第二十七篇 -- 学习第四十五天打卡20190810




occur [ə'kɜː(r)] vi.发生;存在;出现;被想到
    例:It never occurred to me that our company will be listed on the NASDAQ one day.
    派:occurrence n.发生 
knock-down ['nɒkdaʊn] adj.(价格)低廉的;强有力的 n.击倒
    例:The tycoons try to buy key state assets at knock-down prices through bribery.
outlet ['aʊtlet] n.出口,出路;(感情、精力等的)发泄途径(或方法);渠道;销路;品牌折扣店
    例:The financial crisis is bad for others, but it is the best outlet for his talents.
    商:open up an outlet 打开销路/retail outlet 零售店
decrease ['di:kri:s] n.减少;减少量
    例:There was a slight decrease in exports during the last two months.
    搭:decrease by 减少了(。。。数量或百分比)/decrease in 减少,下降
pledge [pledʒ] v.保证,许诺 n.保证,誓言;抵押;抵押品
    例:The government pledges that it will continue to improve the residents' income level.
    商:unredeemed pledge 未赎回的抵押品
    搭:pledge of support 许诺帮助/give a pledge that 保证/honour one's pledge 实现某人的承诺/pledge allegiance to 保证对...的忠诚
purpose ['pɜːpəs] n.目的,意图;议题;意志,决心
    例:The board meeting was called for the purpose of discussing the reform of the company's organisational structure.
    搭:on purpose 故意地,有意地/to no purpose 作用不大地,徒劳地
    派:purposeful adj.有目的的;果断的/purposeless adj.无目的的;无意义的/purposefulness n.目的性
discipline ['dɪsəplɪn] n.纪律;学科;训练 vt.训练;使有纪律;处罚
    例:The new employee was dismissed because he did not keep good discipline during office time.
    搭:discipline sb. for sth.因某事处罚某人/discipline oneself 严格要求自己
    派:disciplined adj.纪律严明的/disciplinary adj.规律的;训练的;学科的
straight [streɪt] adj.直的;连续的;笔直的;整齐的;坦诚的 adv.直接地;不断地;坦率地;立即 n.直;直线
    例:We'd better be straight with each other to solve the problem together.
    商:straight line depreciation 直线折旧法
    搭:get sth.straight 弄清楚某事/straight away 立即;马上/play it straight 诚实无欺
    派:straighten v.整顿;(使)变直;(使)好转(例:straighten out finances 清理财务)
store [stɔː(r)] n.商店;储备,贮藏;仓库 vt.贮藏,储存
    例:Every country should store sufficient grain and currency in case of need.
    商:store audit 存货审计/department store 百货商店/chain store 连锁店
    搭:store sth. up 储存;积聚

cater for 供应
    例:It is hard for the retailers to cater for different tasts around the local market.


volume ['vɒlju:m] n.贸易额;体积,容积;大量,许多;音量;书;册,本,卷
    商:business volume 营业额/sales volume 销售额/volume business 大批量交易/volume discount 总额折扣
    派:voluminous adj.庞大地;大部头的
onset ['ɒnset] n.(爆发性的)开始;着手
    例:With the onset of war, all the international trade will be influenced.
governor ['gʌvənə(r)] n.管理者;理事,董事;总督;省长;镇长
    商:board of governors 董事会;理事会/Governor General总督
inquiry [ɪn'kwaɪəri] n.调查;询问;询价
    搭:telephone inquiry 电话查询/hold an inquiry into the affair 对该事件进行调查
    派:inquirer n.询问者/inquiring adj.询问的,探听的
    Once we get your specific inquiry, we will email our quotation to you as soon as possible.
gateway ['geɪtweɪ] n.出入口;网络连接装置;网关;途径,手段
    例:This precious experience offered me a gateway to the well paid foreign enterprises.
    商:IP address of the gateway 网关的IP地址
flotation [fləʊ'teɪʃn] n.(公司等的)成立,创办,筹资,开办;(债券、股票的)发行
    例:The company has developed rapidly since its flotation in 2000.
    商:flotation price/shares 上市价格/股份/prepare for (a) flotation 准备上市
mortgage ['mɔːgɪdʒ] n.抵押(贷款) vt.抵押;抵押
    例:He went bankrupt and had to mortgage the luxurious car to pay the bills.
    商:morgage debenture 抵押债券/mortgage loan 按揭贷款
    派:mortgagor n.抵押人/mortgagee n.承押人
offend [ə'fend] vt.冒犯,使不愉快 vi.违反;进攻;引起不悦
    例:She apologised for her behaviour and said that she didn't mean to affend them. 
    搭:offend against the law 触犯法律
    派:offender n.违法者;妨害...的人(或物)/offending adj.令人不愉快的;烦人的;违法的
currency ['kʌrənsi] n.通货,货币;通行,流行
    商:hard currency 硬通货/foreign currency reserve 外汇储备/currency and futures contract 货币和期货合同
need [ni:d] n.需要;必要之物 v.需要
    例:The company is increaseing its production to meet the needs of customers.
    搭:need to do sth.需要做某事/need doing (某事)需要被做/be in need of 需要/if need be 如果有必要的话
    派:needy n.贫困的/needful adj.必要的/needless adj.不必要的(例:needless to say 不用说)


insistence [ɪn'sɪstəns] n.坚持;强调;坚决主张
    例:China has made a great contribution to the world economy for its insistence on not devaluating its currency during the global financial crisis.
    搭:at one's insistence 在某人的坚持下
    派:insistent adj.坚持的;持续的
forward ['fɔːwəd] vt.促进;发送,转寄 adj.向前的;远期的,期货的 adv.向前,提前地 n.前锋
    例:Such a investment structure is helpful to push forward the long-term development of company business.
    商:forward foreign exchange 远期外汇交易/forward integration 生产、批发、零售一体化/forwarding address 转寄地址/forwarding agent 运输商;转运公司
    搭:look forward to 期待/put forward 提出/forward sth. to sb.将某物转交给某人
    派:forwardness n.热心;鲁莽
bound [baʊnd] adj.密切关联的;有义务的,受约束的 n.跳跃,弹回 vi.跳跃;反弹 vt.使弹回;束缚
    例:The economic development is still bound to the increase of population and environmental protection.
    搭:be bound up with sth. 和某事联系密切/be bound together by 因...而紧密相连/be bound to do sth.一定会做某事/in leaps and bounds 非常迅速地
    派:boundary n.界限/boundless adj.无限的;无止境的/bounden adj.不可推卸的;有责任的(例:bounden duty 不可推卸的责任)
caterer ['keɪtərə(r)] n.(为大型活动提供服务的)饮食供应商
    例:The former caterer is now the president of a chained catering enterprise.
assistance [ə'sɪstəns] n.援助,帮助;辅助设备
    商:economic assistance 经济援助/legal assistance 法律援助
    搭:with the assistance of 在...的帮助下/be of assistance to 对...有帮助
clientele [,kli:ən'tel] n.[总统]委托人;主顾,客户
    例:The company has a mixed clientele because their products are suitable for clients from different walks of life.

if you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn't lead any where.

workload ['wɜːkləʊd] n.工作量
    例:We are applying to increase the workforce to cope with the increased workload.
breakthrough ['breɪkθru:] n.突破;突破性进展;重大发现
    例:If we want to make significant technology breakthroughs, we will have to attract more talent to our company.
    搭:achieve a breakthrough in 在...上取得突破
lessee [le'si:] n.承租人
    例:The lessee should not violate the contract and change the original layout of the house.
listed ['lɪstɪd] adj.列出的;上市的
    商:listed company 上市公司/listed securities 上市证券/to be listed 上市
    搭:listed building 正式列入文物保护范围的建筑物
plough [plaʊ] vt.犁地,耕地;在投资 n.犁 
    例:In order to expand production, the factory ploughed all the benefits back into the project.
    搭:plough sth.back into(把赚来的钱)在投资/plough sth. into (把大笔资金)投入/plough on 继续做(困难或枯燥的事情)
relocate [,ri:ləʊ'keɪt] v.迁移;重新安置
    例:For the requirement of further development, the company relocated its headquarters from the suburbs to the central business district.
    派:relocation n.搬迁(例:relocation expenses 搬迁费用)
goal [gəʊl] n.目的,目标
    商:sales goal 销售目标/annual goal 年度目标/expected goal 预期目标
    搭:ultimate goal 终极目标/achieve/attain a goal 实现目标
distract [dɪ'strækt] vt.转移;使分心
    例:The overseas disputes distract domestic attention from the complaints about the government.
    搭:distract sb. from sth. 使某人不能专心做某事
    派:distracted adj.注意力分散的;心烦意乱的/distracting adj.令人分心的(例:a distracting idea 一个令人分心的想法)/distraction n.使人分心的事;消遣
chokepoint ['tʃəʊk,pɒɪnt] n.阻塞点
    例:A shortage of funds has become a serious chokepoint impeding the development of many Chinese technology companies.
restructure [,ri:'strʌktʃə(r)] vt.重建;调整;重组
    例:The economic recession forced the company to restructure to cut costs.
    商:restructure the economy 调整经济结构
    派:restructuring n.重建;调整;重组(例:restructuring costs 重组成本)


unfair [,ʌn'feə(r)] adj.不公平的,不公正的
    商:unfair competition 不公平竞争/unfair treatment 不公正待遇/unfair dismissal 不正当解雇
    派:unfairly adv.不公平地/unfairness n.不公平,不公正
keyword ['ki:wɜːd] n.关键字
    例:It is easy for you to input the keywords and search relevant information on the Internet.
complement ['kɒmplɪment] vt.补充 ['kɒmplɪmənt] n.补足,补充;补充物
    例:A private economy is a necessary complement to a stateowned economy under a socialist market economy.
    派:complementary adj.补充的,补足的(例:a complementary medicine 一种辅助药物)
user group 用户组;用户集团
    例:Only when the computer is added to the user group can it connect to other computers in the group.
directory [dɪ'rektəri] n.指南;号码簿;理事会,董事会
    商:trade directory 商行名录/directory en-quiries 电话号码查询台
disability benefit 残疾抚恤金
    例:No excuse should be given for an enterprise to be in arrears for workers' disability benefits.
team [ti:m] n.队;组 v.(使)合作
    商:team spirit 团队精神;合作精神
    派:teamwork n.协同工作;配合
    The automaker planned to team up with Nissan to produce its own low-cost car.
clerical ['klerɪkl] adj.职员的,办公室工作的
    例:He felt very proud to become a clerical assistant at a world-renowned enterprise.
    搭:clerical staff 办公文员
vary ['veəri] vt.改变;使多样化;变奏 vi.变化;变异;违反
    例:The order amount and the package requirements vary from customer to customer.
    搭:vary according to 根据...变化/vary with 随着...变化/vary between A and B 在两者之间变化
    派:variation n.变化;变量;变种;变奏(曲)/various adj.各种各样的
appreciate [ə'pri:ʃieɪt] vt.欣赏;重视;感激;体谅 vi.增值;涨价
    例:Gold will not appreciate in value in the short run.
    派:appreciative adj.感激的;赏识
    We appreciate your kind understanding and early reply.

complaint [kəm'pleɪnt] n.投诉;抱怨
    例:The customer made a complaint against the restaurant for its bas service.
    搭:make a complaint 提出投诉/grounds for complaint 抱怨的理由/complaint about/against sth.对...不满,对...进行投诉/complaint department 顾客意见接待处;投诉部
typical ['tɪpɪkl] adj.典型的;特有的;一贯的,平常的
    例:Boldness and uniqueness are the typical characteristics of the conpany's investment strategy.
    派:typically adv.通常;典型地
extreme [ɪk'stri:m] adj.极端的,极度的 n.极端,最大程度
    例:The government is impelled to take extreme measures to cope with the increasing inflation.
    搭:go to extremes 走极端/in the extreme 极度;非常/the opposite extreme 另一个极端
    派:extremely adv.非常,极其;极端得/extremism n.*/extremist n.*
entry ['entri] n.进入;入口;条目;登记;报关手续;对建筑物的侵占
    商:entry charge/visa 入境费/签证/bill of entry 报关单/double-entry bookkeeping复式簿记
    搭:data entry clerk 数据输入员/entry into 进入 
withhold [wið'həʊld] vt.拒绝;保留;抑制,阻止;隐瞒
    例:The information was withheld temporarily in case it caused a panic in the market.
    商:withholding tax 预扣税/withhold the payment 扣留账款;暂不付款
hierarchy ['haɪərɑːki] n.层级;登记制度
    例:There is a rigid hierarchy in this company, and the employees' basic salary is based on it.
    搭:social hierarchy 社会等级制度/hierarchy of needs 不同层次的需要
    派:hierarchical adj.等级制度的;按等级划分的
accord [ə'kɔːd] n.符合;一致;协议;自愿 v.(使)一致 
    例:China and America finally reached an accord on Chinese textile exports.
    搭:in accord with 与...一致/of one's accord 出于自愿/with one accord 一致地/accord with sth. 和...一致 
upturn ['ʌptɜːn] n.好转;改善;提高
    例:The sales volume of this food company is experiencing an upturn.
    商:economic/market upturn 经济/市场好转/upturn in profits 利润回升
    搭:on the upturn 好转 
    派:upturned adj.向上翘的;上下翻转过来的
printer ['prɪntə(r)] n.打印机;印刷工
    搭:laser/colour printer 激光/彩色打印机/work as a printer 当印刷工
shortage ['ʃɔːtɪdʒ] n.缺乏,缺少;不足
    例:The company got a large loan to solve the problem of shortage of funds.
    搭:staff/fund shortage 人员/资金不足


