leetcode-10 Regular Expression Matching

Given an input string (s) and a pattern (p), implement regular expression matching with support for '.' and '*'.

'.' Matches any single character.
'*' Matches zero or more of the preceding element.

The matching should cover the entire input string (not partial).


  • s could be empty and contains only lowercase letters a-z.
  • p could be empty and contains only lowercase letters a-z, and characters like . or *.

Example 1:

s = "aa"
p = "a"
Output: false
Explanation: "a" does not match the entire string "aa".

Example 2:

s = "aa"
p = "a*"
Output: true
Explanation: '*' means zero or more of the precedeng element, 'a'. Therefore, by repeating 'a' once, it becomes "aa".

Example 3:

s = "ab"
p = ".*"
Output: true
Explanation: ".*" means "zero or more (*) of any character (.)".

Example 4:

s = "aab"
p = "c*a*b"
Output: true
Explanation: c can be repeated 0 times, a can be repeated 1 time. Therefore it matches "aab".

Example 5:

s = "mississippi"
p = "mis*is*p*."
Output: false



根据题意分析 就是自己实现正则判断,对于输入的字符串s和正则字符串p进行校验:

(.*代表所有任意字符串 肯定为true)

首先判断 第一个字符是否相等  boolean firstMatch = (s.charAt(0) == p.charAt(0) )||(p.charAt(0) =='.')

 题意中s只能为小写字母  p只能为小写字母或是 . (表示任意字母)或 *(表示0或n个前置值)


其中如果p的第二个字符串为* 则 第一个字符串匹配且递归判断 s.substring(1) 和正则 p   或  递归判断 s与正则 p.substring(2) 

当p的第二个字母非*时  递归判断 s.substring(1)和p.substring(1)

注意判断各种特殊情况 即可完成

    public boolean isMatch(String s, String p) {
        if (p.isEmpty() && s.isEmpty()) {
            return true;
        }else if (p.isEmpty()) {
            return false;
        boolean firstMatch = (!s.isEmpty() && s.charAt(0) == p.charAt(0)) || p.charAt(0) == '.';
        if (s.length() > 1) {
            if (p.length() > 1) {
                if (p.charAt(1) == '*') {
                    return (firstMatch && isMatch(s.substring(1), p)) || (p.length() > 2 && isMatch(s, p.substring(2)));
                } else {
                    return firstMatch && isMatch(s.substring(1), p.substring(1));
            } else {
                return false;
        } else if (s.length() == 1) {
            if (p.length() == 1) {
                return firstMatch;
            if (p.length() > 1) {
                if (p.charAt(1) == '*') {
                    return (firstMatch && isMatch("", p)) || (p.length() > 2 && isMatch(s, p.substring(2)));
                } else {
                    return firstMatch && isMatch("", p.substring(1));
        }else if(s.isEmpty()) {
            if(p.length()>1 && p.charAt(1)=='*') {
                if(p.length() >2) {
                    return   isMatch("",p.substring(2));
                }else {
                    return true;
        return false;

leetcode-10 Regular Expression Matching



下一篇:Leetcode 第10题: Regular Expression Matching(正则表达式匹配)