

function EXEALL(FilePath, FileName)
% FilePath: 文件夹所在路径
% FileName: 文件夹名称

FullPath = [FilePath , FileName , '\' , FileName , '.txt'];
allPixelPath = [FilePath , FileName , '\', FileName , '.allpixel.csv'];
TestdataPath = [FilePath , FileName , '\data\Urban.Test.csv'];
TraindataPath = [FilePath , FileName , '\data\Urban.Train.csv'];
netPath = [FilePath , FileName , '\net\Urban.net.mat'];
predictFld = [FilePath , FileName , '\predict\'];
accFld = [FilePath , FileName , '\acc\'];
FileFld = [FilePath , FileName , '\'];

if ~exist(allPixelPath,'file')
if ~exist(TraindataPath,'file')
FormatData(allPixelPath, TestdataPath, TraindataPath,4000,5000,1000);
if exist(TraindataPath,'file')
if exist(netPath,'file')


Mapping Regional Urban Extent Using NPP-VIIRS DNB and MODIS NDVI Data

Abstract: The accurate and timely monitoring of regional urban extent is helpful for analyzing urban sprawl and studying environmental issues related to urbanization. This paper proposes a classification scheme for large-scale urban extent mapping by combining the Day/Night Band of the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite on the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership Satellite (NPP-VIIRS DNB) and the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer products (MODIS NDVI). A Back Propagation (BP) neural network based one-class classification method, the Present-Unlabeled Learning (PUL) algorithm,is employed to classify images into urban and non-urban areas. Experiments are conducted in mainland China (excluding surrounding islands) to detect urban areas in 2012. Results show that the proposed model can successfully map urban area with a kappa of 0.842 on the pixel level. Most of the urban areas are identified with a producer’s accuracy of 79.63%, and only 10.42% the generated urban areas are misclassified with a user’s accuracy of 89.58%. At the city level, among 647 cities, only four county-level cities are omitted. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme, three contrastive analyses are conducted: (1) comparing the urban map obtained in this paper with that generated by
the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program/Operational Linescan System Nighttime Light Data (DMSP/OLS NLD) and MODIS NDVI and with that extracted from MCD12Q1 in MODIS products;(2) comparing the performance of the integration of NPP-VIIRS DNB and MODIS NDVI with single input data; and (3) comparing the classification method used in this paper (PUL) with a linear method(Large-scale Impervious Surface Index (LISI)). According to our analyses, the proposed classification scheme shows great potential to map regional urban extents in an effective and efficient manner.
Keywords: urban mapping; one-class; NPP-VIIRS DNB; MODIS NDVI; large scale

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