Governor | Select this governor if | How it works |
performance | Performance is the only consideration. | Sets the CPU to run at the highest frequency (scaling_max_freq) |
powersave | Efficiency is the only consideration | Sets the CPU to run at the lowest frequency (scaling_min_freq) |
ondemand | Adaptation to the current load is the main consideration. | Checks the load regularly. When the load rises aboveup_threshold, sets the CPU to run at the highest frequency (scaling_max_freq). When the load falls below the same threshold, sets the CPU to run at the next lowest frequency. Causes less latency than the conservative governor. |
conservative | Close adaptation to the current load is the consideration. | Checks the load regularly. When the load rises aboveup_threshold, sets the CPU to run at the next highest frequency. When the load falls belowdown_threshold, sets the CPU to run at the next lowest frequency. Has more latency than the ondemand governor. |
userspace | Control by other user space program is preferred. | Sets the CPU frequency to the value specified by the user space program (through the use of thescaling_setspeed parameter). |
3.ondemand,定期检查负载。当负荷超越了阈值,设置的CPU运行以最高的频率。当负载低于相同的阈值,设置的CPU运行在下一个的最低频率。导致更少的延迟比。这个理解起来可能比较困难,我用白话大概解释一下,ondemand从字面翻译是“根据需求,按照需要”,cpu在工作的时候频率会在一个最大值和最小值之间波动,当负载提高时,该调控期会自动提高cpu的频率,反之亦然。“Causes less latency than the conservative governor.”这句话的意思是,该模式跟conservative相比,会导致更少的延迟。ok,那让我们再看看conservative是如何解释的。
第一步:adb shell 进入root 命令行模式
第二步 cd /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq 进入这个目录下面
第三步 ls
第四步 你能看见很多的文件
第五步 参考下面的命令,打一遍就清楚了,不过为了给傻瓜提供更好的服务,我还是尽可能的将命令的使用和作用写的详细。
* cpu cat命令大全
* cat [%cpuFreqPath%]/cpuinfo_cur_freq (当前cpu频率)
* cat [%cpuFreqPath%]/cpuinfo_max_freq (最大cpu频率)
* cat [%cpuFreqPath%]/cpuinfo_min_freq (最小cpu频率)
* cat [%cpuFreqPath%]/related_cpus (cpu数量标号,从0开始,如果是双核,结果为0,1)
* cat [%cpuFreqPath%]/scaling_available_frequencies (cpu所有可用频率)
* cat [%cpuFreqPath%]/scaling_available_governors (cpu所有可用调控模式)
* cat [%cpuFreqPath%]/scaling_available_governors (cpu所有可用调控模式)
* cat [%cpuFreqPath%]/scaling_cur_freq (?????)
* cat [%cpuFreqPath%]/scaling_driver (调控驱动)
* cat [%cpuFreqPath%]/scaling_governor (当前使用哪种调控模式)
* cat [%cpuFreqPath%]/scaling_max_freq (?????)
* cat [%cpuFreqPath%]/scaling_min_freq (?????)
* cat [%cpuFreqPath%]/scaling_setspeed (?????)
* cat [%cpuFreqPath%]/cpuinfo_transition_latency (变频延迟)
echo "你想使用的调控模式" /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor
echo 2331000 > cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq 设置最小的工作频率,同时也可以设置最大的工作频率。
- <span style="font-family:Microsoft YaHei;">/**
- * @author matrixxu
- *
- */
- public class CPUFreqSetting {
- /**
- * cpu cat命令大全
- * cat [%cpuFreqPath%]/cpuinfo_cur_freq (当前cpu频率)
- * cat [%cpuFreqPath%]/cpuinfo_max_freq (最大cpu频率)
- * cat [%cpuFreqPath%]/cpuinfo_min_freq (最小cpu频率)
- * cat [%cpuFreqPath%]/related_cpus (cpu数量标号,从0开始,如果是双核,结果为0,1)
- * cat [%cpuFreqPath%]/scaling_available_frequencies (cpu所有可用频率)
- * cat [%cpuFreqPath%]/scaling_available_governors (cpu所有可用调控模式)
- * cat [%cpuFreqPath%]/scaling_available_governors (cpu所有可用调控模式)
- * cat [%cpuFreqPath%]/scaling_cur_freq (?????)
- * cat [%cpuFreqPath%]/scaling_driver (?????)
- * cat [%cpuFreqPath%]/scaling_governor (?????)
- * cat [%cpuFreqPath%]/scaling_max_freq (?????)
- * cat [%cpuFreqPath%]/scaling_min_freq (?????)
- * cat [%cpuFreqPath%]/scaling_setspeed (?????)
- * cat [%cpuFreqPath%]/cpuinfo_transition_latency (?????)
- */
- private final String TAG = "SetCPU";
- private final String cpuFreqPath = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq";
- private final static String PERFORMANCE_GOVERNOR = "performance";
- private final static String POWER_SAVE_GOVERNOR = "performance";
- private final static String ONDEMAND_GOVERNOR = "performance";
- private final static String CONSERVATIVE_GOVERNOR = "performance";
- private final static String USERSAPCE_GOVERNOR = "performance";
- // public void powerSaveGovernor() {
- // List<String> governors = readCpuGovernors();
- // if (governors.contains(object)) {
- //
- // }
- // }
- /**
- * 获得当前CPU调控模式
- */
- public void getCpuCurGovernor() {
- try {
- DataInputStream is = null;
- Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cat " + cpuFreqPath + "/scaling_governor");
- is = new DataInputStream(process.getInputStream());
- String line = is.readLine();
- } catch (IOException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- /**
- * 重写CPU调控模式
- * @param governor
- * @return
- */
- private boolean writeCpuGovernor(String governor) {
- DataOutputStream os = null;
- byte[] buffer = new byte[256];
- String command = "echo " + governor + " > " + cpuFreqPath + "/scaling_governor";
- Log.i(TAG, "command: " + command);
- try {
- Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("su");
- os = new DataOutputStream(process.getOutputStream());
- os.writeBytes(command + "\n");
- os.writeBytes("exit\n");
- os.flush();
- process.waitFor();
- Log.i(TAG, "exit value = " + process.exitValue());
- } catch (IOException e) {
- Log.i(TAG, "writeCpuGovernor: write CPU Governor(" + governor + ") failed!");
- return false;
- } catch (InterruptedException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * 获得CPU所有调控模式
- * @return
- */
- private List<String> readCpuGovernors() {
- List<String> governors = new ArrayList<String>();
- DataInputStream is = null;
- try {
- Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cat " + cpuFreqPath + "/scaling_available_governors");
- is = new DataInputStream(process.getInputStream());
- String line = is.readLine();
- String[] strs = line.split(" ");
- for (int i = 0; i < strs.length; i++)
- governors.add(strs[i]);
- } catch (IOException e) {
- Log.i(TAG, "readCpuGovernors: read CPU Governors failed!");
- }
- return governors;
- }
- }</span>