORT: 48075 EDGEX_SERVER: edgex-app-service-configurable-rules EDGEX_SERVICE_SERVER: http://edgex-core-data:48080 EDGEX_TOPIC: events EDGEX_PROTOCOL: tcp EDGEX_PORT: 5566 depends_on: - app-service-rules # Support RulesEngine has been deprecated in the Geneva (1.2.0) release # If still required, simply uncomment the block below and comment out the block above. # # rulesengine: # image: edgexfoundry/docker-support-rulesengine:1.2.1 # ports: # - "" # container_name: edgex-support-rulesengine # hostname: edgex-support-rulesengine # networks: # - edgex-network # depends_on: # - app-service-rules ################################################################# # Device Services ################################################################# device-virtual: image: edgexfoundry/docker-device-virtual-go:1.2.2 ports: - "" container_name: edgex-device-virtual hostname: edgex-device-virtual networks: - edgex-network environment: <<: *common-variables Service_Host: edgex-device-virtual depends_on: - consul # - logging # uncomment if re-enabled remote logging - data - metadata device-rest: image: edgexfoundry/docker-device-rest-go:1.1.1 ports: - "" container_name: edgex-device-rest hostname: edgex-device-rest networks: - edgex-network environment: <<: *common-variables Service_Host: edgex-device-rest depends_on: - data - command # - logging # uncomment if re-enabled remote logging device-random: image: edgexfoundry/docker-device-random-go:1.2.1 ports: - "" container_name: edgex-device-random hostname: edgex-device-random networks: - edgex-network environment: <<: *common-variables Service_Host: edgex-device-random depends_on: - data - command # device-mqtt: # image: edgexfoundry/docker-device-mqtt-go:1.2.1 # ports: # - "" # container_name: edgex-device-mqtt # hostname: edgex-device-mqtt # networks: # - edgex-network # environment: # <<: *common-variables # Service_Host: edgex-device-mqtt # depends_on: # - data # - command # device-modbus: image: edgexfoundry/docker-device-modbus-go:1.2.1 ports: - "" container_name: edgex-device-modbus hostname: edgex-device-modbus networks: - edgex-network environment: <<: *common-variables Service_Host: edgex-device-modbus depends_on: - data - command # device-snmp: # image: edgexfoundry/docker-device-snmp-go:1.2.1 # ports: # - "" # container_name: edgex-device-snmp # hostname: edgex-device-snmp # networks: # - edgex-network # environment: # <<: *common-variables # Service_Host: edgex-device-snmp # depends_on: # - data # - command ui: image: edgexfoundry/docker-edgex-ui-go:1.3.0 ports: - "4000:4000" container_name: edgex-ui-go hostname: edgex-ui-go networks: - edgex-network volumes: - db-data:/data/db - log-data:/edgex/logs - consul-config:/consul/config - consul-data:/consul/data depends_on: - data - command networks: edgex-network: driver: "bridge"View Code
name: "Network Power Meter" manufacturer: "Dent Instruments" model: "PS3037" description: "Power Scout Meter" labels: - "modbus" - "powerscout" deviceResources: - name: "Current" description: "Average current of all phases" attributes: { primaryTable: "HOLDING_REGISTERS", startingAddress: "9" } properties: value: { type: "UINT16", scale: "1"} units: { type: "String", readWrite: "R", defaultValue: "min"} - name: "Energy" description: "System Total True Energy" attributes: { primaryTable: "HOLDING_REGISTERS", startingAddress: "4001" } properties: value: { type: "FLOAT32", scale: "1"} units: { type: "String", readWrite: "R", defaultValue: "min"} - name: "Power" description: "System Total True Power " attributes: { primaryTable: "HOLDING_REGISTERS", startingAddress: "4003" } properties: value: { type: "UINT16", scale: "1"} units: { type: "String", readWrite: "R", defaultValue: "min"} - name: "Voltage" description: "Voltage Line to line (Volts) Average" attributes: { primaryTable: "HOLDING_REGISTERS", startingAddress: "4017" } properties: value: { type: "UINT16", scale: "1"} units: { type: "String", readWrite: "R", defaultValue: "min"} - name: "DemandWindowSize" description: "Demand window size in minutes; default is 15 min" attributes: { primaryTable: "HOLDING_REGISTERS", startingAddress: "4603" } properties: value: { type: "UINT16", readWrite: "R", scale: "1"} units: { type: "String", readWrite: "R", defaultValue: "min"} - name: "LineFrequency" description: "Line frequency setting for metering: 50=50 Hz, 60=60Hz" attributes: { primaryTable: "HOLDING_REGISTERS", startingAddress: "4609" } properties: value: { type: "UINT16", readWrite: "R", scale: "1"} units: { type: "String", readWrite: "R", defaultValue: "Hz"} deviceCommands: - name: "Current" get: - { index: "1", operation: "get", deviceResource: "Current" } - name: "Values" get: - { index: "1", operation: "get", deviceResource: "Energy" } - { index: "2", operation: "get", deviceResource: "Power" } - { index: "3", operation: "get", deviceResource: "Voltage" } - name: "Configuration" set: - { index: "1", operation: "set", deviceResource: "DemandWindowSize" } - { index: "2", operation: "set", deviceResource: "LineFrequency" } get: - { index: "1", operation: "get", deviceResource: "DemandWindowSize" } - { index: "2", operation: "get", deviceResource: "LineFrequency" } coreCommands: - name: "Current" get: path: "/api/v1/device/{deviceId}/Current" responses: - code: "200" description: "Get the Current" expectedValues: ["Current"] - code: "500" description: "internal server error" expectedValues: [] - name: "Values" get: path: "/api/v1/device/{deviceId}/Values" responses: - code: "200" description: "Get the Values" expectedValues: ["Energy","Power","Voltage"] - code: "500" description: "internal server error" expectedValues: [] - name: "Configuration" get: path: "/api/v1/device/{deviceId}/Configuration" responses: - code: "200" description: "Get the Configuration" expectedValues: ["DemandWindowSize","LineFrequency"] - code: "500" description: "internal server error" expectedValues: [] put: path: "/api/v1/device/{deviceId}/Configuration" parameterNames: ["DemandWindowSize","LineFrequency"] responses: - code: "204" description: "Set the Configuration" expectedValues: [] - code: "500" description: "internal server error" expectedValues: []View Code