
Thinkgiving night


Ross: Okay, here we go. Okay, Who am I talking to here? I mean, em

  well, there is one way that seems to offer a certain acoustical(听觉的)  advantage, but...

Carol: Just aim for the bump.

Ross: Okay, here we go. em...You know I can't do this. This is... It's to weird. I feel stupid.

Carol: All right, so don't do it. It's fine. 

  You don't have to do it just because Susan does it.

Ross: hello baby, hello.

Rachel: That moment when we first saw the giant dog shadow fall over the park?

Phoebe: But did they have to shoot him down? I mean, That was just mean.

Monica: Okay, right about now the turkey should be crispy(脆皮) on the outside...and juicy on the inside.

  why are we standing here?

Rachel: we are watiting for you open the door? you got a keys.

Monica: No, I don't.

Rachel: yes, you have. When we left, you said:" Got the keys."

Monica: No, I didn't. I ask:" Got the keys?"

Rachel: No, no, no. You said:" Got the keys."

Chandler: Either of you have the keys?

Monica: The oven(炉子) is on!

Rachel: I've gotta get my ticket.

Joey: Wait, wait. we have a copy of your key.

Monica: well then get it! get it!

Joey: That tongue won't make me any faster.

Monica: Joey~

Joey: That one will.

Ross: And everyone's telling me:" you're gonna pick a major. You gotta pick a major.

  So on dare(勇气), I picked Paleontology(古生物学).

  And you have no idea what I am saying, because, let's fact it, you're a fetus(胎儿).

  you're just happy you don't have gills(鳃) anymore.

Carol: Look, you don't have to talk to it. You can sing to it.

Ross: I am not singing to your stomach.

Susan: How's it going?

Ross: Here we come warking in the street. Get the funniest looks from everyone we meet.

  hey, did you just fell that?

Carol: I did.

Ross: Well, does it always...?

Carol: No, no, That was the first.

Susan: Keep singing. Keep singing, oh.

Ross: Hey, hey, you a my baby and I can't wait to meet you.

  when you come out I'll buy you a bagel(百吉饼) and then we'll go to the zoo.

Carol and Susan: I felt that.

Ross: I'm you daday. I' m the one without any breasts.

Joey: Nope, not that one. 

Monica: Can you go any faster with that?

Joey: Hey, I got one keyhole and about a zillion keys. You do the math.

Rachel: Why do you guys have so many keys in there anyway?

Chandler: For emergency just like this.

Rachel: Alright, listen, smirky. If it wasn't for your stupid balloon. I would be on a plane, watching a woman do this right now.

  But I'm not.

Monica: I swear you said you had the keys. 

Rachel: No, I wouldn't say I had the keys unless I had the keys. I obviously did not have the keys.

Phoebe: Okay, all right. That's enough with keys, No one say "keys".

Monica: Why would I have the keys?

Rachel: Aside from the fact that(=unless) you said you had them?

Monica: But I didn't.

Rachel: you should have

Monica and Rachel: why...because...why...because...

Monica: Because everything is my responsibility?

  Isn't it enough that I'm making Thanksgiving dinner? 

  Everyone wants a different kind of potato, so I'm making different kind of patatoes.

  you know does anybody care what kind of potatoes I want?

  No! no! no!

  you know, just as long as Phoebe gets her peas and onions(豆子和洋葱)

  and Mario gets his Tots(薯球)

  It's my first Thanksgiving, and I...

  It's all burnt(烧焦了), and I can't...

Chandler: Ok, Monica, only dog can hear you now, so...

  Look, the door is open. Here we go.

Monica: well, the turkey is burnt. Patatoes are ruined. Potatoes are ruined. Potatoes are ruined.

Ross: Here we go, walking down the street. This doesn't smell like Mom's.

Monica: No, It doesn't, doesn't it? But you want lumps(颗粒), Ross?

  Well, here you go, buddy, you got one.

Rachel: Oh, God, this is great.

  The plane is gone, so I guess I'm stuck here with you guys.

Joey: We all have better plans, ok? This is nobody first choice.

Monica: So why was I busting my ass to make this delicious Thanksgiving dinner?

Joey: you call it delicious?

Monica: All right, Stop it! Stop it!

Chandler: Now, This like thinksgiving dinner.

Phoebe: Ugly naked guy is taking his turkey out of the oven.

  Oh my god. He is not alone.

  Ugly nake guy is having thanksgiving dinner with ugly naked girl. 

Chandler: I gotta see this.

Joey: All right, Ugly naked guy.

Phoebe: Ugly naked dancing. It's nice that he has someone.

Chandler: Shall I carve(切)? 

Rachel: By all means(==do my best,sure)

Chandler: Okay, who wants light cheese and who wants dark cheese?

Ross: I don't even wanna what about the dark cheese.

Monica: Dose anybody wanna split this with me?

Joey: Oh, I will.

Phoebe: Emm, you guys have to make a wish. 

Monica: make a wish.

Phoebe: come on! you know thinksgiving.

  oh, you get the bigger one. what did you wish for?

Joey: The bigger half.

Chandler: All right, I'd like to propose a toast(建议一个面包==干杯)

  I know this isn't exactly the kind of Thanksgiving you planned..

  But for me this has been really great, you know?

  I think because it didn't involve divorce(离婚) or ... projectile vomiting(炮弹呕吐)

  Anyway, I was just thinking, if you'd gone to vali(维尔,一个地方)

  or if you guys had been with you family, or if you didn't have...syphilis(梅毒) and stuff...

  we wouldn't be all together, you know?

  So I guess what I am trying to say is that I'm very thankful all of your Thanksgivings sucked.

all: That's so sweet. Thank you.

Ross: And hey, here's to a lousy(讨厌) Christmas.

Rachel: And a creepy new year.









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