Java 反射机制[Field反射]

Java 反射机制[Field反射]

1.  反射概念及功能



Java反射机制主要提供了下面功能: 推断在执行时随意一个对象所属的类;在执行时构造随意一个类的对象;推断在执行时随意一个类所具有的成员变量和方法;在执行时调用随意一个对象的方法。生成动态代理。

2.  Field反射


Java Code


* System Abbrev :

* system Name  :

* Component No  :

* Component Name:

* File name

* Author        :Qiuzhenping

* Date          :2014-10-25

* Description   :  <description>


/* Updation record 1:

* Updation date        :  2014-10-25

* Updator          :  Qiuzhenping

* Trace No:  <Trace No>

* Updation No:  <Updation No>

* Updation Content:  <List all contents of updation and all methods updated.>


package com.qiuzhping.reflect.main;

import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;

import java.lang.reflect.Field;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;


* <Description functions in a word>

* 反射就是把Java类中的各种成分映射成对应的Java类。

* <Detail description>


* @author  Qiuzhenping

* @version  [Version NO, 2014-10-25]

* @see  [Related classes/methods]

* @since  [product/module version]


public class ReflectTestMain {

/** <default constructor>


public ReflectTestMain() {

// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub


/** <Description functions in a word>

* 2014-10-25

* <Detail description>

* @author  Qiuzhenping

* @param args [Parameters description]

* @return void [Return type description]

* @exception throws [Exception] [Exception description]

* @see [Related classes#Related methods#Related properties]


public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{

// TODO Auto-generated method stub

//Constructor[] contructor = Person.class.getConstructors();

//Method[] method = Person.class.getMethods();

Person p = new Person(24, "Qiuzhping", "100001", "Qiuzhping");

//               Field [] field = p.getClass().getDeclaredFields();

//               for(Field f:field){

//                         f.setAccessible(true);

//                         System.out.println(f.getName());

//                         Object obj = f.get(p);

//                         System.out.println(obj);

//               }




/** <Description functions in a word>

*  将obj对象中的String类型的字段相应的Value中含有i的字符替换为abc<BR>

*  2014-10-26

* <Detail description>

* @author  Qiuzhenping

* @param obj [Parameters description]

* @return void [Return type description]

* @exception throws [Exception] [Exception description]

* @see [Related classes#Related methods#Related properties]


private static void changeStringValue(Object obj) throws Exception {

Field[] fields = obj.getClass().getDeclaredFields();

for(Field f : fields){


if(f.getType() == String.class){//字节码比較是用 ==

String oldValue = (String) f.get(obj);

String newValue = oldValue.replaceAll("i", "abc");//将全部的i替换为abc

f.set(obj, newValue);




static class Person {

public Person(int age, String name, String id, String pwd) {


this.age = age; = name; = id;

this.pwd = pwd;



public String toString() {

return "age = "+age +"\tname = "+name+"\tid = "+id+"\tpwd = "+pwd;


private int age;

private String name;

private String id;

private String pwd;

public int getAge() {

return age;


public void setAge(int age) {

this.age = age;


public String getName() {

return name;


public void setName(String name) { = name;


public String getId() {

return id;


public void setId(String id) { = id;


public String getPwd() {

return pwd;


public void setPwd(String pwd) {

this.pwd = pwd;


/** <default constructor>


public Person() {

// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub




Java 反射机制[Method反射]

