大家帮忙推荐一些非凸优化(Nonconvex optimization)的最新研究进展文献?


大家帮忙推荐一些非凸优化(Nonconvex optimization)的最新研究进展文献?


7 个回答

大家帮忙推荐一些非凸优化(Nonconvex optimization)的最新研究进展文献? 微尘-黄含驰 强化学习+组合优化+MAB嗑盐ing;微信jjnuxjp5x 运筹OR帷幄福大命大 等 




Review Articles

Problems with Hidden Convexity or Analytic Solutions

Blind Deconvolution

Separable Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF)

Problems with Provable Global Results

Matrix Completion/Sensing

(See also low-rank matrix/tensor recovery )

Tensor Recovery/Decomposition & Hidden Variable Models

Phase Retrieval

Dictionary Learning

(See also Theory part in Dictionary/Deep Learning)

Deep Learning

Sparse Vectors in Linear Subspaces

(See Structured Element Pursuit )

Nonnegative/Sparse Principal Component Analysis

Mixed Linear Regression

Blind Deconvolution/Calibration

Super Resolution

Synchronization Problems/Community Detection

Joint Alignment

Numerical Linear Algebra

Bayesian Inference

Empirical Risk Minimization & Shallow Networks

System Identification

Burer-Monteiro Style Decomposition Algorithms

Generic Structured Problems

Nonconvex Feasibility Problems

Of Statistical Nature …

Relevant Optimization Methods, Theory, Miscs

Disclaimer - This page is meant to serve a hub for references on this problem, and does not represent in any way personal endorsement of papers listed here. So I do not hold any responsibility for quality and technical correctness of each paper listed here. The reader is advised to use this resource with discretion.
If you’d like your paper to be listed here - Just drop me a few lines via email (which can be found on “Welcome” page). If you don’t bother to spend a word, just deposit your paper on arXiv. I get email alert about new animals there every morning, and will be happy to hunt one for this zoo if it seems fit.
Special thanks to: Damek Davis, Wotao Yin, Vladislav Voroninski, David Martinez
发布于 09-04   继续浏览内容 大家帮忙推荐一些非凸优化(Nonconvex optimization)的最新研究进展文献? 知乎 发现更大的世界 打开 大家帮忙推荐一些非凸优化(Nonconvex optimization)的最新研究进展文献? Chrome 继续   大家帮忙推荐一些非凸优化(Nonconvex optimization)的最新研究进展文献? Jin H. 庙里的博士僧 sherwoodhenryWang  等 

我就放个我自己的List吧, 有点长, 不过基本是按照时间线排列的, 可以忽略前半部分 直接看近两年的就行. 这个list主要包括stochastic convex and non-convex optimization, 借鉴了Allen-Zhu在ICML上的那个workshop.

另外两个是blog: 孙举的 Provable Nonconvex Methods/Algorithms, 和 Off the convex path

==============================请叫我, 分割线=================================


Paper List (by time order)

Before 2010s

2004, Nesterov : textbook

Introductory Lectures on Convex Programming Volume: A Basic course

By Yurii Nesterov

2005, Nemirovski : SIOPT

Prox-method with rate of convergence o(1/t) for variational inequalities with lipschitz continuous monotone operators and smooth convex-concave saddle point problems

By Arkadi Nemirovski

2005, Nesterov : Mathematics Programming

Smooth minimization of non-smooth functions

By Yurii Nesterov

2006, Nesterov : Cubic regularization

Cubic regularization of Newton method and its global performance

By Yurii Nesterov, B.T. Polyak


2011, Chambolle-Pock:

A First-Order Primal-Dual Algorithm for Convex Problems with Applications to Imaging

By Antonin Chambolle and Thomas Pock


2012, LeRoux-Schmidt-Bach, : SAG

A stochastic gradient method with an exponential convergence rate for finite training sets

By Nicolas Le Roux, Mark Schmidt, and Francis R. Bach

2012, ShalevShwartz-Zhang, : SDCA

Stochastic Dual Coordinate Ascent Methods for Regularized Loss Minimization

By Shai Shalev-Shwartz and Tong Zhang

2012, Nesterov : RCDM/ACDM

Efficiency of Coordinate Descent Methods on Huge-Scale Optimization Problems

By Yurii Nesterov.


2013, ShalevShwartz-Zhang, : AccSDCA

Accelerated Proximal Stochastic Dual Coordinate Ascent for Regularized Loss Minimization

by Shai Shalev-Shwartz, Tong Zhang

2013, BenTal-Nemirovski,

Lectures on Modern Convex Optimization

By Aharon Ben-Tal and Arkadi Nemirovski

2013, Johnson-Zhang, : SVRG

Accelerating stochastic gradient descent using predictive variance reduction

By Rie Johnson and Tong Zhang

2013, Lee-Sidford, : ACDM (better proof)

Efficient accelerated coordinate descent methods and faster algorithms for solving linear systems

By Yin Tat Lee and Aaron Sidford

2013, Zhang-Mahdavi-Jin,

Linear convergence with condition number independent access of full gradients

By Lijun Zhang, Mehrdad Mahdavi, and Rong Jin.

2013, Mahdavi-Zhang-Jin

Mixed optimization for smooth functions

By Mehrdad Mahdavi, Lijun Zhang, and Rong Jin.

2013, Ghadimi-Lan,

Stochastic First- and Zeroth-order Methods for Nonconvex Stochastic Programming

By Saeed Ghadimi, Guanghui Lan


2014, Lin-Lu-Xiao, : APCG

An Accelerated Proximal Coordinate Gradient Method and its Application to Regularized Empirical Risk Minimization

By Qihang Lin, Zhaosong Lu, Lin Xiao

2014, Defazio-Bach-LacosteJulien, : SAGA

SAGA: A Fast Incremental Gradient Method With Support for Non-Strongly Convex Composite Objectives

By Defazio, A., Bach, F., & Lacoste-Julien, S.

2014, ShalevShwartz-Zhang, : AccSDCA

Accelerated Proximal Stochastic Dual Coordinate Ascent for Regularized Loss Minimization

By Shai Shalev-Shwartz and Tong Zhang

2014, Su-Boyd-Candes,

A differential equation for modeling nesterovs accelerated gradient method: Theory and insights

By Weijie Su, Stephen Boyd, Emmanuel J. Candès

2014, AllenZhu-Orecchia,

Linear Coupling: An Ultimate Unification of Gradient and Mirror Descent

By Zeyuan Allen-Zhu and Lorenzo Orecchia.

2014, Nitanda,

Stochastic proximal gradient descent with acceleration techniques

By Atsushi Nitanda.

2014, Sun-Luo,

Guaranteed Matrix Completion via Non-convex Factorization

By Ruoyu Sun and Zhi-Quan Luo


2015, Zhang-Xiao, : SPDC

Stochastic Primal-Dual Coordinate Method for Regularized Empirical Risk Minimization

By Yuchen Zhang and Lin Xiao.

2015, Lan-Zhou, : RPDG

An optimal randomized incremental gradient method

By Guanghui Lan and Yi Zhou.

2015, Frostig-Ge-Kakade-Sidford, : APPA

Un-regularizing: approximate proximal point and faster stochastic algorithms for empirical risk minimization

By Roy Frostig, Rong Ge, Sham M. Kakade, and Aaron Sidford

2015, Lin-Mairal-Harchaoui, : Catalyst

A universal catalyst for first-order optimization

By Hongzhou Lin, Julien Mairal and Zaid Harchaoui

2015, AllenZhu-Yuan, : SVRG++

Improved SVRG for Non-Strongly-Convex or Sum-of-Non-Convex Objectives

By Zeyuan Allen-Zhu and Yang Yuan

2015, Bubeck-Lee-Singh,

A geometric alternative to Nesterov's accelerated gradient descent

By Sébastien Bubeck, Yin Tat Lee, Mohit Singh

2015, Garber et al, : shift and invert (two papers about the same result)

Faster Eigenvector Computation via Shift-and-Invert Preconditioning

By Dan Garber, Elad Hazan, Chi Jin, Sham M. Kakade, Cameron Musco, Praneeth Netrapalli, Aaron Sidford

2015, Garber-Hazan,

Fast and Simple PCA via Convex Optimization

By Dan Garber and Elad Hazan

2015, Arora-Ge-Ma-Moitra,

Simple, Efficient, and Neural Algorithms for Sparse Coding

By Sanjeev Arora, Rong Ge, Tengyu Ma and Ankur Moitra

2015, Chen-Candès,

Solving Random Quadratic Systems of Equations Is Nearly as Easy as Solving Linear Systems

By Yuxin Chen, Emmanuel J. Candès

2015, ShalevShwartz,

SDCA without Duality

By Shai Shalev-Shwartz

2015, Ge-Huang-Jin-Yuan,

Escaping From Saddle Points --- Online Stochastic Gradient for Tensor Decomposition

By Rong Ge, Furong Huang, Chi Jin, Yang Yuan


2016, AllenZhu-Qu-Richtarik-Yuan, : NUACDM

Even Faster Accelerated Coordinate Descent Using Non-Uniform Sampling

By Zeyuan Allen-Zhu, Zheng Qu, Peter Richtarik and Yang Yuan.

2016b, AllenZhu-Hazan : reduction

Optimal Black-Box Reductions Between Optimization Objectives

By Zeyuan Allen-Zhu and Elad Hazan

2016a, AllenZhu-Hazan : non-convex SVRG

Variance Reduction for Faster Non-Convex Optimization

By Zeyuan Allen-Zhu and Elad Hazan

2016, Wibisono-Wilson-Jordan,

A Variational Perspective on Accelerated Methods in Optimization

By Andre Wibisono, Ashia C. Wilson, Michael I. Jordan

2016, AllenZhu,

Katyusha: The First Direct Acceleration of Stochastic Gradient Methods

By Zeyuan Allen-Zhu

2016, Woodworth-Srebro,

Tight Complexity Bounds for Optimizing Composite Objectives

By Blake Woodworth and Nathan Srebro

2016, Frostig-Musco-Musco-Sidford, : PCR

Principal Component Projection Without Principal Component Analysis

By Roy Frostig, Cameron Musco, Christopher Musco and Aaron Sidford.

2016, AllenZhu-Li, : LazySVD

LazySVD: Even Faster SVD Decomposition Yet Without Agonizing Pain

By Zeyuan Allen-Zhu and Yuanzhi Li.

2016a, Reddi et al.,

Stochastic variance reduction for nonconvex optimization

By Sashank J Reddi, Ahmed Hefny, Suvrit Sra, Barnabas Poczos, and Alex Smola

2016b, Reddi et al.,

Fast incremental method for nonconvex optimization

Sashank J Reddi, Suvrit Sra, Barnabás Póczos, and Alex Smola.

2016c, Reddi et al.,

Fast Stochastic Methods for Nonsmooth Nonconvex Optimization

Sashank J Reddi, Suvrit Sra, Barnabás Póczos, and Alex Smola.

2016, Carmon-Duchi-Hinder-Sidford,

Accelerated Methods for Non-Convex Optimization

By Yair Carmon, John C. Duchi, Oliver Hinder and Aaron Sidford

2016, Agarwal et al.,

Finding Approximate Local Minima Faster Than Gradient Descent

By Naman Agarwal, Zeyuan Allen-Zhu, Brian Bullins, Elad Hazan, Tengyu Ma


2017, Lei-Jordan,

Less than a Single Pass: Stochastically Controlled Stochastic Gradient

By Lihua Lei and Michael I. Jordan.

2017, Lei-Ju-Chen-Jordan,

Nonconvex Finite-Sum Optimization Via SCSG Methods

By Lihua Lei, Cheng Ju, Jianbo Chen, and Michael I. Jordan.

2017, AllenZhu-Li, : PCR

Faster Principal Component Regression and Stable Matrix Chebyshev Approximation

By Zeyuan Allen-Zhu and Yuanzhi Li

2017, Shibagaki-Takeuchi, : mini-batch SPDC

Stochastic primal dual coordinate method with nonuniform sampling based on optimality violations

By Atsushi Shibagaki and Ichiro Takeuchi.

2017, Murata-Suzuki, : DASVRDA

Doubly accelerated stochastic variance reduced dual averaging method for regularized empirical risk minimization

By Tomoya Murata and Taiji Suzuki

2017, Li-Yuan,

Convergence Analysis of Two-layer Neural Networks with ReLU Activation

By Yuanzhi Li and Yang Yuan

2017, AllenZhu,

Natasha: Faster Non-Convex Stochastic Optimization via Strongly Non-Convex Parameter

By Zeyuan Allen-Zhu

2017, Carmon- Duchi-Hinder-Sidford,

"Convex Until Proven Guilty": Dimension-Free Acceleration of Gradient Descent on Non-Convex Functions

By Yair Carmon, John C. Duchi, Oliver Hinder and Aaron Sidford

2017, Jin et al.,

How to Escape Saddle Points Efficiently

By Chi Jin, Rong Ge, Praneeth Netrapalli, Sham M. Kakade, Michael I. Jordan

2017, Zhou-Mertikopoulos-Bambos-Boyd-Glynn

Mirror descent in non-convex stochastic programming

By Zhengyuan Zhou, Panayotis Mertikopoulos, Nicholas Bambos, Stephen Boyd, Peter Glynn


2018, AllenZhu

Natasha2: Faster Non-Convex Optimization Than SGD

By Zeyuan Allen-Zhu

2018, AllenZhu

Katyusha X: Practical Momentum Method for Stochastic Sum-of-Nonconvex Optimization

By Zeyuang Allen-Zhu

2018, AllenZhu-Li

Neon2: Finding Local Minima via First-Order Oracles

By Zeyuang Allen-Zhu, Yuanzhi Li

2018, Yun-Stra-Jadbabaie

Global Optimality Conditions for Deep Neural Networks

By Chulhee Yun, Suvrit Sra, Ali Jadbabaie

2018, Hong-Lee-Razaviyayn

Gradient Primal-Dual Algorithm Converges to Second-Order Stationary Solutions for Nonconvex Distributed Optimization

By Mingyi Hong, Jason D. Lee, Meisam Razaviyayn

2018, Zhang-Aragam-Ravikumar-Xing

DAGs with NO TEARS: Smooth Optimization for Structure Learning
By Xun Zheng, Bryon Aragam, Pradeep Ravikumar, Eric P. Xing


2018, Xu-Jin-Yang: NEON

First-order Stochastic Algorithms for Escaping From Saddle Points in Almost Linear Time

By Yi Xu, Rong Jin, Tianbao Yang

编辑于 2018-04-14   继续浏览内容 大家帮忙推荐一些非凸优化(Nonconvex optimization)的最新研究进展文献? 知乎 发现更大的世界 打开 大家帮忙推荐一些非凸优化(Nonconvex optimization)的最新研究进展文献? Chrome 继续   大家帮忙推荐一些非凸优化(Nonconvex optimization)的最新研究进展文献? 未知用户   吴海波henryWang  等 

Jin H. 已经列了一个很长的列表,我补充一个,个人觉得比较有意思的tutorial:Non-convex Optimization for Machine Learning。Tutorial 的 Arxiv 链接: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1712.07897.pdf. 这个tutorial里面概括了non-convex 的理论背景还有一些典型的应用。当然作者从machine learning 角度出发。浏览一下应该会对non-convex 在machine learning 领域中的应用有所了解。希望能帮到你。

编辑于 2018-04-10   继续浏览内容 大家帮忙推荐一些非凸优化(Nonconvex optimization)的最新研究进展文献? 知乎 发现更大的世界 打开 大家帮忙推荐一些非凸优化(Nonconvex optimization)的最新研究进展文献? Chrome 继续   大家帮忙推荐一些非凸优化(Nonconvex optimization)的最新研究进展文献? 吕打滚 中国科学院 空间应用中心 助理研究员 henryWang  等 

Hoang Tuy的Convex Analysis and Global Optimization出了2版,16年的

Tuy的经历太传奇了 发布于 2018-04-10   继续浏览内容 大家帮忙推荐一些非凸优化(Nonconvex optimization)的最新研究进展文献? 知乎 发现更大的世界 打开 大家帮忙推荐一些非凸优化(Nonconvex optimization)的最新研究进展文献? Chrome 继续   大家帮忙推荐一些非凸优化(Nonconvex optimization)的最新研究进展文献? 祥丰 分布式优化-多智体强化学习




  1. Jason D. Lee, Max Simchowitz, Michael I. Jordan, and Benjamin Recht. Gradient Descent Converges to Minimizers. COLT 2016. 对于目标函数光滑的非凸问题,在随机初始化的情况下,梯度下降法收敛到saddle point的概率为0。文章利用了动力系统的技术。
  2. Chi Jin, Rong Ge, Praneeth Netrapalli, Sham M. Kakade, Michael I. Jordan. How to Escape Saddle Points Efficiently. ICML 2017. 通过对梯度下降法加perturbation,实现跳出saddle point。
编辑于 2018-05-17   继续浏览内容 大家帮忙推荐一些非凸优化(Nonconvex optimization)的最新研究进展文献? 知乎 发现更大的世界 打开 大家帮忙推荐一些非凸优化(Nonconvex optimization)的最新研究进展文献? Chrome 继续   大家帮忙推荐一些非凸优化(Nonconvex optimization)的最新研究进展文献? Ly Rus 俄罗斯圣彼得堡国立大学 数学博士


发布于 2018-04-11   继续浏览内容 大家帮忙推荐一些非凸优化(Nonconvex optimization)的最新研究进展文献? 知乎 发现更大的世界 打开 大家帮忙推荐一些非凸优化(Nonconvex optimization)的最新研究进展文献? Chrome 继续   大家帮忙推荐一些非凸优化(Nonconvex optimization)的最新研究进展文献? 张宗良 https://zhangzongliang.github.io

Engineering optimisation by cuckoo search

XS Yang, S Deb - International Journal of Mathematical …, 2010 - inderscienceonline.com

A new metaheuristic optimisation algorithm, called cuckoo search (CS), was developed

recently by Yang and Deb (2009). This paper presents a more extensive comparison study

using some standard test functions and newly designed stochastic test functions. We then

apply the CS algorithm to solve engineering design optimisation problems, including the

design of springs and welded beam structures. The optimal solutions obtained by CS are far

better than the best solutions obtained by an efficient particle swarm optimiser. We will …

被引用次数:1490 相关文章 所有 11 个版本

编辑于 2018-04-10   继续浏览内容 大家帮忙推荐一些非凸优化(Nonconvex optimization)的最新研究进展文献? 知乎 发现更大的世界 打开 大家帮忙推荐一些非凸优化(Nonconvex optimization)的最新研究进展文献? Chrome 继续



