机器学习 —— 概率图模型(Homework: Representation)

  前两周的作业主要是关于Factor以及有向图的构造,但是概率图模型中还有一种更强大的武器——双向图(无向图、Markov Network)。与有向图不同,双向图可以描述两个var之间相互作用以及联系。描述的方式依旧是factor.本周的作业非常有实际意义——基于马尔科夫模型的图像文字识别系统(OCR)


概率图模型                 OCR                            SLAM


前后比对——结合单词字母组合规律      ;结合上一帧或前几帧的观测;

反复斟酌——                     图模型中更复杂的联系

寻找最优——                     MAP估计

  机器学习 —— 概率图模型(Homework: Representation)




机器学习 —— 概率图模型(Homework: Representation)



 function P = ComputeImageFactor (img, imgModel)
% This function computes the singleton OCR factor values for a single
% image.
% Input:
% img: The 16x8 matrix of the image
% imgModel: The provided, trained image model
% Output:
% P: A K-by-1 array of the factor values for each of the K possible
% character assignments to the given image
% Copyright (C) Daphne Koller, Stanford University, 2012 X = img(:);
N = length(X);
K = imgModel.K; theta = reshape(imgModel.params(1:N*(K-1)), K-1, N);
bias = reshape(imgModel.params((1+N*(K-1)):end), K-1, 1); W = [ bsxfun(@plus, theta * X, bias) ; 0 ];
W = bsxfun(@minus, W, max(W));
W = exp(W); P=bsxfun(@rdivide, W, sum(W)); end


 function factors = ComputeSingletonFactors (images, imageModel)
% This function computes the single OCR factors for all of the images in a
% word.
% Input:
% images: An array of structs containing the 'img' value for each
% character in the word. You could, for example, pass in allWords{1} to
% use the first word of the provided dataset.
% imageModel: The provided OCR image model.
% Output:
% factors: An array of the OCR factors, one for every character in the
% image.
% Hint: You will want to use ComputeImageFactor.m when computing the 'val'
% entry for each factor.
% Copyright (C) Daphne Koller, Stanford University, 2012 % The number of characters in the word
n = length(images); % Preallocate the array of factors
factors = repmat(struct('var', [], 'card', [], 'val', []), n, 1); % Your code here:
for i = 1:n
factors(i).var = i;
factors(i).card = imageModel.K;
factors(i).val = ComputeImageFactor(images(i).img,imageModel);


  机器学习 —— 概率图模型(Homework: Representation)



2.1 相邻字母


机器学习 —— 概率图模型(Homework: Representation)

  显然与之前相比,此时的图模型需要考虑相邻字母之间的关系(factor),此时factor的var应该有两个,且应该是相邻的,如:1 2;2 3;3 4...而每个var的card依旧是[26 26],一幅图中var一旦确定了,有了唯一的编号,那么card是不可以改变的。两个相邻字母的factor.val规模非常庞大了,应该为26*26 = 676. 但是此时的factor.val与图像观测值并没有关系,它只是var之间的一种联系。也就是说,此时的factor是可以复制的。只需要改变var,其他的值都应该是一样的。factor的计算如下:

 function factors = ComputePairwiseFactors (images, pairwiseModel, K)
% This function computes the pairwise factors for one word and uses the
% given pairwise model to set the factor values.
% Input:
% images: An array of structs containing the 'img' value for each
% character in the word.
% pairwiseModel: The provided pairwise model. It is a K-by-K matrix. For
% character i followed by character j, the factor value should be
% pairwiseModel(i, j).
% K: The alphabet size (accessible in imageModel.K for the provided
% imageModel).
% Output:
% factors: The pairwise factors for this word.
% Copyright (C) Daphne Koller, Stanford University, 2012 n = length(images); % If there are fewer than 2 characters, return an empty factor list.
if (n < 2)
factors = [];
end val_ = reshape(pairwiseModel,K*K,1); factors = repmat(struct('var', [], 'card', [K K], 'val', val_), n - 1, 1); % Your code here:
for i = 1 : n-1
factors(i).var =[i,i+1];



机器学习 —— 概率图模型(Homework: Representation)


2.2 三字母组合


机器学习 —— 概率图模型(Homework: Representation)

  显然,我们需要做的工作是继续增加factor —— phi(i,i+1,i+2),此factor的var为i,i+1,i+2,card为26 26 26. 剩下最重要的val依旧由神秘的数字决定。然后,val一共需要26*26*26=17576个值来决定。显然我们针对每个组合均设计一个val,哪怕是穷尽字典也需要大量的运算。所以,我们只针对2000个常用的组合(ing,ght.....)给予较高的权重(大于1),而其他组合则赋予1(不管之)。此时特征的稀疏性表现的更加明显了。factor的计算代码如下:


 function factors = ComputeTripletFactors (images, tripletList, K)

 % images = allWords{1};
% K = 26;
% This function computes the triplet factor values for one word.
% Input:
% images: An array of structs containing the 'img' value for each
% character in the word.
% tripletList: An array of the character triplets we will consider (other
% factor values should be 1). tripletList(i).chars gives character
% assignment, and triplistList(i).factorVal gives the value for that
% entry in the factor table.
% K: The alphabet size (accessible in imageModel.K for the provided
% imageModel).
% Hint: Every character triple in the word will use the same 'val' table.
% Consider computing that array once and then resusing for each factor.
% Copyright (C) Daphne Koller, Stanford University, 2012 n = length(images); % If the word has fewer than three characters, then return an empty list.
if (n < 3)
factors = [];
end val_init = ones(K*K*K,1);
num_zhiding = length(tripletList);
for i = 1:num_zhiding
triplet_i = tripletList(i);
assign_ = triplet_i.chars;
index_ = AssignmentToIndex(assign_,[K K K]);
val_init(index_) = triplet_i.factorVal;
end factors = repmat(struct('var', [], 'card', [K K K], 'val', [val_init]), n - 2, 1); % Your code here:
for i = 1: n-2
factors(i).var = [i i+1 i+2];


机器学习 —— 概率图模型(Homework: Representation)




  机器学习 —— 概率图模型(Homework: Representation)

  节点与节点之间是两两相连的(图中为了查看方便,只连了第一个节点与其他节点)。显然,1 2;1 3;本就相连,此线条不是重复了么?实际上不是的,之前相连的factor所表示的是相邻信息,而此时相连的factor需要表示两幅图的相似程度。此factor的本质应该是phi(C1,C2,I1,I2),但是由于I1,I2被观测到了,所以var仅为C1,C2,card 依旧为[26 26]——card表示随机变量的取值范围,而不是随机变量序号的取值范围,且要与之前对应。val则应该由两幅图的相似程度决定。所以这又是一个不能直接复制的factor,因为其与观测值有关。


 function factor = ComputeSimilarityFactor (images, K, i, j)
% This function computes the similarity factor between two character images
% in one word --- which characters is given by indices i and j (a
% description of how the factor should be computed is given below).
% Input:
% images: A struct array of character images from one word.
% K: The alphabet size.
% i,j: The scope of that factor. That is, you should construct a factor
% between characters i and j in the images array.
% Output:
% factor: The similarity factor between these two characters. For any
% assignment C_i != C_j, the factor value should be one. For any
% assignment C_i == C_j, the factor value should be
% ImageSimilarity(I_i, I_j) --- ie, the computed value given by
% ImageSimilarity.m on the two images.
% Copyright (C) Daphne Koller, Stanford University, 2012 factor = struct('var', [i j], 'card', [K K], 'val',ones(K*K,1));
for i_ = 1:K
for j_ = 1:K
indx_ = AssignmentToIndex([i_ j_],[K K]);
if(i_ == j_)
factor.val(indx_) = ImageSimilarity(images(i).img,images(j).img);
end % Your code here: end

  其中,ImageSimilarity 计算的是两幅图的相似程度,利用两幅图向量化后夹角的余弦进行量化。


 function factors = ComputeAllSimilarityFactors (images, K)
% This function computes all of the similarity factors for the images in
% one word.
% Input:
% images: An array of structs containing the 'img' value for each
% character in the word.
% K: The alphabet size (accessible in imageModel.K for the provided
% imageModel).
% Output:
% factors: Every similarity factor in the word. You should use
% ComputeSimilarityFactor to compute these.
% Copyright (C) Daphne Koller, Stanford University, 2012 n = length(images);
nFactors = nchoosek (n, 2); factors = repmat(struct('var', [], 'card', [K K], 'val', []), nFactors, 1); % Your code here:
num_factor_ =1;
for i = 1:n
for j = i+1:n
factors(num_factor_) = ComputeSimilarityFactor(images,K,i,j);
num_factor_ = num_factor_+1;


机器学习 —— 概率图模型(Homework: Representation)


 function factors = ChooseTopSimilarityFactors (allFactors, F)
% This function chooses the similarity factors with the highest similarity
% out of all the possibilities.
% Input:
% allFactors: An array of all the similarity factors.
% F: The number of factors to select.
% Output:
% factors: The F factors out of allFactors for which the similarity score
% is highest.
% Hint: Recall that the similarity score for two images will be in every
% factor table entry (for those two images' factor) where they are
% assigned the same character value.
% Copyright (C) Daphne Koller, Stanford University, 2012 % If there are fewer than F factors total, just return all of them.
if (length(allFactors) <= F)
factors = allFactors;
end % Your code here:
n_factors = length(allFactors);
n_img = max(allFactors(n_factors).var); start_ = n_factors-nchoosek(n_img,2)+1;
Similarity =[];
for i = start_ : n_factors
Similarity =[Similarity;i max(allFactors(i).val)];
end Similarity_paixu = sortrows(Similarity,-2);
factors_to_keep = Similarity_paixu(1:F,1);
factors_to_remove = setdiff(start_:n_factors,factors_to_keep);
factors = allFactors; %%% REMOVE THIS LINE end


  机器学习 —— 概率图模型(Homework: Representation)




机器学习 —— 概率图模型(Homework: Representation)    


  机器学习 —— 概率图模型(Homework: Representation)




