Liquidity Planner Configuration - 现金Cash流动性管理 - SAP


Liquidity planning in the sense of Liquidity Planner is the medium term planning (usually covering one year) of incoming and outgoing payments (in other words actual cash flows) in the original currency.


In the operative R/3 system, the liquidity calculation gets actual data for the amount, the use and the origin of payments.




Liquidity Planner Configuration - 现金Cash流动性管理 - SAP

In Procure to Pay Process, the Vendor sends an Invoice (1a), you pay it (2a) and the process is finished with the Bank Statment (3a).




IMG: Financial Supply Chain Management -> Cash and Liquidity Management -> Liquidity Planner



1. Create Liquity Item




A liquidity item stands for the actual origin or use of a payment (for example, incoming payment from sales or payment for salary).

It represents a:


  • Expense or Revenue
  • Vendor / Customer (only GL Accounts)
  • Taxes (If you want to open taxes in a document)
  • Other GL Accounts (ie: GR/IR Account, clearing accounts, others


Liquidity Planner Configuration - 现金Cash流动性管理 - SAP



2. Set Global Data for Company Code




In this step you define FSCM-LP parameters for the Client. It is not possible to configure by Company Code.


  • Liquidity Items to use when no position could be assigned.   (N.Assign.In.Pmt , N.Assign.Out.Pmt)
  • Liquidity Items for default Incoming and Outgoing Cash.              
                           When the Liquidity Item has been identified as Incoming or Outgoing but can’t reach the next level. It’s on the Bank Statement Level.
  • Posting Date.   Use Posting Date instead of Value Date for the calculation
  • 3rd Currency    Another Currency for Analysis


Liquidity Planner Configuration - 现金Cash流动性管理 - SAP

3. Add additional Real Accounts (Bank Accounts)




Liquidity Planner Real Accounts are GL Accounts taken from T012K table (Tx FI12) 

In case you need to add/exclude Real Accounts form the Liquidity Planner Analysis, you have to add them here


Liquidity Planner Configuration - 现金Cash流动性管理 - SAP


4. Activate Company Code




Activate the funcionality of Liquidity Planner in the Company Code.

You will need Cash Management and Forecast Number Range for the company code (tx OT20)


Liquidity Planner Configuration - 现金Cash流动性管理 - SAP


5. Settings for FI Mechanisms


tx: FLQC13


Configure how Liquitiy Planner will reconstruct FI document chain (from Bank Statement to Invoice)


  • Part Reassign:   Consider partial payments or “part of the payment line item is reassigned in cases where the payment amount is not fully covered”
  • N:M Treatment:  If various actual positions (N – Bank) are related to variuos vendor/customer positions ( M ), the system can reconstruct the information with artificial possitions
  • Inc.Transfer:       Bank Incoming for N:M Treatment
  • Out.Transfer:      Bank Outcoming for N:M Treatment
  • Info Accts in Appl:    Information for Accounts is maintained in each systema (tx FLQINFACC)
  • Down Pmt no-End:   In Downpayments, the system still tries to go to he expense/income generated by the payment.
  • Eval. Intermed.Stat:  In GL Accounts with “Line item Management” (tx FS00), if you set the further indicator for the GL Account in tx FLQINFACC , the system continues searching for the clearing account (i.e: GR/IR Accounts)


  • Reduction of Document Cluster in FI:  You can add exits, for example display invoice tax or withdholding tax (Pre EHP7) . sap note 994316, 1091325, 1092506

Liquidity Planner Configuration - 现金Cash流动性管理 - SAP


5.1 Settings for FI mechanism EhP7 with Business Function FIN_GL_DIR_CASHFLOW


tx: FLQC13F


In ECC 6 EhP7 a new BF is available to display taxes (Separate Tax) and brings the possibility to incorpore new fields in LP Analiisys –

Additional Fields in Liquidity Planner .

Liquidity Planner Configuration - 现金Cash流动性管理 - SAP


6. Create Accounts with assignment information




Configure Liquidity Positions by assignning  the corresponding GL Accounts. All GL Accounts (except Bank Accounts) are listed here; vendor,customer, tax, expenses, incomes, clearing, etc


Liquidity Planner Configuration - 现金Cash流动性管理 - SAP


7. Create Liquidty Information


tx: FLQAD  – pre EhP7

tx: FLQAF   – EhP7 with BF FIN_GL_DIRCASHFLOW active


The last step is to create Liquity Information


Liquidity Planner Configuration - 现金Cash流动性管理 - SAP


“Query Sequence” is a step analysis for the line item where you set up conditions which wil redirect the natural flow of the Liquidity Item to a new Liquidity Item choosed by you.

The “1st Derivation Step” generally considers the payment document (Vendor/Customer objects).

The “2nd Derivation Step” generally considers the invoice (G/L Account).

You have to define a query sequence (tx FLQQC5 or FLQQD5) which contains all queries for the corresponding step (tx FLQQC1 or FLQQD1).


The “Buffer Item” is the intermediate position for the payment and the invoice, in general Customer/Vendor reconciliation account


The “Exit Module” contains user exits for each step where you can add liquity item information ( Additional Fields in Liquidity Planner ).


You can use additional selection parameters to analyze the Liquidity Item.

Liquidity Planner Configuration - 现金Cash流动性管理 - SAP


You can run in Test or with “Detail List” to analyze the liquidty item flow. In EhP7 you have a new radio button “Analysis List” to


Liquidity Planner Configuration - 现金Cash流动性管理 - SAP


Liquidity Planner Configuration - 现金Cash流动性管理 - SAP


8. Display Liquidity Item Report


Tx: FLQREP  – Payments per Liquidity Item

      FLQLS      – Liquidity Calculations – Totals list

      FLQLI       – Liquidity Calculation: Line item List


These reports shows totals ( FLQREP, FLQLS ) or individual line items ( FLQLI )


Liquidity Planner Configuration - 现金Cash流动性管理 - SAP

9. Correct manual positions




Reassign manually the Liquidity Items detected by FLQAD/F to a new Liquidity Item.


Liquidity Planner Configuration - 现金Cash流动性管理 - SAP


