
我正在整理一些基本的python代码,这些代码采用了映射到矩阵列表(矩阵代表已分类图像)的标签字典,我只是想从所有内容中减去平均图像,然后将数据居中于0- 1个刻度.由于某种原因,此代码运行缓慢.当仅迭代500张48×48图像时,大约需要10秒钟才能运行,这实际上并不能扩展到我正在使用的图像数量.查看cProfile结果后,看起来大部分时间都花在_center函数上.


def __init__(self, master_dict, normalization = lambda x: math.exp(x)):
    master_dict should be a dictionary mapping classes to lists of matrices

    example = {
        "cats": [[[]...], [[]...]...],
        "dogs": [[[]...], [[]...]...]

    have to be python lists, not numpy arrays

    normalization represents the 0-1 normalization scheme used. Defaults to simple linear
    normalization = np.vectorize(normalization)
    full_tensor = np.array(reduce(operator.add, master_dict.values()))
    centering = np.sum(np.array(reduce(operator.add, master_dict.values())), axis=0)/len(full_tensor) = {key: self._center(np.array(value), centering, normalization) for key,value in master_dict.items()}
    self.normalization = normalization

def _center(self, list_of_arrays, centering_factor, normalization_scheme):
    Centering scheme for arrays
    arrays = list_of_arrays - centering_factor
    normalize = lambda a: (a - np.min(a)) / (np.max(a) - np.min(a))
    return normalization_scheme([normalize(array) for array in arrays])




def normalize(a):
    a -= a.min(1, keepdims=True).min(2, keepdims=True)
    a /= a.max(1, keepdims=True).max(2, keepdims=True)
    return a


def _center(self, list_of_arrays, centering_factor, normalization_scheme):
    Centering scheme for arrays
    list_of_arrays -= centering_factor
    return normalization_scheme(normalize(list_of_arrays))



full_tensor = np.array(reduce(operator.add, master_dict.values()))

full_tensor = np.concatenate(master_dict.values())



>>> timeit slater_init(example)
1 loops, best of 3: 1.42 s per loop

>>> timeit seth_init(example)
1 loops, best of 3: 489 ms per loop

>>> timeit my_init(example)
1 loops, best of 3: 281 ms per loop

以下是我的完整计时代码.请注意,我用return …替换了 = …,以便我可以保存和比较输出以确保我们所有的代码确实返回相同的数据:)当然,您也应该针对我的版本进行测试!

import operator
import math
import numpy as np

#example dict has N keys (integers), each value is a list of n random HxW 'arrays', in list form:
test_shape = 10, 2, 4, 4          # small example for testing
timing_shape = 100, 5, 48, 48     # bigger example for timing
N, n, H, W = timing_shape
example = dict(enumerate(np.random.rand(N, n, H, W).tolist()))

def my_init(master_dict, normalization=np.exp):
    full_tensor = np.concatenate(master_dict.values())
    centering = np.mean(full_tensor, 0)
    return {key: my_center(np.array(value), centering, normalization)
                     for key,value in master_dict.iteritems()} #use iteritems here
    #self.normalization = normalization

def my_normalize(a):
    a -= a.min(1, keepdims=True).min(2, keepdims=True)
    a /= a.max(1, keepdims=True).max(2, keepdims=True)
    return a

def my_center(arrays, centering_factor, normalization_scheme):
    Centering scheme for arrays
    arrays -= centering_factor
    return normalization_scheme(my_normalize(arrays))

#### sethMMorton's original improvement ####

def seth_init(master_dict, normalization = np.exp):
    master_dict should be a dictionary mapping classes to lists of matrices

    example = {
        "cats": [[[]...], [[]...]...],
        "dogs": [[[]...], [[]...]...]

    have to be python lists, not numpy arrays

    normalization represents the 0-1 normalization scheme used. Defaults to simple linear
    full_tensor = np.array(reduce(operator.add, master_dict.values()))
    centering = np.sum(full_tensor, axis=0)/len(full_tensor)
    return {key: seth_center(np.array(value), centering, normalization) for key,value in master_dict.items()}
    #self.normalization = normalization

def seth_center(list_of_arrays, centering_factor, normalization_scheme):
    Centering scheme for arrays
    def seth_normalize(a):
        a_min = np.min(a)
        return (a - a_min) / (np.max(a) - a_min)
    arrays = list_of_arrays - centering_factor
    return normalization_scheme([seth_normalize(array) for array in arrays])

#### Original code, by slater ####

def slater_init(master_dict, normalization = lambda x: math.exp(x)):
    master_dict should be a dictionary mapping classes to lists of matrices

    example = {
        "cats": [[[]...], [[]...]...],
        "dogs": [[[]...], [[]...]...]

    have to be python lists, not numpy arrays

    normalization represents the 0-1 normalization scheme used. Defaults to simple linear
    normalization = np.vectorize(normalization)
    full_tensor = np.array(reduce(operator.add, master_dict.values()))
    centering = np.sum(np.array(reduce(operator.add, master_dict.values())), axis=0)/len(full_tensor)
    return {key: slater_center(np.array(value), centering, normalization) for key,value in master_dict.items()}
    #self.normalization = normalization

def slater_center(list_of_arrays, centering_factor, normalization_scheme):
    Centering scheme for arrays
    arrays = list_of_arrays - centering_factor
    slater_normalize = lambda a: (a - np.min(a)) / (np.max(a) - np.min(a))
    return normalization_scheme([slater_normalize(array) for array in arrays])
