# coding:utf8 import tornado.ioloop import tornado.web import tornado.websocket from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop from datetime import timedelta import time import os import sys import tornado.httpserver class WebSocketHandler(tornado.websocket.WebSocketHandler): file_content = "" filename = "test.log" # 文件总大小,每次读取均更新长度 f_size = 0 # 每次读取的字节数,防止每次读得太多而卡死 f_chunk = 1024 # 文件读取指针位置 f_pos = 0 def check_origin(self, origin): return True def open(self): pass def update_client(self): self.write_message(self._read_file(self.filename)) def on_message(self, message): self.filename = '-'.join(message.split('-')[1:]) # 判断是否已存在LOG文件,如果没有,则先创建一个空文件内容 if os.path.exists("/tmp/" + self.filename): self.update_client() else: with open("/tmp/" + self.filename, 'w') as f: f.write("empty file.....\n") def on_close(self): pass def _read_file(self, filename): ''' f = open("/tmp/"+filename, "r") # seek里参数2是将指针放在末尾,检测文件长度 f.seek(0, 2) self.f_size = f.tell() # 指针复位 f.seek(self.f_pos, 0) # 判断文件长度是否大过单次读取字节 if (self.f_size - self.f_pos) > self.f_chunk: ret_str = f.read(self.f_chunk) self.f_pos += self.f_chunk return ret_str else: # 如果(最后)一次可读取所有字节,则文件指针指到末尾,这是考虑可能下次再读时有新数据 if self.f_size > self.f_pos: ret_str = f.read(self.f_size - self.f_pos) self.f_pos = self.f_size return ret_str elif self.f_size < self.f_pos: self.f_pos = 0 return "reset" else: return "" f.close() ''' with open("/tmp/"+filename) as f: content = f.read() if len(content) >= len(self.file_content): content_diff = content.replace(self.file_content, '') self.file_content = content return content_diff else: self.file_content = "" return "reset" class IndexPageHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler): def get(self): self.render("websockets.html") class Application(tornado.web.Application): def __init__(self): handlers = [ (r'/ws_log/', IndexPageHandler), (r'/websocket/ws', WebSocketHandler) ] settings = dict( template_path=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "templates"), static_path=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "static"), debug=True ) tornado.web.Application.__init__(self, handlers, **settings) if __name__ == '__main__': ws_app = Application() server = tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer(ws_app) server.listen(9527) tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start()