mvn 报错 - The POM for is invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available

核心:  通过 mvn dependency:tree -X 分析依赖
解决方案:  解决依赖冲突版本

1. MILGpController 编译突然报错

14:10:28 [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.8.0:compile (default-compile) on project MILCWSGpPortlet: Compilation failure: Compilation failure:
14:10:28 [ERROR] /app/jenkins/workspace/HK-CWS/sit/HK_CWS_DV11/work/workspace/CWSWS_WPS8/MILCWSGpPortlet/src/manulife/hk/cws/portlet/empf/controller/[33,38] package manulife.common.framework.http does not exist
14:10:28 [ERROR] /app/jenkins/workspace/HK-CWS/sit/HK_CWS_DV11/work/workspace/CWSWS_WPS8/MILCWSGpPortlet/src/manulife/hk/cws/portlet/empf/controller/[163,9] cannot find symbol
14:10:28 [ERROR] symbol: class SessionStoreModel
14:10:28 [ERROR] location: class
14:10:28 [ERROR] /app/jenkins/workspace/HK-CWS/sit/HK_CWS_DV11/work/workspace/CWSWS_WPS8/MILCWSGpPortlet/src/manulife/hk/cws/portlet/empf/controller/[163,47] cannot find symbol
14:10:28 [ERROR] symbol: variable SessionStoreModel
14:10:28 [ERROR] location: class
14:10:28 [ERROR] -> [Help 1]
14:10:28 [ERROR]
14:10:28 [ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
14:10:28 [ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
14:10:28 [ERROR]
14:10:28 [ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
14:10:28 [ERROR] [Help 1]
14:10:28 [ERROR]
14:10:28 [ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with the command
14:10:28 [ERROR] mvn <goals> -rf :MILCWSGpPortlet

2.发现一个可疑 WARN:

Downloaded: (2 KB at 69.3 KB/sec)
11:12:16 [WARNING] The POM for manulife:MILSessionManager:jar:1.0.4-jdk8 is invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable debug logging for more


POM.xml 里面没有 MILSessionManager:jar:1.0.4-jdk8 的依赖,应该是间接依赖

4. 分析依赖

通过 mvn dependency:tree -X 分析依赖,发现来自于 MILPortletFramework

5. 发现问题

查看 MILPortletFramework 的依赖,发现依赖于 MILSessionManager:jar:1.0.4-jdk8 版本不一致


再加上查看 WARN,分析是依赖冲突,


6. 解决问题

在 MILGpController 加上依赖后,编译问题解决



原因之一是当依赖父 pom 已过时的 Project 时。 如果在未安装/部署父 pom 的情况下进行更新,则会发生这种情况。要查看是否是这种情况,只需使用 mvndependency:tree -X 运行并搜索确切的错误。
另外,由于 WARN 造成了 jar 被 transitive,也是触发这个的原因。

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