5. Longest Palindromic Substring -- 最长回文字串

Given a string S, find the longest palindromic substring in S. You may assume that the maximum length of S is 1000, and there exists one unique longest palindromic substring.


class Solution {
string longestPalindrome(string s) {
if (s == "")
return "";
int l = s.length(), r[], maxID = , ID = , m = , i;
string ss;
ss.resize(l * + );
ss[] = '@';
ss[] = '#';
for (i = ; i < l; i++)
ss[i * + ] = s[i];
ss[i * + ] = '#';
ss[l * + ] = '\n';
l = l * + ;
for (i = ; i < l; i++)
if (maxID > i)
r[i] = min(r[(ID << ) - i], maxID - i);
r[i] = ;
while (ss[i + r[i]] == ss[i - r[i]])
if ((i + r[i] - ) > maxID)
maxID = i + r[i] - ;
ID = i;
if (r[i] > r[m])
m = i;
return s.substr((m-r[m])>>, r[m]-);


string longestPalindrome_dp_opt_way(string s) {

    int n = s.size();

    if (n<=) return s;

    //Construct a matrix, and consdier matrix[j][i] as s[i] -> s[j] is Palindrome or not.

    //                                 ------^^^^^^

    //                                 NOTE: it's [j][i] not [i][j]

    //Using vector  could cause the `Time Limit Error`

    //So, use the native array

    bool **matrix  = new bool* [n];

    int start=, len=;

    // Dynamic Programming

    //   1) if i == j, then matrix[i][j] = true;

    //   2) if i != j, then matrix[i][j] = (s[i]==s[j] && matrix[i-1][j+1])

    for (int i=; i<n; i++){

        matrix[i] = new bool[i+];

        memset(matrix[i], false, (i+)*sizeof(bool));


        for (int j=; j<i; j++){

            // The following if statement can be broken to

            //   1) j==i, matrix[i][j] = true

            //   2) the length from j to i is 2 or 3, then, check s[i] == s[j]

            //   3) the length from j to i > 3, then, check s[i]==s[j] && matrix[i-1][j+1]

            if ( i==j || (s[j]==s[i] && (i-j< || matrix[i-][j+]) ) )  {

                matrix[i][j] = true;

                if (len < i-j+){

                    start = j;

                    len = i-j+;





    for (int i=; i<n; i++) { 

        delete [] matrix[i];


    delete [] matrix;

    return s.substr(start, len);

