
/* ========================= HyperLogLog algorithm  ========================= */

/* Our hash function is MurmurHash2, 64 bit version.
 * It was modified for Redis in order to provide the same result in
 * big and little endian archs (endian neutral). */

uint64_t MurmurHash64A (const void * key, int len, unsigned int seed) {
    const uint64_t m = 0xc6a4a7935bd1e995;  初始化的值
    const int r = 47;   常用轮数
    uint64_t h = seed ^ (len * m);  种子 异或 ( 长度 乘以 初始化值 ) 
    const uint8_t *data = (const uint8_t *)key;  获取数据初始位置
    const uint8_t *end = data + (len-(len&7)); 获取模8结束位置

    while(data != end) {  不到结尾
        uint64_t k;

    #ifdef USE_ALIGNED_ACCESS  字节对齐
        k = *((uint64_t*)data);
#else  大端情况
        k = (uint64_t) data[0];
        k |= (uint64_t) data[1] << 8;
        k |= (uint64_t) data[2] << 16;
        k |= (uint64_t) data[3] << 24;
        k |= (uint64_t) data[4] << 32;
        k |= (uint64_t) data[5] << 40;
        k |= (uint64_t) data[6] << 48;
        k |= (uint64_t) data[7] << 56;

        k *= m;  k 乘以 m
        k ^= k >> r;  k向右移动r位
        k *= m;  k 乘以 m
        h ^= k;  h 异或 k
        h *= m;  h 乘以 m
        data += 8;   下一个8字节数据

    switch(len & 7) {  剩下的不对齐8字节的数据处理
    case 7: h ^= (uint64_t)data[6] << 48; /* fall-thru */
    case 6: h ^= (uint64_t)data[5] << 40; /* fall-thru */
    case 5: h ^= (uint64_t)data[4] << 32; /* fall-thru */
    case 4: h ^= (uint64_t)data[3] << 24; /* fall-thru */
    case 3: h ^= (uint64_t)data[2] << 16; /* fall-thru */
    case 2: h ^= (uint64_t)data[1] << 8; /* fall-thru */
    case 1: h ^= (uint64_t)data[0];
            h *= m; /* fall-thru */

    h ^= h >> r;  h 异或 h向右移动r位 
    h *= m;   h 乘以 m
    h ^= h >> r;  h 异或 h向右移动r位 
    return h;  返回最终h值
/* Given a string element to add to the HyperLogLog, returns the length
 * of the pattern 000..1 of the element hash. As a side effect 'regp' is
 * set to the register index this element hashes to. */
给定一个字符串元素,添加到HyperLogLog,返回元素hash值的 按照模式000..1的长度。
int hllPatLen(unsigned char *ele, size_t elesize, long *regp) {
    uint64_t hash, bit, index;
    int count;

    /* Count the number of zeroes starting from bit HLL_REGISTERS
     * (that is a power of two corresponding to the first bit we don't use
     * as index). The max run can be 64-P+1 = Q+1 bits.
     * Note that the final "1" ending the sequence of zeroes must be
     * included in the count, so if we find "001" the count is 3, and
     * the smallest count possible is no zeroes at all, just a 1 bit
     * at the first position, that is a count of 1.
     * This may sound like inefficient, but actually in the average case
     * there are high probabilities to find a 1 after a few iterations. */
    hash = MurmurHash64A(ele,elesize,0xadc83b19ULL);
    index = hash & HLL_P_MASK; /* Register index. */ 寄存器的索引  HLL_P_MASK=2^14-1
    hash >>= HLL_P; /* Remove bits used to address the register. */  移出14个用于标记寄存器的比特位
    hash |= ((uint64_t)1<<HLL_Q); /* Make sure the loop terminates and count will be <= Q+1. */
    bit = 1;
    count = 1; /* Initialized to 1 since we count the "00000...1" pattern. */ 初始化为1,因为我们计数为"00000...1"的模式
    while((hash & bit) == 0) {   这里需要注意hash是小端表示,所以低地址放的是高位的数据,所以得到的模式是000...1的模式
        bit <<= 1;
    *regp = (int) index;
    return count;
/* ================== Dense representation implementation  ================== */ 密集表示的实现

/* Low level function to set the dense HLL register at 'index' to the
 * specified value if the current value is smaller than 'count'.
 * 'registers' is expected to have room for HLL_REGISTERS plus an
 * additional byte on the right. This requirement is met by sds strings
 * automatically since they are implicitly null terminated.
 * The function always succeed, however if as a result of the operation
 * the approximated cardinality changed, 1 is returned. Otherwise 0
 * is returned. */
这个函数总是成功的,除了 操作导致基数值改变了就返回1,其它情况返回0
int hllDenseSet(uint8_t *registers, long index, uint8_t count) {
    uint8_t oldcount;

    HLL_DENSE_GET_REGISTER(oldcount,registers,index);  获取index所在寄存器的值
    if (count > oldcount) {
        HLL_DENSE_SET_REGISTER(registers,index,count); 设置index所在寄存器的值
        return 1;
    } else {
        return 0;
/* "Add" the element in the dense hyperloglog data structure.
 * Actually nothing is added, but the max 0 pattern counter of the subset
 * the element belongs to is incremented if needed.
 * This is just a wrapper to hllDenseSet(), performing the hashing of the
 * element in order to retrieve the index and zero-run count. */
int hllDenseAdd(uint8_t *registers, unsigned char *ele, size_t elesize) {
    long index;
    uint8_t count = hllPatLen(ele,elesize,&index);
    /* Update the register if this element produced a longer run of zeroes. */ 更新寄存器 如果元素产生了一个更长的零行程
    return hllDenseSet(registers,index,count);
/* Compute the register histogram in the dense representation. */
void hllDenseRegHisto(uint8_t *registers, int* reghisto) {
    int j;

    /* Redis default is to use 16384 registers 6 bits each. The code works
     * with other values by modifying the defines, but for our target value
     * we take a faster path with unrolled loops. */
    if (HLL_REGISTERS == 16384 && HLL_BITS == 6) {
        uint8_t *r = registers;
        unsigned long r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9,
                      r10, r11, r12, r13, r14, r15;
        for (j = 0; j < 1024; j++) {
            /* Handle 16 registers per iteration. */
            r0 = r[0] & 63;
            r1 = (r[0] >> 6 | r[1] << 2) & 63;
            r2 = (r[1] >> 4 | r[2] << 4) & 63;
            r3 = (r[2] >> 2) & 63;
            r4 = r[3] & 63;
            r5 = (r[3] >> 6 | r[4] << 2) & 63;
            r6 = (r[4] >> 4 | r[5] << 4) & 63;
            r7 = (r[5] >> 2) & 63;
            r8 = r[6] & 63;
            r9 = (r[6] >> 6 | r[7] << 2) & 63;
            r10 = (r[7] >> 4 | r[8] << 4) & 63;
            r11 = (r[8] >> 2) & 63;
            r12 = r[9] & 63;
            r13 = (r[9] >> 6 | r[10] << 2) & 63;
            r14 = (r[10] >> 4 | r[11] << 4) & 63;
            r15 = (r[11] >> 2) & 63;


            r += 12;  12 * 8  = 16 * 6  一个字节是8比特,所以12个字节对应 16个6比特的寄存器
    } else {  //其它值的模式下,采用定义
        for(j = 0; j < HLL_REGISTERS; j++) {
            unsigned long reg;
/* ================== Sparse representation implementation  ================= */  稀疏表示实现

/* Convert the HLL with sparse representation given as input in its dense
 * representation. Both representations are represented by SDS strings, and
 * the input representation is freed as a side effect.
 * The function returns C_OK if the sparse representation was valid,
 * otherwise C_ERR is returned if the representation was corrupted. */
typedef struct redisObject {
    unsigned type:4;
    unsigned encoding:4;
    unsigned lru:LRU_BITS; /* LRU time (relative to global lru_clock) or
                            * LFU data (least significant 8 bits frequency
                            * and most significant 16 bits access time). */
    int refcount;
    void *ptr;
} robj;

int hllSparseToDense(robj *o) {
    sds sparse = o->ptr, dense;
    struct hllhdr *hdr, *oldhdr = (struct hllhdr*)sparse; 旧HLL结构
    int idx = 0, runlen, regval;
    uint8_t *p = (uint8_t*)sparse, *end = p+sdslen(sparse); 获取结尾

    /* If the representation is already the right one return ASAP. */
    hdr = (struct hllhdr*) sparse;
    if (hdr->encoding == HLL_DENSE) return C_OK;

    /* Create a string of the right size filled with zero bytes.
     * Note that the cached cardinality is set to 0 as a side effect
     * that is exactly the cardinality of an empty HLL. */
    dense = sdsnewlen(NULL,HLL_DENSE_SIZE); 根据长度创建一个新字符串
    hdr = (struct hllhdr*) dense;
    *hdr = *oldhdr; /* This will copy the magic and cached cardinality. */ 将旧值赋值给新创建的字符串
    hdr->encoding = HLL_DENSE; 编码类型设置为密集

    /* Now read the sparse representation and set non-zero registers accordingly. */
    p += HLL_HDR_SIZE; 跳过结构体头部,指向数据部分
    while(p < end) {  没有到结尾
        if (HLL_SPARSE_IS_ZERO(p)) {  是零操作符
            runlen = HLL_SPARSE_ZERO_LEN(p);  获取长度
            idx += runlen;  
        } else if (HLL_SPARSE_IS_XZERO(p)) { X零操作符
            runlen = HLL_SPARSE_XZERO_LEN(p);
            idx += runlen;
            p += 2;
        } else {
            runlen = HLL_SPARSE_VAL_LEN(p);
            regval = HLL_SPARSE_VAL_VALUE(p);
            if ((runlen + idx) > HLL_REGISTERS) break; /* Overflow. */
            while(runlen--) {

    /* If the sparse representation was valid, we expect to find idx
     * set to HLL_REGISTERS. */
    if (idx != HLL_REGISTERS) { 不是有效表示
        return C_ERR;

    /* Free the old representation and set the new one. */ 释放旧的表示 设置新值
    o->ptr = dense;
    return C_OK;
/* Low level function to set the sparse HLL register at 'index' to the
 * specified value if the current value is smaller than 'count'.
底层的函数  用来设置索引位置的HLL稀疏寄存器的值,如果当前值小于计数值
 * The object 'o' is the String object holding the HLL. The function requires
 * a reference to the object in order to be able to enlarge the string if
 * needed.
 * On success, the function returns 1 if the cardinality changed, or 0
 * if the register for this element was not updated.
 * On error (if the representation is invalid) -1 is returned.
 * As a side effect the function may promote the HLL representation from
 * sparse to dense: this happens when a register requires to be set to a value
 * not representable with the sparse representation, or when the resulting
 * size would be greater than server.hll_sparse_max_bytes. */
int hllSparseSet(robj *o, long index, uint8_t count) {
    struct hllhdr *hdr;
    uint8_t oldcount, *sparse, *end, *p, *prev, *next;
    long first, span;
    long is_zero = 0, is_xzero = 0, is_val = 0, runlen = 0;

    /* If the count is too big to be representable by the sparse representation
     * switch to dense representation. */
    if (count > HLL_SPARSE_VAL_MAX_VALUE) goto promote;

    /* When updating a sparse representation, sometimes we may need to
     * enlarge the buffer for up to 3 bytes in the worst case (XZERO split
     * into XZERO-VAL-XZERO). Make sure there is enough space right now
     * so that the pointers we take during the execution of the function
     * will be valid all the time. */

    o->ptr = sdsMakeRoomFor(o->ptr,3); 扩大了3个字节,确保指针有效

    /* Step 1: we need to locate the opcode we need to modify to check
     * if a value update is actually needed. */
    sparse = p = ((uint8_t*)o->ptr) + HLL_HDR_SIZE;  开始位置
     end = p + sdslen(o->ptr) - HLL_HDR_SIZE;  结束位置

    first = 0;
    prev = NULL; /* Points to previous opcode at the end of the loop. */  在循环结束的时候,指向前一个操作码
    next = NULL; /* Points to the next opcode at the end of the loop. */  在循环结束的时候,指向下一个操作码
    span = 0;
    while(p < end) {  还没有结束
        long oplen;

        /* Set span to the number of registers covered by this opcode.
         * This is the most performance critical loop of the sparse
         * representation. Sorting the conditionals from the most to the
         * least frequent opcode in many-bytes sparse HLLs is faster. */
        oplen = 1;
        if (HLL_SPARSE_IS_ZERO(p)) {  短途的零操作最多
            span = HLL_SPARSE_ZERO_LEN(p);
        } else if (HLL_SPARSE_IS_VAL(p)) {  然后蚕食值操作
            span = HLL_SPARSE_VAL_LEN(p);
        } else { /* XZERO. */
            span = HLL_SPARSE_XZERO_LEN(p);  最不频繁的就是长途的零
            oplen = 2;
        /* Break if this opcode covers the register as 'index'. */  
        if (index <= first+span-1) break;
        prev = p; 保存前一个操作码
        p += oplen; 指向下一个操作码
        first += span; 变更初始值
    if (span == 0 || p >= end) return -1; /* Invalid format. */ 无效格式  跨度为0或者超过结尾,格式错误

    next = HLL_SPARSE_IS_XZERO(p) ? p+2 : p+1;  指向下一个操作码
    if (next >= end) next = NULL; 如果下一个操作码超过结尾,赋值为空

    /* Cache current opcode type to avoid using the macro again and
     * again for something that will not change.
     * Also cache the run-length of the opcode. */
    if (HLL_SPARSE_IS_ZERO(p)) {
        is_zero = 1;
        runlen = HLL_SPARSE_ZERO_LEN(p);
    } else if (HLL_SPARSE_IS_XZERO(p)) {
        is_xzero = 1;
        runlen = HLL_SPARSE_XZERO_LEN(p);
    } else {
        is_val = 1;
        runlen = HLL_SPARSE_VAL_LEN(p);

    /* Step 2: After the loop:
     * 'first' stores to the index of the first register covered
     *  by the current opcode, which is pointed by 'p'.
     first保存p指向的 当前寄存器中保存的操作码
     * 'next' ad 'prev' store respectively the next and previous opcode,
     *  or NULL if the opcode at 'p' is respectively the last or first.
     * 'span' is set to the number of registers covered by the current
     *  opcode.
     * There are different cases in order to update the data structure
     * in place without generating it from scratch:
     有多种不同的情况, 可以更新对应位置的数据结构而不用破坏原来的结构
     * A) If it is a VAL opcode already set to a value >= our 'count'
     *    no update is needed, regardless of the VAL run-length field.
     *    In this case PFADD returns 0 since no changes are performed.
     * B) If it is a VAL opcode with len = 1 (representing only our
     *    register) and the value is less than 'count', we just update it
     *    since this is a trivial case. */
    if (is_val) {
        oldcount = HLL_SPARSE_VAL_VALUE(p);
        /* Case A. */  情况A,无需改变
        if (oldcount >= count) return 0;

        /* Case B. */ 情况B,值操作码长度为1,只需要更新值即可
        if (runlen == 1) {
            goto updated;

    /* C) Another trivial to handle case is a ZERO opcode with a len of 1.
     * We can just replace it with a VAL opcode with our value and len of 1. */
     情况C,另外一个平凡的情况是 需要更新的值是一个长度为1的零操作码,我们只需要用长度为1的值操作码替代即可
    if (is_zero && runlen == 1) {  需要更新的是长度为1的零操作码,直接用长度为1的值操作码更新即可
        goto updated;

    /* D) General case.
     * The other cases are more complex: our register requires to be updated
     * and is either currently represented by a VAL opcode with len > 1,
     * by a ZERO opcode with len > 1, or by an XZERO opcode.
     * In those cases the original opcode must be split into multiple
     * opcodes. The worst case is an XZERO split in the middle resuling into
     * XZERO - VAL - XZERO, so the resulting sequence max length is 5 bytes.
     * We perform the split writing the new sequence into the 'new' buffer
     * with 'newlen' as length. Later the new sequence is inserted in place
     * of the old one, possibly moving what is on the right a few bytes
     * if the new sequence is longer than the older one. */
    uint8_t seq[5], *n = seq;
    int last = first+span-1; /* Last register covered by the sequence. */ 最后一个被序列覆盖的寄存器
    int len;

    if (is_zero || is_xzero) {  原本是0序列, 短的零序列 和长的零序列
        /* Handle splitting of ZERO / XZERO. */ 分裂 ZERO 或者 XZERO序列.
        if (index != first) {  不是头部
            len = index-first;  偏离头部长度
            if (len > HLL_SPARSE_ZERO_MAX_LEN) {  超过了ZERO的最大长度,那么就是XZERO
                n += 2;
            } else {
        if (index != last) { 如果不是尾部
            len = last-index;偏离尾部的距离
            if (len > HLL_SPARSE_ZERO_MAX_LEN) {  超过了ZERO的最大长度,那么就是XZERO
                n += 2;
            } else {
    } else { 原本是个值
        /* Handle splitting of VAL. */ 处理值的分裂情况,多个连续相同的原值
        int curval = HLL_SPARSE_VAL_VALUE(p); 获取原值

        if (index != first) { 不是头部
            len = index-first;
        HLL_SPARSE_VAL_SET(n,count,1); 新值
        if (index != last) {
            len = last-index;

    /* Step 3: substitute the new sequence with the old one.
     * Note that we already allocated space on the sds string
     * calling sdsMakeRoomFor(). */
     int seqlen = n-seq;  新值的长度
     int oldlen = is_xzero ? 2 : 1;  旧值的长度
     int deltalen = seqlen-oldlen;  两者差值

     if (deltalen > 0 &&
         sdslen(o->ptr)+deltalen > server.hll_sparse_max_bytes) goto promote;  如果超出了最大稀疏表示,就改用密集表示
     if (deltalen && next) memmove(next+deltalen,next,end-next);  
     sdsIncrLen(o->ptr,deltalen); 需改字符串的空间大小
     memcpy(p,seq,seqlen); 将新值拷贝到上面腾出的空间中
     end += deltalen;  尾部位置需要将新增加的空间计算上

    /* Step 4: Merge adjacent values if possible.
     *步骤4 如果可能就合并相邻的值
     * The representation was updated, however the resulting representation
     * may not be optimal: adjacent VAL opcodes can sometimes be merged into
     * a single one. */
    p = prev ? prev : sparse; 指向前一个操作码,如果没有就从头开始
    int scanlen = 5; /* Scan up to 5 upcodes starting from prev. */从前一个值开始扫描5个更新操作码字节,因为最长也就是5个
    while (p < end && scanlen--) {
        if (HLL_SPARSE_IS_XZERO(p)) {
            p += 2;
        } else if (HLL_SPARSE_IS_ZERO(p)) {
        /* We need two adjacent VAL opcodes to try a merge, having
         * the same value, and a len that fits the VAL opcode max len. */
        if (p+1 < end && HLL_SPARSE_IS_VAL(p+1)) {
            int v1 = HLL_SPARSE_VAL_VALUE(p);
            int v2 = HLL_SPARSE_VAL_VALUE(p+1);
            if (v1 == v2) {
                int len = HLL_SPARSE_VAL_LEN(p)+HLL_SPARSE_VAL_LEN(p+1); 将两个同样值的长度相加
                if (len <= HLL_SPARSE_VAL_MAX_LEN) { 小于最大长度
                    HLL_SPARSE_VAL_SET(p+1,v1,len); 设置到p+1的位置
                    memmove(p,p+1,end-p); 向前移动一个位置
                    sdsIncrLen(o->ptr,-1); 字符串长度减去一个位置
                    /* After a merge we reiterate without incrementing 'p'
                     * in order to try to merge the just merged value with
                     * a value on its right. */
        p++;  前后两个都是值,不用合并的情况下,向后移动一位,继续尝试合并

    /* Invalidate the cached cardinality. */  使得存储的基数无效
    hdr = o->ptr;
    return 1;

promote: /* Promote to dense representation. */ 变化为密集表示
    if (hllSparseToDense(o) == C_ERR) return -1; /* Corrupted HLL. */  变成密集表示失败
    hdr = o->ptr;

    /* We need to call hllDenseAdd() to perform the operation after the
     * conversion. However the result must be 1, since if we need to
     * convert from sparse to dense a register requires to be updated.
     * Note that this in turn means that PFADD will make sure the command
     * is propagated to slaves / AOF, so if there is a sparse -> dense
     * conversion, it will be performed in all the slaves as well. */
    int dense_retval = hllDenseSet(hdr->registers,index,count);
    serverAssert(dense_retval == 1);  确保为1
    return dense_retval;
/* "Add" the element in the sparse hyperloglog data structure.
 * Actually nothing is added, but the max 0 pattern counter of the subset
 * the element belongs to is incremented if needed.
 * This function is actually a wrapper for hllSparseSet(), it only performs
 * the hashshing of the elmenet to obtain the index and zeros run length. */
int hllSparseAdd(robj *o, unsigned char *ele, size_t elesize) {
    long index;
    uint8_t count = hllPatLen(ele,elesize,&index); 获取统计的零行程长度
    /* Update the register if this element produced a longer run of zeroes. */ 更新寄存器如果元素馋了一个更长的零行程
    return hllSparseSet(o,index,count);
/* Compute the register histogram in the sparse representation. */
void hllSparseRegHisto(uint8_t *sparse, int sparselen, int *invalid, int* reghisto) {
    int idx = 0, runlen, regval;
    uint8_t *end = sparse+sparselen, *p = sparse;

    while(p < end) {  序列没有结束
        if (HLL_SPARSE_IS_ZERO(p)) {  是0行程
            runlen = HLL_SPARSE_ZERO_LEN(p);
            idx += runlen;
            reghisto[0] += runlen; 零个数的统计
        } else if (HLL_SPARSE_IS_XZERO(p)) {
            runlen = HLL_SPARSE_XZERO_LEN(p);
            idx += runlen;
            reghisto[0] += runlen;  零个数的统计
            p += 2;
        } else {
            runlen = HLL_SPARSE_VAL_LEN(p);
            regval = HLL_SPARSE_VAL_VALUE(p);
            idx += runlen;
            reghisto[regval] += runlen;  值个数的统计
    if (idx != HLL_REGISTERS && invalid) *invalid = 1;  寄存器个数正确并且传入的invalid非空,赋值invalid为1


上一篇:Matrix Factorization, Algorithms, Applications, and Avaliable packages

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