
lua元表和元方法 《lua程序设计》 13章 读书笔记


t = {}
print(getmetatable(t)) --显示过元表 此时是nil --可以用setmetatable来设置或修改任何table的元表
t1 = {}
assert(getmetatable(t) == t1)



print(getmetatable("hi"))  --005DECD8 说明字符串有元表
print(getmetatable(10)) --number没有元表

13.1  算术类的元方法

Set = {}  --集合

local mt = {}  --集合元表

function Set.new(l)
local set = {}
setmetatable(set,mt) --指定 table set的元表为mt
for k,v in ipairs(l) do
set[v] = true --注意,是拿索来当数据用的
return set
function Set.union(a,b)
local res = Set.new{}
for k,v in pairs(a) do res[k] = true end
for k,v in pairs(b) do res[k] = true end
return res
end function Set.intersection(a,b)
local res = Set.new{}
for k,v in pairs(a) do
if b[k] then
res[k] = true
return res
end function Set.tostring(set)
local l = {}
for k,v in pairs(set) do
l[#l + 1] = k
return "{" .. table.concat(l,", ") .. "}"
end function Set.print(s)
end --将元方法加入元表
mt.__add = Set.union --指定加号为求并集的方法
mt.__mul = Set.intersection --指定乘号为交集的方法 s1 = Set.new{11,22,31,44,56}
s2 = Set.new{66,33,22,31}
s3 = s1 + s2 --求并集
Set.print(s3) --输出 {11, 31, 66, 22, 33, 56, 44}
s4 = s1 * s2 --求交集
Set.print(s4) --输出 {31, 22}

13.2 关系类元方法

关系是指 __eq(等于)、__lt(小于)等

mt.__le = function(a,b)
for k in pairs(a) do
if not b[k] then return false end
return true
end mt.__lt = function(a,b)
return a<=b and not (b<=a)
end mt.__eq = function(a,b)
return a<=b and b<=a
end ss1 = Set.new{2,4}
ss2 = Set.new{4,10,2}
print(ss1<=ss2) --true
print(ss1<ss2) --true
print(ss1>=ss1) --true
print(ss1>ss1) --false
print(ss1 == ss2*ss1) --true

13.3 库定义的元方法


print({}) ----table: 003ECEF0

函数总是调用tostring来格式化输出。当格式化任意值时,tostring会检测该值是否有一个 __tostring元方法。如果有,他就调用这个方法用来作为tostring的返回值


mt.__tostring = Set.tostring
sstext = Set.new{33,55,6666}
print(sstext) --{55, 33, 6666}


mt.__metatable = "not your business"
sstext1 = Set.new{}
print(getmetatable(sstext1)) --not your business

13.4 table 访问的元方法

13.4.1 __index元方法


Window = {}

Window.prototype = {x=0,y=0,width = 100,height = 100}
Window.mt = {} function Window.new(o)
return o
end --现在定义一个元方法
Window.mt.__index = function(table,key)
return Window.prototype[key]
end w = Window.new{x=10,y=20}
print(w.width) -- 100 window实际上没有width这个字段


13.4.2  __newindex元方法




function setDefault(t,d)
local mt = {__index = function() return d end}

13.4.4 跟踪table的访问

__index和__newindex都是在table中没有所需的index才发挥作用。因为只有table保持空才能捕捉到所有对他的访问,为了监视一个table的所有访问就得为真正的 table 创建一个代理

t_src = {}  --要跟踪的表
local _t = t_src t = {} --创建代理 --创建元表
local mt = {
__index = function(t,k)
print("*access to element " .. tostring(k))
return _t[k]
__newindex = function(t,k,v)
print("*update of element " .. tostring(k) .. " to " .. tostring(v))
_t[k] = v
setmetatable(t,mt) t[2] = "hello" -- *update of element 2 to hello
print(t[2]) --*access to element 2

13.4.5 只读的table


    Window = {}  

    Window.prototype = {x = 0 ,y = 0 ,width = 100 ,height = 100,}
Window.mt = {}
function Window.new(o)
setmetatable(o ,Window.mt)
return o
Window.mt.__index = function (t ,key)
return 1000
Window.mt.__newindex = function (table ,key ,value)
if key == "wangbin" then
rawset(table ,"wangbin" ,"yes,i am")
w = Window.new{x = 10 ,y = 20}
print(rawget(w ,w.wangbin))



    Window = {}
Window.prototype = {x = 0 ,y = 0 ,width = 100 ,height = 100,}
Window.mt = {}
function Window.new(o)
setmetatable(o ,Window.mt)
return o
Window.mt.__index = function (t ,key)
return 1000
Window.mt.__newindex = function (table ,key ,value)
table.key = "yes,i am"
w = Window.new{x = 10 ,y = 20}
w.wangbin = "55"

然后我们的程序就stack overflow了。可见,程序陷入了死循环。因为w.wangbin这个元素本来就不存在表中,然后这里不断执行进入__newindex,陷入了死循环。


[转]LUA元表This first edition was written for Lua 5.0. While still largely relevant for later versions, there are some differences.
The third edition targets Lua 5.2 and is available at Amazon and other bookstores.
By buying the book, you also help to support the Lua project.

[转]LUA元表 Programming in Lua [转]LUA元表
  Part II. Tables and Objects

Chapter 13. Metatables and Metamethods


13.1 – Arithmetic Metamethods

In this section, we will introduce a simple example
to explain how to use metatables.
Suppose we are using tables to represent sets,
with functions to compute the union of two sets,
intersection, and the like.
As we did with lists,
we store these functions inside a table
and we define a constructor to create new sets:

    Set = {}

    function Set.new (t)
local set = {}
for _, l in ipairs(t) do set[l] = true end
return set
end function Set.union (a,b)
local res = Set.new{}
for k in pairs(a) do res[k] = true end
for k in pairs(b) do res[k] = true end
return res
end function Set.intersection (a,b)
local res = Set.new{}
for k in pairs(a) do
res[k] = b[k]
return res

To help checking our examples, we also define a function to print sets:

    function Set.tostring (set)
local s = "{"
local sep = ""
for e in pairs(set) do
s = s .. sep .. e
sep = ", "
return s .. "}"
end function Set.print (s)

Now, we want to make the addition operator (`+´) compute the union of two sets. For that, we will arrange that all tables representing sets share a metatable and this metatable will define how they react to the addition operator. Our first step is to create a regular table that we will use as the metatable for sets. To avoid polluting our namespace, we will store it in the Set table:

    Set.mt = {}    -- metatable for sets

The next step is to modify the Set.new function, which creates sets. The new version has only one extra line, which sets mt as the metatable for the tables that it creates:

    function Set.new (t)   -- 2nd version
local set = {}
setmetatable(set, Set.mt)
for _, l in ipairs(t) do set[l] = true end
return set

After that, every set we create with Set.new will have that same table as its metatable:

    s1 = Set.new{10, 20, 30, 50}
s2 = Set.new{30, 1}
print(getmetatable(s1)) --> table: 00672B60
print(getmetatable(s2)) --> table: 00672B60

Finally, we add to the metatable the so-called metamethod, a field __add that describes how to perform the union:

    Set.mt.__add = Set.union

Whenever Lua tries to add two sets, it will call this function, with the two operands as arguments.

With the metamethod in place, we can use the addition operator to do set unions:

    s3 = s1 + s2
Set.print(s3) --> {1, 10, 20, 30, 50}

Similarly, we may use the multiplication operator to perform set intersection:

    Set.mt.__mul = Set.intersection

    Set.print((s1 + s2)*s1)     --> {10, 20, 30, 50}

For each arithmetic operator there is a corresponding field name in a metatable. Besides __add and __mul, there are __sub (for subtraction), __div (for division), __unm (for negation), and __pow (for exponentiation). We may define also the field __concat, to define a behavior for the concatenation operator.

When we add two sets, there is no question about what metatable to use. However, we may write an expression that mixes two values with different metatables, for instance like this:

    s = Set.new{1,2,3}
s = s + 8

To choose a metamethod, Lua does the following: (1) If the first value has a metatable with an __add field, Lua uses this value as the metamethod, independently of the second value; (2) otherwise, if the second value has a metatable with an __add field, Lua uses this value as the metamethod; (3) otherwise, Lua raises an error. Therefore, the last example will call Set.union, as will the expressions 10 + s and "hy" + s.

Lua does not care about those mixed types, but our implementation does. If we run the s = s + 8 example, the error we get will be inside Set.union:

    bad argument #1 to `pairs' (table expected, got number)

If we want more lucid error messages, we must check the type of the operands explicitly before attempting to perform the operation:

    function Set.union (a,b)
if getmetatable(a) ~= Set.mt or
getmetatable(b) ~= Set.mt then
error("attempt to `add' a set with a non-set value", 2)
... -- same as before

Metatable Events

[转]LUA元表 wiki

A listing of all the 'special' keys in a metatable, and the metamethods which they perform.

  • __index - Control 'prototype' inheritance. When
    accessing "myTable[key]" and the key does not appear in the table, but
    the metatable has an __index property:
    • if the value is a function, the function is called, passing in the
      table and the key; the return value of that function is returned as the
    • if the value is another table, the value of the key in that table is asked for and returned
      • (and if it doesn't exist in that table, but that table's metatable has an __index property, then it continues on up)
    • Use "rawget(myTable,key)" to skip this metamethod.
  • __newindex - Control property assignment. When
    calling "myTable[key] = value", if the metatable has a __newindex key
    pointing to a function, call that function, passing it the table, key,
    and value.
    • Use "rawset(myTable,key,value)" to skip this metamethod.
    • (If the __newindex function does not set the key on the table (using rawset) then the key/value pair is not added to myTable.)
  • __mode - Control weak references. A string value with one or both of the characters 'k' and 'v' which specifies that the the keys and/or values in the table are weak references.
  • __call - Treat a table like a function. When a
    table is followed by parenthesis such as "myTable( 'foo' )" and the
    metatable has a __call key pointing to a function, that function is
    invoked (passing the table as the first argument, followed by any
    specified arguments) and the return value is returned.
  • __metatable - Hide the metatable. When
    "getmetatable( myTable )" is called, if the metatable for myTable has a
    __metatable key, the value of that key is returned instead of the actual
  • __tostring - Control string representation. When
    the builtin "tostring( myTable )" function is called, if the metatable
    for myTable has a __tostring property set to a function, that function
    is invoked (passing myTable to it) and the return value is used as the
    string representation.
  • __len - Control table length. When the table
    length is requested using the length operator ( '#' ), if the metatable
    for myTable has a __len key pointing to a function, that function is
    invoked (passing myTable to it) and the return value used as the value
    of "#myTable".
  • __gc - Userdata finalizer code. When userdata is
    set to be garbage collected, if the metatable has a __gc field pointing
    to a function, that function is first invoked, passing the userdata to
    it. The __gc metamethod is not called for tables. (See http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2006-11/msg00508.html)

Mathematic Operators

  • __unm - Unary minus. When writing "-myTable", if
    the metatable has a __unm key pointing to a function, that function is
    invoked (passing the table), and the return value used as the value of
  • __add - Addition. When writing "myTable +
    object" or "object + myTable", if myTable's metatable has an __add key
    pointing to a function, that function is invoked (passing the left and
    right operators in order) and the return value used.
    • ''If both operands are tables, the left table is checked before the right table for the presence of an __add metaevent.
  • __sub - Subtraction. Similar to addition, using the '-' operator.
  • __mul - Multiplication. Similar to addition, using the '*' operator.
  • __div - Division. Similar to addition, using the '/' operator.
  • __mod - Modulo. Similar to addition, using the '%' operator.
  • __pow - Involution. Similar to addition, using the '^' operator.
  • __concat - Concatenation. Similar to addition, using the '..' operator.

Equivalence Comparison Operators

  • __eq - Check for equality. This method is invoked
    when "myTable1 == myTable2" is evaluated, but only if both tables have
    the exact same metamethod for __eq.
    • For example, see the following code:
    t1a = {}
    t1b = {}
    t2 = {}
    mt1 = { __eq = function( o1, o2 ) return 'whee' end }
    mt2 = { __eq = function( o1, o2 ) return 'whee' end } setmetatable( t1a, mt1 )
    setmetatable( t1b, mt1 )
    setmetatable( t2, mt2 ) print( t1a == t1b ) --> true
    print( t1a == t2 ) --> false
    • If the function returns nil or false, the result of the comparison is false; otherwise, the result is true.
      • If t1 and t2 are referencing the same table, the __eq method is not invoked for t1 == t2 :
function foo (o1, o2)
print( '__eq call' )
return false
end t1 = {}
setmetatable( t1, {__eq = foo} ) t2 = t1
print( t1 == t2 ) --> true
-- string '__eq call' not printed (and comparison result is true, not like the return value of foo(...)), so no foo(...) call here t3 = {}
setmetatable( t3, {__eq = foo} )
if t1 == t3 then end --> __eq call
-- foo(...) was called
  • __lt - Check for less-than. Similar to equality, using the '<' operator.
    • Greater-than is evaluated by reversing the order of the operands passed to the __lt function.
    a > b == b < a
  • __le - Check for less-than-or-equal. Similar to equality, using the '<=' operator.
    • Greater-than-or-equal is evaluated by reversing the order of the operands passed to the __le function.
    a >= b == b <= a

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