SQL for Data Management
Study and consider deploy SQL for data management
SQL basics
Install and launch
Install mysql with:
sudo apt-get install mysql-server
Try launch sql as such:
mysql -u root -p
If access denied, try:
$ sudo sql
mysql > ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'NewPassword';
Then relaunch mysql with the new password.
mysqld is the background server whereas mysql is the command line client. Default port is 3306. Access remote sql server with:
mysql -h -u root -p
Basic Operations
CREATE DATEBASE name;: create database
USE name;: switch to database
DROP DATABASE name;: delete database, remove all tables
CREATE TABLE; create table, basic syntax as:
CREATE TABLE name (column_0 type_def, ...);
SHOW TABLES; show all tables of current databse
DESC name; show columns, type def and properties of table
ALTER TABLE; alter definition a table (not records)
ALTER TABLE name ADD COLUMN column_1 type_def;
ALTER TABLE name CHANGE COLUMN column_1 column_1_new type_def_new;
EXIT; log out from mysql client
INSERT INTO name (columns) VALUES (values), (values) insert record into table; columns with autofill and default values can be left out;
UPDATE name columns=value, columns=value (WHERE condition)
DELETE FROM name (WHERE condition)
Operation Stack
Options for table creation