Implement Insert and Delete of Tri-nay Tree


Implement insert and delete in a tri-nary tree. A tri-nary tree is much like a binary tree but with three child nodes for each parent instead of two -- with the left node being values less than the parent, the right node values greater than the parent, and the middle nodes values equal to the parent.

For example, suppose I added the following nodes to the tree in this order: 5, 4, 9, 5, 7, 2, 2. The resulting tree would look like this:

Implement Insert and Delete of Tri-nay Tree

* Author: Min Li
* This code can implement insert and delete in a tri-nary tree.
*/ #include<iostream> using namespace std; // Definition for Tree Node
struct TreeNode {
int val;
TreeNode *left;
TreeNode *right;
TreeNode *middle;
TreeNode(int x) : val(x), left(NULL), right(NULL), middle(NULL) {}
}; // Class: trinaryTree
class trinaryTree {
TreeNode* insert(TreeNode *root, int value); // Insert a node
TreeNode* deleteNode(TreeNode *root, int value); // Delete a node
TreeNode* findSuccessor(TreeNode *root); // Find a node's successor
bool test(); // Test my code
}; // Method: Insert a node into tri-nary tree
// return the root of new tri-nary tree
TreeNode* trinaryTree:: insert(TreeNode *root, int value) {
TreeNode *Node = new TreeNode(value);
if(root==NULL) // tree is empty
root = Node;
else {
TreeNode *parent;
TreeNode *tmpNode = root;
// Find the parent of "Node"
while(tmpNode!=NULL) {
parent = tmpNode;
if(tmpNode->val < Node->val) // Node is in the right subtree
tmpNode = tmpNode->right;
else if(tmpNode->val > Node->val) // Node is in the left subtree
tmpNode = tmpNode->left;
else // Node is in the middle subtree
tmpNode = tmpNode->middle;
// Insert the Node under parent
if(Node->val == parent->val)
parent->middle = Node;
else if(Node->val > parent->val)
parent->right = Node;
parent->left = Node;
return root;
} // Method: Delete a node from tri-nary tree
// Return the root of new tree
TreeNode* trinaryTree:: deleteNode(TreeNode *root, int value) { if(root==NULL)
return NULL;
if(root->val == value) {
if(root->left==NULL && root->middle==NULL && root->right==NULL) { // Delete a leaf
delete root;
return NULL;
if(root->middle!=NULL) { // Middle child is not empty
root->middle = deleteNode(root->middle,value);
else {
if(root->left==NULL) { // Left child is empty, but right child is not
TreeNode* rightChild = root->right;
delete root;
return rightChild; }
else if(root->right==NULL) { // Right child is empty, but left child is not
TreeNode* leftChild = root->left;
delete root;
return leftChild;
else { // Both left and right child exists
TreeNode *successor = findSuccessor(root->right);
root->val = successor->val;
root->right = deleteNode(root->right,successor->val);
else if(root->val > value) // Recursive left subtree
root->left = deleteNode(root->left,value);
else // Recursive right subtree
root->right = deleteNode(root->right,value); return root;
} // Method: Find the successor
TreeNode* trinaryTree:: findSuccessor(TreeNode *root) {
return root;
return findSuccessor(root->left);
} // Method: Test
bool trinaryTree:: test() {
trinaryTree test;
TreeNode *root = NULL;
TreeNode *node; // Test tree insert
int val[] = {,,,,,,};
int i;
for(i=;i<sizeof(val)/sizeof(int);i++) {
root = test.insert(root,val[i]); } // Test tree delete
// Case1: delete a leaf
// Case2: delete root
// Case3: delete a node with only left child
test.deleteNode(root,); return true; }
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