.net AutoFac的使用

.net AutoFac的使用



ASP.NET Core 1.1 - 2.2

下面的示例演示了 ASP.NET Core 1.1 - 2.2 使用方法, 你可以调用 WebHostBuilder 的 services.AddAutofac(). 这不适用于ASP.NET Core 3+ 或 .NET Core 3+ generic hosting 支持 - ASP.NET Core 3 需要你直接指定一个service provider factory而不是把它加入进service collection.

public class Program
  public static void Main(string[] args)
    var host = new WebHostBuilder()
        .ConfigureServices(services => services.AddAutofac())

public class Startup
  public Startup(IHostingEnvironment env)
    // In ASP.NET Core 3.0 env will be an IWebHostEnvironment , not IHostingEnvironment.
    var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder()
        .AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", optional: true, reloadOnChange: true)
        .AddJsonFile($"appsettings.{env.EnvironmentName}.json", optional: true)
    this.Configuration = builder.Build();

  public IConfigurationRoot Configuration { get; private set; }

  public ILifetimeScope AutofacContainer { get; private set; }

  // ConfigureServices is where you register dependencies and return an `IServiceProvider` implemented by `AutofacServiceProvider`.
  // ConfigureServices是注册依赖项并返回实现了“IServiceProvider”的“AutofacServiceProvider”。
  // This is the old, not recommended way, and is NOT SUPPORTED in ASP.NET Core 3.0+.
  // 这是旧的不推荐的方式,在中ASP.NET 3.0+不受支持。
  public IServiceProvider ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    // Add services to the collection
    // 添加Options服务

    // Create a container-builder and register dependencies
    // 创建容器生成器并注册依赖项
    var builder = new ContainerBuilder();

    // Populate the service-descriptors added to `IServiceCollection`
    // BEFORE you add things to Autofac so that the Autofac
    // registrations can override stuff in the `IServiceCollection`
    // as needed
    // 在向Autofac添加内容之前,填充添加到“IServiceCollection”的服务描述符,以便Autofac注册可以根据需要覆盖“IServiceCollection”中的内容

    // Register your own things directly with Autofac
    // 直接向Autofac注册您自己的东西
    builder.RegisterModule(new MyApplicationModule());

    AutofacContainer = builder.Build();

    // this will be used as the service-provider for the application!
    // 这将用作应用程序的服务提供商!
    return new AutofacServiceProvider(AutofacContainer);

  // Configure is where you add middleware.
  // You can use IApplicationBuilder.ApplicationServices
  // 您可以配置任意中间件。
  // 你可以用IApplicationBuilder.ApplicationServices
  public void Configure(
    IApplicationBuilder app,
    ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)

ASP.NET Core 3.0+ and Generic Hosting

在ASP.NET Core 3.0托管方式发生了变化 并且需要不同的集成方式. 你不能在从 ConfigureServices 中返回 IServiceProvider, 也不能再将你的service provider factory加入到service collection.

下面是ASP.NET Core 3+ 和 .NET Core 3+ generic hosting support的集成方式:

public class Program
  public static void Main(string[] args)
    // ASP.NET Core 3.0+:
    // The UseServiceProviderFactory call attaches the
    // Autofac provider to the generic hosting mechanism.
    var host = Host.CreateDefaultBuilder(args)
        .UseServiceProviderFactory(new AutofacServiceProviderFactory())
        .ConfigureWebHostDefaults(webHostBuilder => {


在你的Startup类中 (各版本ASP.NET Core基本一致) 你可以使用 ConfigureContainer 访问 Autofac container builder 并且直接使用Autofac注册东西.

public class Startup
  public Startup(IHostingEnvironment env)
    // In ASP.NET Core 3.0 `env` will be an IWebHostEnvironment, not IHostingEnvironment.
    // 在ASP.NET 3.0“env”将是一个IWebHostEnvironment,而不是IHostingEnvironment。
    var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder()
        .AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", optional: true, reloadOnChange: true)
        .AddJsonFile($"appsettings.{env.EnvironmentName}.json", optional: true)
    this.Configuration = builder.Build();

  public IConfigurationRoot Configuration { get; private set; }

  public ILifetimeScope AutofacContainer { get; private set; }

  // ConfigureServices is where you register dependencies. This gets
  // called by the runtime before the ConfigureContainer method, below.
  // ConfigureServices是注册依赖项的地方。它由运行时在下面的ConfigureContainer方法之前调用。
  public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    // Add services to the collection. Don't build or return
    // any IServiceProvider or the ConfigureContainer method
    // won't get called.
    // 向集合添加服务。不要构建或返回任何IServiceProvider,否则ConfigureContainer方法将不会被调用。

  // ConfigureContainer is where you can register things directly
  // with Autofac. This runs after ConfigureServices so the things
  // here will override registrations made in ConfigureServices.
  // Don't build the container; that gets done for you by the factory.
  // ConfigureContainer是您可以直接向Autofac注册内容的地方。它在ConfigureServices之后运行,因此这里的内容将覆盖在ConfigureServices中进行的注册。别造集装箱,那是工厂帮你做的。
  public void ConfigureContainer(ContainerBuilder builder)
    // Register your own things directly with Autofac, like:
    // 直接向Autofac注册您自己的东西,例如:
    builder.RegisterModule(new MyApplicationModule());

  // Configure is where you add middleware. This is called after
  // ConfigureContainer. You can use IApplicationBuilder.ApplicationServices
  // here if you need to resolve things from the container.
  // Configure是您添加中间件的地方。这在ConfigureContainer之后调用。你可以用IApplicationBuilder.ApplicationServices
  public void Configure(
    IApplicationBuilder app,
    ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
    // If, for some reason, you need a reference to the built container, you
    // can use the convenience extension method GetAutofacRoot.
    // 如果出于某种原因,需要对生成的容器进行引用,可以使用方便的扩展方法GetAutofacRoot。
    this.AutofacContainer = app.ApplicationServices.GetAutofacRoot();



Configure, ConfigureServices, 和 ConfigureContainer 方法都支持基于你应用中 IHostingEnvironment.EnvironmentName 参数的环境特定命名约定. 默认地, 名称为 Configure, ConfigureServices, 和 ConfigureContainer. 如果你想要环境特定设置, 你可以把环境名称放在 Configure 部分后面, 类似 ConfigureDevelopment, ConfigureDevelopmentServices, 和 ConfigureDevelopmentContainer. 如果方法并不以匹配的环境名称显示, 它会回到默认方法.

这意味着你不必使用 Autofac配置 在生产环境和开发环境之间切换; 你可以在 Startup 中以编程形式设置.

public class Startup
  public Startup(IHostingEnvironment env)
    // Do Startup-ish things like read configuration.
    // 做一些像读配置这样的启动操作。

  // This is the default if you don't have an environment specific method.
  // 如果没有特定于环境的方法,则这是默认值。
  public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    // Add things to the service collection.
    // 添加一些服务

  // This only gets called if your environment is Development. The
  // default ConfigureServices won't be automatically called if this
  // one is called.
  // 只有在您的环境是开发环境时才调用此函数。如果调用此配置服务,则不会自动调用默认ConfigureServices。
  public void ConfigureDevelopmentServices(IServiceCollection services)
    // Add things to the service collection that are only for the
    // development environment.
    // 向服务集合中添加只用于开发环境的内容。

  // This is the default if you don't have an environment specific method.
  // 如果没有特定于环境的方法,则这是默认值。
  public void ConfigureContainer(ContainerBuilder builder)
    // Add things to the Autofac ContainerBuilder.
    // 向Autofac ContainerBuilder添加内容。

  // This only gets called if your environment is Production. The
  // default ConfigureContainer won't be automatically called if this
  // one is called.
  // 只有在您的环境是生产环境时才调用此函数。如果调用此容器,则不会自动调用默认的ConfigureContainer。
  public void ConfigureProductionContainer(ContainerBuilder builder)
    // Add things to the ContainerBuilder that are only for the
    // production environment.
    // 向ContainerBuilder添加仅用于生产环境的内容。

  // This is the default if you don't have an environment specific method.
  // 如果没有特定于环境的方法,则这是默认值。
  public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
    // Set up the application.
    // 设置应用程序。

  // This only gets called if your environment is Staging. The
  // default Configure won't be automatically called if this one is called.
  // 仅当您的环境正在暂存时才会调用此函数。如果调用此配置,则不会自动调用默认配置。
  public void ConfigureStaging(IApplicationBuilder app, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
    // Set up the application for staging.
上一篇:DotNet Core2.1 编写自己的中间件和后台服务
