pcl/surface/on_nurbs/fitting_surface_tdm.h: 没有那个文件或目录

官网描述:Please note that the modules for NURBS and B-splines are not enabled by default. Make sure you enable “BUILD_surface_on_nurbs” in your ccmake configuration, by setting it to ON.
If your license permits, also enable “USE_UMFPACK” for sparse linear solving. This requires SuiteSparse (libsuitesparse-dev in Ubuntu) which is faster, allows more degrees of freedom (i.e. control points) and more data points.
The program created during this tutorial is available in pcl/examples/surface/example_nurbs_fitting_surface.cpp and is built when “BUILD_examples” is set to ON. This will create the binary called pcl_example_nurbs_fitting_surface in your bin folder.

上一篇:【故障处理】队列等待之enq: TX - row lock contention

下一篇:Solr报警告Your open file limit is currently 1024和Your Max Processes Limit is currently 47448的解决方法