

我的翻译:Mountain Hua is located at HuaYin City, and it’s 120 kilometers away from XiAn. Mountain Hua is a part of mountain Qin. Mountain Qin not only seperate the area of ShanNan and ShanBei, but also HuaNan and HuaBei. It’s different from Mountain Tai which had often been visited by people. Mountain Hua has fewer people to visit. because it’s very dangerous on the road to the mountain top. However, the people who are hoping living longer often climb the Mountain Hua. Because there are so many herbs living on the Mountain Hua, especially some rare herbs. The visitors became more and more since the cable car had been installed in the 1990s.(转译成汉语:华山位于华阴市,距西安120公里。华山是秦山的一部分。秦山不仅分隔了陕南、陕北地区,而且分隔了华南、华北地区。然而,那些希望活得更长的人常常爬上华山。因为华山上有很多草药,特别是一些稀有的草药。它不同于人们常去的泰山。华山可去的人少了。因为去山顶的路上很危险。自从1990年代安装缆车以来,游客越来越多。)


  • be located at应当加一个具体的地点
  • someplace1 be +表示距离的单位+ away from someplace2,1地距离2地多远的距离
  • not only ………………but also,不仅……………………而且……………
  • the people who are hoping living longer,主语是the people,who are hoping living longer是定语从句,用来修饰people,表示希望活得更久的人
  • there are something doing +介词+地点,某地有什么正在做
  • It’s different from Mountain Tai (which had often been visited by people.) it's different from …… 与……不同的是 which后面的为定语从句,修饰Mountian Tai
  • hava done,现在完成时,have been done现在完成时被动语态

标准翻译:Huashan is located in Huayin City, 120 kilometers away from Xi’an. Huashan Mountian is a part of Qinling Mountain, Which not only seperates southern and northern Shaanxi (provience), but also South and North China. Unlike Mount Tai, which people used to worship, Huashan was rarely visited in the past because the road up the mountain was extremely dangerous. However, people who want to live a long life often go up the mountain, because there are many herbs growing on the mountain, especially some rare herbs. Since the installation of the cable car in the 1990s, the number of visitors has increased greatly.


  • 华山、秦岭是特有名称,对于特有名称可采用汉语拼音,而我使用的是Mountain Hua,标准翻译使用的是汉语拼音Huashan
  • Mountain Hua is located at HuaYin City 短语使用不当,be located at 应当改为be located in,且HuaYin应当改为Huayin,第二个字的首字母不需要大写。
    区分be located in、be located at、be located to和be located on:in表示在某个大的范围里面,at表示一个具体的地点,to表示距离某地还有一段距离,on表示与……接壤
  • southern and northern Shaanxi,陕南和陕北,英文中Shaaxi表示陕西省,Shaxi表示山西省,southern 和 northern分别是south和north的形容词.adj
  • South and North China,直译中国的南方和北方,华南和华北就相当于中国的南方和北方,可直接使用South and North China表示华南和华北
  • Unlike Mount Tai, (which people used to worship),which后面的括号中部分为定于从句,用来修饰Mount Tai
  • used to do过去常常做某事
    区分used to dobe used to dobe used to doing
    used to do表示过去习惯做某事
    be used to do是一个被动语态,表示某物需要被做
    be used to doing表示现在习惯做某事
  • 高级句型:Since the installation of the cable car in the 1990s, the number of visitors has increased greatly. installation为install的名词,Since…………,+现在完成时句子,自从什么时候以来发生了…………


  • worship:[v.]崇敬,崇拜(上帝或神);(尤指在宗教场所)做礼拜;到宗教场所参加礼拜;热爱;爱慕,崇拜(尤指达到看不到缺点的地步)&n.崇拜,敬仰,礼拜;崇拜;崇敬;爱慕;(对治安官或市长的尊称)阁下
  • herbs[复],草药,[原]herb
  • cable car缆车


  • domesticated:驯化的
  • occasion:场合
  • rusty[adj.]:生锈的 rust[n.]锈&[v.]:(使)生锈
  • illuminator:照明器灯,灯塔,探照灯
  • refuge[n.]庇护;避难;收容所&[vi.]给予庇护
  • radiate[v.]辐射
  • scratch[v.]:搔(痒处),划破,抓伤
  • hull[v.]剥掉(谷类)外壳&[n.]船体,船身
  • available[adj.]:可获得
  • cabin[n.]:座舱;小屋;间隔&[vi.]把……关在小屋里;使拘束在小屋里
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